Makeup for children

Makeup for girls 10 years old

Makeup for girls 10 years old
  1. Fundamental rules
  2. School options
  3. Holiday Makeup Ideas
  4. Beautiful examples

Girls at any age want to look beautiful. For these purposes, young women of fashion can resort to the use of suitable decorative cosmetics. There are tons of great light and eye-catching makeup options for girls as young as 10.

Fundamental rules

The girl, who is only 10 years old, still has a very thin protective layer of skin. Due to the application of decorative cosmetic products, early acne may appear, which often spoil the appearance for almost a lifetime. If you follow a number of basic rules for applying baby makeup, then the occurrence of such problems will be reduced to zero.

  • We must not forget that At the age of 10, the child does not need cosmetics such as foundation or foundation. The little girl's skin is already quite delicate, even and smooth. You can just lightly powder your face so that it does not show excess shine.

If you still want to trim the skin tone, then it is better to use baby cream, mixing it with a very small amount of the lightest "tonal".

  • The cheeks of young women of fashion can be browned with peach or pinkish blush. The use of products with a slight flickering effect is also not prohibited.
  • Girls under the age of 10 can be referred to eye makeup. There are several acceptable options for its implementation. You can use natural brown or taupe mascara, nude or pale pink eyeshadows. If the make-up is applied for some event or holiday, then you can put some interesting pattern on the baby's face, for example, a butterfly, flower or pattern.It is allowed to apply colored and bright mascara to the eyelashes, use shimmery sparkles.

For these purposes, it is allowed to use only special paints with a safe composition.

  • The lips of a young fashionista can be emphasized with a light gloss or lipstick of a delicate shade, but it is better to apply the simplest olive oil. It can be mixed with a little dry glitter and then applied to the lips with a brush or finger. Thus, it will be possible to achieve not only a very beautiful gloss, but also additional protection and hydration of children's lips.

Makeup for a girl at the age of 10 must be sold using environmentally friendly cosmetics. It is advisable to use branded products that have a natural composition. If you do not follow this simple rule, baby skin can react badly to the products used.

As a rule, irritation, itching and various inflammations appear on young skin from unsuitable or low-quality cosmetics.

School options

Choosing the right and attractive makeup for going to school in grade 3 or 4 needs to be especially careful and deliberate. We must not forget that the leadership of educational institutions imposes certain requirements on the appearance of their students, which they must meet. This does not mean that the young fashionista cannot use any cosmetics. You just need to pick them up carefully.

The simplest version of an aesthetic and light make-up, the creation of which will be extremely simple even for beginners, is done as follows.

  1. It is enough to use the lightest gel or special eyebrow gloss. They need to be combed and tidied up.
  2. You can paint with lip products. Unobtrusive children's lipsticks in pale pink or coral shades are ideal.

For the school, you should not make a bright and expressive make-up. It is enough to use the scheme described above, or even apply only a colorless or pink sheen to the lips. This will be enough.

Holiday Makeup Ideas

For schoolwork, a young fashionista is strongly discouraged from applying a large amount of decorative cosmetics, however, in the case of New Year's holidays, birthdays and other similar occasions, brighter make-ups can be made.

A festive make-up allows you to turn to rich, juicy and even extravagant palettes. If makeup is done for the New Years, then you can use a beautiful shimmering powder with shining particles. She will make the image of a 10-year-old girl truly irresistible.

It is advisable to focus on the eyes in a festive make-up. You can use lipstick, but it will look more appropriate on young girls and teenagers.

For a 10-year-old girl's holiday make-up, it is better to use a clear lip gel. Bright red or pink lipstick can be used for ceremonial balls, but visually similar cosmetics make the child older. In some cases, such lipsticks are added for 5-10 years.

For appropriate occasions, a 10-year-old girl can use mascara. At this age, it is better not to use black, but natural brown will do. Even for the holidays, you do not need to apply brown, gray, white or black eyeliner, since this piece of decorative cosmetics is suitable only for adult girls.

For a festive setting, a more original make-up made with face painting is also suitable. Such options for a non-standard make-up are more suitable for a variety of children's and themed holidays. Applying all the necessary products does not harm children's skin in any way. Face painting can completely cover the entire face and neck of a young fashionista. Of course, such an unusual make-up is suitable exclusively for the holidays: it cannot be applied for school.

Beautiful examples

There are tons of cool options for attractive and light makeup for girls as young as 10. Let's look at some beautiful and neat examples of suitable make-ups for young fashionistas.

  • The simplest and most accurate should be girls' make-ups, intended for attending school or classes in different circles. For such an occasion, you do not need to select various shadows, mascara or beautiful sparkles. It is quite enough to gently comb the eyebrows and apply a soft pink or transparent gloss to the lips. You don't need to apply anything to even out the skin tone.

If you really want to, you can use a baby moisturizer: that will be enough.

  • For some holiday, performance or photo shoot, you can apply discreet peach blush just below the cheekbone line, black mascara (1 layer is enough), nude shadows that turn into a darker shade closer to the outer edge of the eye on the child's face. Coral or light orange lipstick with an unobtrusive shine will complete such an elegant and spectacular look.
  • An expressive and very beautiful make-up for teenage girls can be realized with the application of dark shades. We are talking about well-shaded shadows of charcoal or dark blue, as well as black mascara in one layer. At the same time, peach or pale coral blush on the cheeks and nude or lipstick in natural shades will look good. Together with coral nail polish, the image will come out harmonious and attractive. It should be complemented with a spectacular hairstyle and a festive dress.

Such ensembles are more suitable for various celebrations or performances.

For information on how to put on makeup for a girl at 10 years old, see the next video.

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