The making of Ariana Grande's makeup

Makeup trends change as quickly as in any other area. Each season brings new, trendy, vibrant images, styles and techniques. A well-done makeup works wonders. Not only can he hide flaws, but he can also help you turn into a real celebrity.
Today we will try to create makeup in the style of Ariana Grande step by step, consider the features of the features characteristic of her face type, reveal cool life hacks, and share useful recommendations.

Ariana Grande is a 27-year-old American singer, producer, songwriter, and winner of the most honorable Grammy award. Ariana became famous not so long ago, but in such a short time she managed to win the love of people with her beautiful voice, kindness and boundless love for her fans.
Ariana Grande has over 230 million Instagram followers who tirelessly emulate her doll-like looks, flamboyant looks and polished makeup.

Before we start creating makeup in the style of Ariana Grande, let's highlight its main features:
perfect face tone;
branded graphic arrows;
clear, but at the same time natural eyebrows;
beautiful, bronze tan;
nude lipsticks or lip glosses.

How to do it step by step?
Seeing a beautiful picture on TV screens, it seems that the stars have perfect skin and hair. But in fact, this is not so. Each media personality has a whole team of makeup artists and stylists who create ideal images for them. If you disassemble the images on the "shelves", it turns out that in fact they are not difficult to repeat.
Next, we will analyze the main stages of Ariana Grande's makeup so that anyone can do it at home.

It is not difficult to achieve the ideal tone, you just need to adhere to the following stages of working with the face.
Thoroughly cleanse the skin. We wash our face or wipe it with micellar water. Important: micellar water must be neutralized with a tonic. We must select a tonic for the type of your skin, otherwise there will be no effect from it. If your skin is dry, choose a moisturizing toner, if your skin has enlarged pores and tends to oily, choose a toner that narrows the pores, but at the same time moisturizes the skin. Do not wipe oily skin with drying agents, as this will cause excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

- We moisturize the skin... Moisturizing the skin also takes place in several stages. Serum - any serum suitable for your skin type, it is best if it contains hyaluronic acid. Next, a moisturizer, then a primer - it is necessary to even out the skin tone, making it silky. In our case, we need a base with highlights, as Ariana prefers glowing skin.

- Tonal basis. Don't be reminded that the foundation needs to be matched to your skin tone. On fair-skinned girls, a dark tone looks ridiculous, as on swarthy girls - a light one. When choosing a tonal base, one should adhere to the main rule - the tonal base should be the same tone as the neck so that there is no sharp contrast. We distribute the tone over the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, with a synthetic brush, with light, hammering movements. If there is no brush, it's not scary, you can apply it with your fingers, the main thing is to distribute the tonal base evenly, without stripes. Can also be applied with a sponge. If you want a lighter coverage, wet and squeeze the sponge well, if you want a thicker one, apply with a dry sponge.

- We hide the blue, and also highlight the area under the eyes with concealer. You can spread the concealer with a special small fluffy brush or with your fingers if you don't have a brush. Be sure to powder the concealer so that it does not roll off.

- Contouring... Ariana's makeup artists pay special attention to contouring - they highlight the cheekbones, chin, darken the side parts of the forehead, and also give a beautiful tanning effect with the help of a bronzer. With a peach shade, we go along the protruding part of the cheekbone, lightly go along the wings of the nose and the area above the temples, and with the help of a highlighter we give a beautiful shine to the protruding areas: the cheekbones, the area under the eyebrow, we lightly go along the upper lip.

That's it, the perfect Ariana Grande tone is ready.
Eye makeup is Ariana's calling card. Everyone knows the famous elongated arrows that beautifully extend Ari's eyes.
Any girl can draw the same for herself, observing only a few rules.
Prepare the eyelid... Many people skip this stage, considering it unnecessary, but this is wrong, since prepared skin is the key to beautiful shading, as well as the durability of eye makeup. So, you can prepare the skin using a special primer for the eyes, and if there is none, you can tint the eyelid with a concealer or foundation.

- Work out the orbital and movable eyelid with dry shadows. We work on the orbital with brown shadows, pulling the end of the shading to the temple in order to visually stretch the eye. The movable eyelid can be worked out in nude shades, light brown, pink or peach shades are suitable. Shadows with shimmery flecks are also harmoniously combined with black arrows.

- Draw arrows. For graphical arrows like Ariana's, a simple black pencil will not be enough, it is best to use a gel eyeliner. So, we put the guide of our arrow, the tip should look towards the temple, then we draw from the tip of the arrow to the base of the growth of the eyelashes, fill in the entire eyelash row. To prevent your hand from trembling when drawing an arrow, you can apply the following life hack - lean your elbow on a stable surface. For a deeper look, fill in the space between the eyelashes with a black pencil.

- We paint over the eyelashes with mascara. If you like the effect of long and thick eyelashes, false ones can be used.

Eye makeup cannot be called complete without eyebrow shaping. To do this, comb the eyebrows with a brush and a special eyebrow gel.
If there are gaps, draw the hairs pointwise with light movements. The pencil should be no darker than the shade of your eyebrows.

Bright and juicy colors are rarely seen on Ariana's lips. She prefers nude lipsticks and lip glosses. Most likely, this trick is done in order not to distract attention from such gorgeous arrows.
So, lip makeup consists of 3 stages:
drawing a contour with a pencil;
applying lipstick or gloss.

Keep working materials clean. Brushes and sponges must be clean. This is especially true for brushes for creamy textures, they must be washed after each use. A lot of bacteria multiply on used brushes, which can subsequently cause inflammation on the skin of the face, acne and blackheads.
Give up the graphic eyebrows, they are outdated for a long time. Beautifully combed eyebrows are the trend now.
If you have small eyes by nature, no need to supply the lower mucous membrane, as this will visually make them smaller.
If there is peeling on the skin, do not overlap them with a tonal base, as this will make them stand out more, it is better to go over them with a little concealer.

Beautiful examples
Consider some of the most striking images of Ariana.
The singer's stylists did a great job creating her image for the Grammy Award. Perfect face tone, clear contouring, chic arrows, a slightly worked eyelid, caramel gloss on the lips, and, of course, a high tail. The chic, airy gray dress and high gloves were not left without attention.

- The second image of Ariana stands out for her unusual red lipstick on her lips.... However, despite the presence of both arrows and red lips in the image, it is not overloaded and looks quite harmonious.

- The image of the "Fairy". Bright holographic arrows, framing the eyes like butterfly wings, became the subject of discussion among Ariana's followers on Instagram.