Features of plastic skis

It is not so important for what purpose the skis are selected. It can be both an ordinary family vacation, and sports at a high level. Any skis must be of high quality, reliable and comfortable. Plastic models are very popular today. Let's talk about their features in this article.

Advantages and disadvantages
The sporting goods market enables the current buyer to pick up absolutely any sporting equipment and accessories. For winter sports enthusiasts, there are many high quality, practical and reliable skis. Recently, copies made of plastic are very popular.
These types of skis are produced by many well-known brands.

Plastic skis have their pros and cons, which should be considered before buying. First, let's look at the advantages of these products.
- These types of sports equipment are characterized by low weight. Skiing is not so difficult, the person gets tired less.
- Despite the fact that plastic skis are lightweight, this does not prevent them from being strong enough. The designs of such products are reliable, strong and durable. They are not as easy to break as they might seem at first glance.
- Plastic models are flexible, which protects them from possible damage during use.
- Modern models of high-quality plastic skis attract winter sports enthusiasts because they are not afraid of moisture. Constantly in contact with snow-covered surfaces, such products do not begin to rot, quickly wear out or deform.
- High-quality plastic skis are capable of retaining lubrication, but they can glide well without it.
- Plastic skis can be used in thaw conditions or on a hard track. For such situations, you should still use a special lubricant.

Plastic skis also have certain disadvantages.
- There are models with notches. Their main disadvantage is their slow travel speed.
- Some models of the skis in question are equipped with plastic straps. It is not convenient for all users to fasten them in frosty conditions.
- According to many, plastic skis are too slippery, which makes them slightly difficult to operate.
Such sporting goods have no other serious drawbacks.
Most of the disadvantages seen for such products are purely individual and subjective.

Comparison with other species
Many novice skiers are interested in which skis are better - plastic or wooden. The main advantages of plastic products are their high elasticity and strength. As for wood equipment, it can be broken if you step on the bow of the structure. Such problems do not arise when using plastic products.

In addition, skis made of plastic do not need to be ground regularly, they provide faster travel speeds and generally last longer than wooden models.

It is worth distinguishing between the parameters of plastic and semi-plastic types of skis. The fact is that semi-plastic copies are the same models made of wood, but with a plastic plate applied to them.
That is why these types are heavier than wooden ones.

To distinguish semi-plastic skis from plastic skis, just compare their weight. Plastic products will weigh much less. In addition, semi-plastic specimens do not have the same level of elasticity, which makes them easier to break.

What are they?
Let's get acquainted with the different types of plastic skis sold in modern sporting goods stores.
- Cross-country or racing. These types of plastic structures are designed specifically for high speed enthusiasts, as well as for more experienced athletes. These types are used on specially prepared tracks.

- Walking. Amateur options, suitable for riding in the park. Very expensive materials are not used in the production of these models. The simplest production technologies are used. The width of the walking models is wider than that of the running models.

- Tourist. These are wide plastic skis of high quality, which are additionally reinforced with metal elements along the entire perimeter. The considered types of skis are intended for movement in off-road conditions in forest areas where there are no ski tracks and prepared clean tracks. These models are most common among tourists.

- Hunting. Excellent products for winter hunting enthusiasts. They are characterized by impressive widths compared to the "amateur" options. Thanks to these features, hunting skis can be used even against a background of loose snow.

- Baby. Today, you can find on sale not only adults, but also high-quality plastic skis for the little ones. Large manufacturers produce first-class products for children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and over. These models are shorter and offer excellent stability and handling.

Nuances of choice
Let's figure out the main criteria based on which it will be possible to choose the right plastic skis.
- Length. One of the most important parameters affecting the speed of a skier. The choice of the optimal indicator depends on the height and weight of the user. The more impressive these values are, the longer the equipment should be.
- The degree of hardness. This is a parameter indicating the degree of ski flexibility. The lower it is, the less "aggressive" the structure is.
- Turning radius. Marking that indicates the level of rotation speed of products. The more impressive this figure is, the slower the turn will be. It is recommended for beginners to give preference to specimens with a parameter of 14-16 m, for a child - up to 20 m. Experienced skiers can safely test options with high agility.
- Geometry characteristics. The wide toe of the ski makes it more stable, and the narrower simplifies the process of edging. Models with a wide heel should be used by experienced skiers. The middle part of the products affects their passability. For beginner athletes, this parameter should not be more than 75 cm.
- Steel edging. The element that provides the rigidity of the skis. In inexpensive models, it is thicker. In high-quality and expensive models, there is a flexible edging, which improves the riding process.

Today's skiing enthusiasts can find any suitable model of plastic equipment for themselves. Today, a lot of practical copies are produced, suitable for people of any height - 150, 168, 170 and more cm.

Care rules
Let's get acquainted with the basic rules for the care of plastic equipment.
- Such products must be properly lubricated. Before applying the ointment, skis must be freed as thoroughly as possible from absolutely all contaminants. The old grease must be removed. The skis are then dried.
- Solid ointment is applied to skis in 2-3 layers. Each of them requires careful rubbing with a cork. Next, the compositions must be cooled for 30 minutes in outdoor temperatures.
- If the riding style is classic, then it is advisable to apply the lubricant only on the bow or stern of the equipment, based on the tasks and goals.
- The lubricant must be completely isolated from the effects of humid air and snow, otherwise all of its properties will be lost.
With proper care and timely lubrication, sports equipment will last a very long time without causing the slightest problem.

Storage tips
It is not enough just to properly lubricate sports equipment - it still needs to be stored properly. Let's take a look at some tips for storing plastic skis at home.
- It is imperative to remove all the dirt that has appeared from the surface of plastic products. After that, the skis are wiped dry, dried.
- A cotton pad moistened with gasoline is taken. Through such a device, it will be possible to easily and without unnecessary problems remove the old grease from the surface of the products.
- The underside of the plastic sports equipment is sanded with a metal scraper. This should be done clearly in the direction from the bow to the stern. The scraper must be held at a slight angle (no more than 20 degrees).
- After the process of roughly leveling the ski surfaces is completed, you need to walk over them with ordinary sandpaper. At the next stage, you need to take a cotton pad again, moisten it in gasoline. The disc is carefully wiped over plastic products.
- Before sending skis to storage, they should be treated with paraffin. It must be fresh. In order for the applied composition to melt, you will need to gently walk with an iron.
- Metal parts and fasteners are treated with petroleum jelly, and leather parts - with shoe cream.
- Prepared plastic skis are connected with rubber bands or clamps. A special spacer or a piece of foam is placed between the blocks of the two products so that the equipment does not deform.
- It is recommended to store inventory in a dark place, for example, in a closet. The temperature should be room temperature, the sun should not fall on the skis.