All about eyebrow makeup

Eyebrows are involved in the formation of facial expressions, facial expressions and emphasize the beauty of the eyes, which is why it is so important to keep them in order. For eyebrow care, make-up is a powerful tool, which in recent years is increasingly approaching natural shapes and tones. Up-to-date techniques and the main secrets of caring for any shape help any woman to look fashionable, modern and irresistible. Great appearance creates more opportunities for communication and confidence in their own success.

Fundamental rules
If you want to form an ideal eyebrow line, you should proceed from individual characteristics, the shape of the face oval, the color of the skin and hair. Not every eyebrow makeup option from a photo of a popular model or favorite actress is suitable for a specific face type.
- The eyebrows should not be highlighted and their gorgeous lines should be created separately from all other details of the appearance. Makeup is needed to balance disproportionate parts of the face, such as a heavy chin or small eyes, rather than add a foreign element to them.

- Before plucking excess hairs in the eyebrow area, it is useful to take a hot shower to warm up the pores and gain moisture.... In this case, the procedure will be less painful and more disinfected. In order not to pull out excess hairs and achieve symmetry, you can use stencils that outline with a pencil along the contour, and then proceed to remove those hairs that are behind the line. The tweezers should be held at a 45-degree angle to the surface of the skin and pull the hairs in the direction of their growth.

- With regard to color, one cannot adhere to one rule, since with different hair tones and skin colors, it is necessary to select the most natural colors.... However, for brunettes, it is usually recommended to lighten the eyebrow hairs by 1-2 tones so that they do not seem thick, heavy and do not age the owner. For blondes, on the contrary, the color of the eyebrows should become a couple of tones stronger and emphasize too soft lines.

- Natural brows are always slightly darker in the middle of the curve and at the end... The interior areas usually appear sparser and lighter in color. The same principle must be followed when creating natural makeup. To fix the coloring agents, a special wax or gel is used.
The beginning of the eyebrow can be determined by drawing up from the middle of the nostril a line parallel to the nose.

What is necessary?
In fashion, an ecological style is increasingly being established, in which everything natural and fresh is considered beautiful. The most changeable part of the face is the eyebrows, which can be changed beyond recognition with the least pain and without assistance. But those who are just starting to improve their appearance should avoid fanaticism.

Forms given by nature are not always ideal in lines and symmetry, therefore do not strive to scrupulously remove all unnecessary hairs and give the face drawing accuracy. First, you need to determine the type of face and choose a suitable shape that will not disturb the original too much, but only correct it. In modern eyebrow shaping, the best tools are:
- a thread;
- shugaring;
- wax;
- tweezers.

You can take the advice of an experienced makeup artist to find the most suitable and non-allergenic way to tweak and dye your eyebrows.
In order to do make-up at home, you may need special eyebrow pencils, brushes, gel, shadows.

Shape correction
It is possible to choose the shape of the eyebrows corresponding to the type of face, emphasizing the best individual features, according to certain rules. They can be classic, emphatically natural, exquisitely aristocratic, straight or boldly raised.
Smoothly curved eyebrows will suit the owners of an elongated face oval, which will visually shorten it, make it more mysterious and graceful. The more elongated the face, the more the bend of the eyebrows should be indicated, but it is better to stop before the line begins to give the look too evil an expression.

Women with a wide, almost square shape of the lower jaw often consider this their disadvantage and dream of smoothing out rough features a little. The angular oval is slightly concealed by the high, gently rounded shape of the eyebrows. The wider the eyebrows are stretched in the area near the temples, the less visually the cheekbones will appear. At the same time, make-up and adjustments should look as natural and even deliberately unkempt.

A face that is too round, on the contrary, needs clear lines and accents. The correct makeup in the eyebrow area in this case can have a decisive impact on the entire look. A raised curve, formed by a break in the middle, will give the face a contrast through the angularity.
The highest point of the eyebrow, for visual narrowing of the oval, should be located as close to the bridge of the nose as possible.

The triangular shape of a woman's face will appear less pointed downwards if balanced by the smooth and gently rounded shape of the eyebrows. Long, sweeping eyebrows should be shortened slightly so that they do not widen the upper part of the face further.

How to do it step by step?
In order not to face the constant need to find time to visit a good specialist, you can master the types of self-correction of your eyebrows and their coloring.
- The basics of the basic technique begin with determining the shape of the eyebrows that will suit a particular face contour. Ideal lines can be drawn correctly, starting from the mark of three main points in the region of the browbone - this is the beginning at the bridge of the nose, the peak at the highest point and the end before the beginning of the temple. These points are connected with each other using a cosmetic pencil, including the bottom line.

- After that, all the hairs remaining outside the inner space bounded by the lines are removed in the chosen way. Women more often use for these purposes the familiar and easily accessible method of plucking eyebrows with tweezers. This tool can capture even the finest hairs, which helps to create fairly neat lines.

- Some master professional and more complex methods, including correction with thread, shugaring, wax plates and others offered in beauty salons. To tweak your eyebrows at home, you will need good quality stainless steel tweezers. In addition to durability, among its positive qualities there is also a neutral effect on the skin, which is least irritated by such interaction.

- To make the procedure less painful, you can take turns applying a small heating pad with ice from the refrigerator to the eyebrow area.... After removing excess hair, you can also reduce the swelling with ice and treat the reddish spots with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to prevent infection.

When choosing the right shade, it is necessary to take into account some features. So, blondes will go to dye their eyebrows 1-2 tones darker than the roots of the hair on the head.
Brunettes need to think about the softer look that lightens the eyebrow hairs.

To create the perfect make-up for people with low eyebrows, apply it at some distance from the mirror so that you can see the whole face and how the accent drawing changes its expression. In addition, it is easier to achieve symmetry of both eyebrows. Every woman, using an experiment, selects suitable cosmetics for herself, among which the most common are special eyeshadows and a cosmetic pencil.
- Dyeing eyebrows with shadows turns out to be a little more difficult than using a pencil. A dry, compact eyeshadow is applied daily to the hair with a stiff and beveled brush. First you need to outline the shape with a thin line, and then pick up dry shadows with a brush, holding a napkin in your hands to remove excess and pellets. Most often, shadows are sold in two or three tones, to start from the bridge of the nose with lighter ones, and move to darker shades towards the middle and end. After applying the eyeshadow, you should comb the brows along their entire length with a brush to style the hairs in one direction.

- When dyeing eyebrows with a pencil, all the hairs are first combed up with a brush. The border on the lower line is marked immediately with a thinner line, then the hairs in the same way go down, and the upper line is drawn. To speed up the work and more symmetry, it is better to duplicate all actions in stages. It remains to add with small strokes the density of the hairs inside the eyebrows. Then draw a line under the lower border of the eyebrow with a light corrective agent to shade it. Preservation of long-lasting make-up is done by combing the eyebrows with a gel brush.

Beautiful examples
- Red-haired it is especially difficult for ladies to choose an eyebrow shade for pale pinkish skin. But a little ashy eyeshadow or pencil can help neutralize unwanted contrast.

- Owner fair-haired hair may not be afraid to create an overly dark shade if you use products based on powder.

For three eyebrow makeup techniques, see the next video.