Poles length for skating

Skating is preferred not only by professional skiers, but also by amateurs. As soon as they managed to master the basic skills, many try to switch to skating. However, the question of the choice of sticks becomes relevant.
How long the supports should be for this style, how to choose them according to their height, and whether they can be shortened or lengthened on their own in order to fit under yourself - you will learn about this from the publication.

How to measure?
The maximum length of skating poles must be equal to the height of the athlete - these are international rules. The FIS (International Ski Federation) has defined this parameter for other types of skiing, but in skating, the poles are longer than, say, in classical or other types.
This is due to the peculiarities of skating on the ski track. By the way, the height for the skating course is measured from the place where the lanyard is attached. It is this point that serves as the beginning of measurements. Usually, for this type of skiing, sticks are chosen that are 20 cm less than the height of the skier.

Selection by height
Why is it so important to follow the rules for choosing ski poles based on a person's height? Because the height of the supports affects coordination and the development of balanced technique when riding. And if the professionals have already worked this out, for beginner amateurs, the size of the poles and the size of the skis play an important role in their endeavor. Excessive length of the supports leads to the fact that the load is distributed unevenly over the body, as a result, the lower limbs "sag", and the shoulder region is under tension. This imbalance negatively affects the condition of the athlete, and he does not get the proper satisfaction from skating.
Low supports, on the contrary, do not allow the shoulder girdle muscle group to engage in the work. These moments are typical for both classic skating and skating. But if for the classic version of sliding the sticks are usually chosen 25-30 centimeters lower than the height of the athlete, then with the skating course they are longer - only 15-20 cm less than the height of the skater. By the way, as far as skis are concerned, on the contrary: in the “classic” version they are 10 centimeters longer. Thus, the calculation is simple, choosing the desired pole height is not difficult, as well as choosing the right size of skis.

Here is the optimal formula for determining the length of the poles by height: the height of a person is minus 15-20 centimeters, and we get the length of the ski supports for skating. For example, with a height of 1 m 70 cm, we buy sticks 1 m 50 (55) cm long. According to some ski experts, there is a more accurate formula for determining the height of the sticks. In this case, the height of the skier is multiplied by a factor of 0.9 and the exact length of the supports is obtained (taking into account that the height of the poles is measured before attaching the lanyard).
So, with a height of 1 m 70 cm, a skier will need sticks 1 m 53 cm long. Choosing support equipment according to this formula, you definitely do not violate the requirements of the International Ski Federation, as experts believe. Manufacturers usually indicate the length on the poles themselves, but it should be noted that this is an indicator of the entire height of the support - from start to finish. But according to the official version of the same ski federation, the length of the poles is measured from the lanyard attachment on the upper part to the lower tip.

To be accurate in calculations, the height of the skier is taken when he is already in the boots. If these nuances seem unimportant to someone, then this is not entirely true. Calibrated accuracy is important when distributing the load both on the human body and on the sliding surface of the skis.
It is not difficult to follow the indicated rules when choosing ski poles, and accurate calculations can be made quite quickly, having a calculator at hand (there is in every smartphone, iPhone and other gadgets that we carry on a daily basis).

How to grow and shorten?
You can adjust the length of the ski poles yourself. This is done quite simply, and many people use such methods. That is, when you need to remove the length, they are shortened, and when you need to increase the size, they are increased. The more popular first method, which we will dwell on in more detail.
You will need the following tools to trim the sticks:
- a hacksaw for metal (she can cut off any material from which the stick is made);
- hair dryer (construction) or boiling water;
- hot melt glue;
- insulating tape or tape (masking).

Ski poles are only trimmed from the upper side (from the handle). The bottom of the support is not touched, since its structure can be violated (it is narrowed from below). Removing the foot will damage the product. And to shorten the ski pole, put it on your hand, in this position, measure the desired length, and mark for yourself a mark by how many centimeters you need to cut it. Be sure to measure with the handle on, as each handle has a different fit.
By the way, you do not remove the handle itself, you remove it and then insert it back. It can be removed quite easily, since it is planted on hot melt - that is, it is enough to dip it into very hot water, or warm it up with a construction hairdryer.

The procedure for heating the handle should be quite delicate so as not to melt the upper layer of the handle, therefore, when dipped in boiling water, it is wrapped in a film (or wrapped in a bag), and when heated externally, the stick is constantly turned so that the flow of hot air does not linger in one area. After removing the handle and sawing off the excess length, the place of the saw is wrapped with tape or electrical tape. To reinstall the handle, apply some hot melt glue and return the element to its original position. In the case when you hesitated, and did not have time to carry out this work in a timely manner, and the glue froze, warm it up with a hairdryer, and proceed to the planned action.
You can enlarge the ski pole with special pins, they are made for the required diameter in such a way that they fit onto the main tube (you can also insert them). For fixing, use a gun with silicone glue. Well, how to remove, cut and put on the handle again - this is described above.
For information on how to properly extend ski poles, see the next video.