All about color makeup

With the onset of spring, everything around blooms and smells, so women also want to make their image brighter and more relaxed. Some limit themselves to the choice of colored clothes, and especially the bold begin to apply makeup in luscious shades. From the material of this article, you will learn about the principles of applying cosmetics, and also get acquainted with the options for a color make-up, classified by eye color.

Advantages and disadvantages
There are three options for placing accents: eyes, lips and eyebrows. We propose to consider in more detail the options for creating colored makeup with various accents, as well as their pros and cons.
- By the eyes. When choosing bright, multi-colored eye makeup, you need to balance it with pastel and neutral shades for lips and eyebrows. For example, if you chose eyeshadows in blue shades and black mascara, then the lipstick should be soft beige or light pink. It is better not to dye your eyebrows at all, just comb them with a brush, giving a neat shape. The positive side of bright shadows is a piercing gaze that will not leave indifferent people around you.
With frequent use of an accent on the eyes, the negative side of such makeup appears - due to the constant ingress of particles of cosmetics, inflammation of the mucous membrane can occur.

- On the lips. Bright lipstick instantly attracts the eye, so eye makeup should be more restrained, but no less striking, so that the look is not "lost" against the background of the lips. When choosing a lipstick in a bright or deeply dark shade, it is best to choose several shades of eyeshadow: light with sparkles for the upper eyelid and dark for the lower.Using this set of makeup, you will create a colored smoky ice that is not as striking as the classic one, but at the same time it is bright enough to match the accent on the lips.
Plus a make-up with bright lipstick and neutral multi-colored shadows is the creation of a sexy look. The downside of this make-up is that it is suitable only for evening and informal meetings - such an appearance is unacceptable for everyday use.

- On the eyebrows. The accent on the eyebrows is used to emphasize the domineering and extravagant character. Eyebrows can be either dark with clear angles or colored with a soft shape, such as a light blue or blue tint. For such a make-up, it is better to use multi-colored matte shadows - they will emphasize the look, but retain the emphasis on the eyebrows.
The good thing about bright eyebrows is that you can wrap your look in a special charm and give your expression a certain mood. The disadvantage of makeup is that it is suitable only for special occasions - in everyday life, a bright accent on the eyebrows may seem defiant to people around them.

Basic rules for creation
Colored makeup involves the use of rich, expressive colors, so before applying makeup, you need to learn how to place accents as described above. To make a multi-colored make-up look appropriate in the daytime, you need to balance the luscious shades of eyeshadow and eyeliner with a neutral beige or light pink lipstick. For evening make-up, you can use brighter shades of lipstick, but it must be combined with the rest of the applied makeup.
An excellent example of a successful combination of bright cosmetics is shadows in a red-brown palette, black eyeliner and dark cherry lipstick.

If you use cosmetics with predominantly red and pink shades, it must be remembered that they are very striking. So that such makeup does not look vulgar, carefully correct all facial skin imperfections - darkening under the eyes, skin redness and age spots. Otherwise, juicy pink-red colors will accentuate the flaws, and the makeup will turn out to be unsuccessful.
Also, to avoid flattening your face as a result of evening out skin tone, use a soft or radiant blush.

Eye color ideas
Every woman has her own special beauty, and in order to emphasize this beauty, it is necessary to choose the right cosmetics. To create a successful make-up, professional makeup artists choose colored shadows, eyeliner and mascara so that they emphasize the color of the eyes, and do not overshadow it. We suggest considering several ideas for applying makeup, depending on the color of the eyes.

For owners of blue eyes, purple, bronze, brown and blue shades of shadows are great. To draw arrows, you can choose a pencil or eyeliner in the following shades: gold, blue and orange. Blue eyes are very bright and perceptive, so you can create makeup with an accent on the eyes by choosing bright, multi-colored eyeshadows and a light shade of lipstick. So that the bright iris does not lose its charm, it is better to refuse to use red cosmetics on the upper eyelid.
An interesting makeup option for blue-eyed women is using a luscious blue eyeliner. Gradually applied gray, blue and purple shadows draw the attention of others to the eyes, and a bright pencil, which is applied to the lower eyelid, is shaded in the iris, making the look more piercing and deep.
This makeup is created with an emphasis on the eyes, so a light shade of lipstick and an eyebrow pencil will suit it, which will simply emphasize their shape.

Owners of an iris of a rich chocolate shade are naturally endowed with a languid and seductive look. For such girls, shadows of warm shades are suitable - red, yellow, cherry, purple and burgundy, as well as shades of green and blue. Shining cosmetics with glitters and a moist effect beautifully emphasize the shine in the look. Depending on the chosen palette of eyeshadow colors, brown-eyed girls can use eyeliner in yellow, purple and blue colors.
A beautiful makeup idea for brown-eyed girls - with red-burgundy shadows and black arrows. Additionally, such an evening look is emphasized by cosmetics applied to the lower eyelid and the inner corner of the eyes.
Saturated shades of shadows envelop with a seductive aura that will definitely not leave those around you indifferent.

Girls with a gray iris have the lightest look, so make-up should be as simple and light as possible. Cosmetics can be used in almost any color, except for red and burgundy. Best of all, the radiant color of the iris is emphasized by the following shades: silver, gray, green and matte shades of blue. The color make-up looks good with yellow, orange and turquoise shadows.
Makeup looks great, in which colored cosmetics occupies only part of the space - it creates an unusual eye-catching accent. Light blue shadows applied near the inner corner of the eyes are gradually replaced by silver and dark gray shades. On the lower eyelid, the blue makeup smoothly continues with black shadows, creating harmony with the neat black arrows.
Such a make-up can be supplemented with light lipstick and boldly worn every day, or make it an evening one, creating an accent on the lips.

For women with grassy-boggy eyes, a combination of blue, blue and gray shades is great. Colored makeup suits them the most, because their eyes initially have a natural color. Green is the color of life on earth, and most of the shades we know appear against a green background. The face of a girl with green eyes will look great with both warm and cold shades of makeup.
An interesting idea for an evening make-up is to create a smooth transition from shining light sequins to a dark purple shade. The shiny white color on the inner corner will visually enlarge the eyes and give them a romantic sparkle.
The makeup will look complete if neat arrows are drawn over the smooth transition with black eyeliner, creating a clear border between the multi-colored shadows and the eyeball.

Beautiful examples
Every girl wants to add bright colors to her image for various reasons: when there is a dull winter around, a blooming spring, or a turning point has come in life. These beautiful options will help you get inspired to create colored makeup:
- light colors - very light and unobtrusive make-up, suitable for everyday wear;

- blue-purple shades - a popular eye shadow combination suitable for energetic girls;

- multi-colored makeup - the abundance of colors is suitable for summer festivals and celebrations;

- accent on the eyelashes - bright blue eyelashes in combination with purple shadows give out a bold and decisive personality in the wearer;

- Colored arrows are a great option for girls who are tired of the usual black arrows.

The following video will tell you how to do colored makeup.