Makeup for children

All About Teen Makeup

All About Teen Makeup
  1. Features of creation
  2. Choice of cosmetics
  3. Step by step application
  4. Overview of options
  5. Beautiful examples

Teenage girls, like adult women, strive to take care of themselves and always look beautiful. At the age of 12-13, they already start to get interested in makeup. At this time, it is very important to collect a cosmetic bag for a teenager with ideal products for him, as well as teach the young beauty to use them correctly.

Features of creation

For the first make-up to be beautiful, a teenager needs to adhere to simple rules.

  • Take care of your skin. For natural makeup to always look beautiful, girls must have smooth skin. To do this, you must regularly wash your face using cleansing milk or gel, and also wipe your face with a tonic. Apply a light moisturizer or gel to your face daily. Once or twice a week, the skin should be cleaned with a scrub or peeling. In this case, it will be even perfect.
  • Treat all rashes. Most teenagers have pimples and various rashes on their faces. They should not only be masked with a thick layer of foundation, but also treated. For this, it is recommended to use high-quality pharmaceutical products.
  • Moisturize skin before applying makeup. Before using any cosmetics, the face must be moisturized. Additionally, a quality primer can be applied to the skin. This product allows you to increase the hold-up of your make-up.
  • Have your own set of cosmetics. A teenager should not wear mom or sister makeup. This is unhygienic and inconvenient. A product for a teenager must be selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of his skin.
  • Do not copy someone else's style. You should not do makeup, imitating some person, because a make-up that looks great on a blonde is not at all suitable for a brunette. It is better to create an individual style for yourself and try to always emphasize the advantages of your appearance.
  • Choose the right makeup shades. The first teenage make-up is recommended to be performed in light colors. Shades of brown, beige, gray and pink will help emphasize the tenderness and attractiveness of the teenager's appearance.
  • Remember to wash off your makeup. In order for the skin to always remain healthy and beautiful, cosmetics must be washed off at night. This should be done using special milk, foam or any other suitable product. After using such a product, the face should be rinsed with clean warm water.

Once you've learned how to use basic makeup, you can add brighter products to your makeup bag.

The main thing is that they fit a young girl and be of very high quality.

Choice of cosmetics

Teenage girls require a lot less makeup than an adult woman. The beauty bag of a young beauty should contain the following products.

  • Concealer. It is better for adolescents to refuse to use dense tonal creams and powders. These foods will clog your pores. This can cause pimples and blackheads to develop on girls' skin. Minor redness and circles under the eyes are best covered with concealer. If you choose the right shade of this product, it will be completely invisible on the skin.
  • Mascara. This product is recommended for girls after 14 years of age. Mascara must be anti-allergenic. In this way, it will not irritate the eyes. Mascara is usually matched to the girl's hair color. Black products are suitable for brunettes and brown-haired women. Girls with light or red hair should pay attention to the dark brown mascara. Bright purples, blues, or greens are best used when creating party makeup.
  • Shadows. Light-colored products are suitable for young girls. Dark eyeshadows are usually used for evening or holiday makeup. It is enough for a teenager to buy one small palette with high-quality eyeshadows. You shouldn't buy cheap products. Such shadows do not look so bright and roll quickly.
  • Pomade. The girl's cosmetic bag should contain a transparent hygienic lipstick or balm. Light lipstick will also come in handy for a teenager. It can also be replaced with tint. This product is durable and has a pleasant aroma. The color of lipstick is usually selected based on the features of the appearance.

In addition to makeup, your teen will also need a few brushes, a sponge, and a handy eyebrow brush.

It is better to buy all the tools for applying makeup separately. In this case, the girl will have at hand exactly the things that she needs.

It's pretty easy to assemble such a cosmetic bag from scratch. Later it can be supplemented with other, brighter and more interesting means.

Step by step application

Having bought all the products you need, you need to learn how to use them correctly. A step-by-step master class for beginners will help the girl in this.


Before starting work, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned. Next, apply a thin layer of moisturizer on it. When it is absorbed, you can start your makeup.

A light BB or CC cream is usually used as a base. It needs to be spread over the skin in a thin layer.

It is best to do this with a special makeup sponge.

If there is any redness or breakouts on the skin, they can be masked using a light corrector. The skin under the eyes is also treated with this product.

For girls with oily or combination skin, you can lightly powder their face. To do this, use a light product with shimmery particles. This will help make your natural makeup look more beautiful.

Instead of powder, girls can also use matting wipes. You can buy them both in a cosmetic store and in a regular supermarket.

Do not use blush and bronzer on a daily basis. But, if you want to make your look brighter, you can apply a little pink or peach pigment to your cheeks. You need to choose a blush, taking into account your skin tone. The main thing is that they are of high quality.

For teenage girls, look for foods with light, shimmery particles.


After that, you can move on to eye makeup. 1-2 colors of eyeshadow are usually applied to the eyelids. One of them should be lighter, the second dark. The first color is applied to the base of the eyelid. After that, the outer corner of the eye is processed with darker shadows. The product must be shaded very carefully. In this case, the makeup will look more natural.

For festive makeup, you can use shimmering eyeshadows or bright pigments.

It is worth remembering that too dark products are not suitable for teenage girls: they visually age the face, and also make the image more gloomy.


It is quite difficult for a teenager to learn how to draw classic arrows. Therefore, before using them to create an evening look, the girl needs to practice a little.

The arrows should be made not too large and wide. You can draw them not only with liquid eyeliner, but also with dark shadows. In this case, the makeup will be lighter and more natural.

It is necessary to form such arrows with a special beveled brush.


Young girls don't need to use mascara. Typically this product is applied when creating evening make-up. For girls, both classic black mascara and brown or blue are suitable.

It should be applied only to the upper eyelashes. To create a beautiful image for a girl, one layer of mascara is enough.


Make-up for lips should be chosen carefully. Light-colored products are suitable for daily use. You need to choose a lipstick or tint, focusing on the native lip color. Lipsticks of saturated colors are suitable for festive makeup.

To make the product look more natural, after applying the product to the lips, they must be blotted with a dry napkin.

Overview of options

Choosing aesthetic and stylish makeup for themselves, girls usually pay attention to modern trends. There are many interesting makeup options suitable for a teenager 12-16 years old.

On every day

A teenage girl's everyday makeup should be light and natural. Usually only 2-3 products are used on a daily basis. It is enough for a young beauty to mask small imperfections of the skin with a concealer, and also tint her lips a little with a light tint or transparent gloss. Girls with light lashes also use mascara on a daily basis.

If a teenager has thick and unruly eyebrows, it is recommended to comb and style them with a transparent gel.

To study

Study makeup should also be discreet and simple. For a cute look, you can use light beige or brown eyeshadows, as well as a light scented sheen. For girls with light eyebrows, you can emphasize them with a dark brown pencil.

For New Year and Christmas

New Year's makeup looks brighter and more unusual. When preparing for a holiday party, girls can make many interesting ideas come true. The eyes are usually highlighted with beautiful dark eyeshadow or shimmer products. Eyelashes can be highlighted with mascara with an extra volume effect. Such a product will make the look open and expressive.

False eyelashes are not recommended for adolescence.

If the emphasis in makeup is on the eyes, it is not recommended to highlight the lips with bright lipstick. It is better to choose a beautiful matte product for yourself. Such complex makeup should be done with some practice. In this case, it will be perfect.

On a date

When going out on a date, girls usually do simple and cute makeup. To create it, the skin color is slightly corrected with concealer. Beige, pink or pearl shades are applied to the eyes. A girl's lips for a date are usually painted with a light, fragrant gloss.


The main difference between American makeup is that it is brighter. To create a top-end look in the style of an American schoolgirl, a girl will need a denser foundation, highlighter and blush. Young beauties make their eyebrows clear and graphic. They are usually painted with a pencil or special eye shadow. Lips are painted according to the same principle. Bright lipstick is applied to them, and the contour is outlined with a pencil that matches the tone. A spectacular American-style make-up can also be complemented with interesting drawings. Usually girls make stars or hearts under their eyes.

It is worth remembering that this makeup should not be applied on a regular basis. It is more suitable for holidays or photography.

Beautiful examples

Teenage girls don't need to make a big change in their appearance with makeup. But by using makeup, they can brighten up the look and make them feel older.

Delicate make-up

Delicate makeup in light colors is perfect for young beauties. It looks especially beautiful on girls with light blond hair. The look can be complemented with pale pink or red lipstick.

Fashionable makeup with rhinestones

Lovers of bright looks will love the make-up with colored rhinestones. They can be either light or dark pink, blue or red. Bright rhinestones will make any makeup interesting and cool. Most often they are selected to match lipstick or any other details of the image.

Look with bright lipstick

A cool look like this is perfect for a date or a party. It's pretty versatile. Bright lipstick is easy to match for any type of appearance. Brown-haired women and brunettes suit red products, blondes - pink. For makeup, you can use popular matte lipsticks. Making such a bright accent on the lips, do not paint the eyes in the same way. It is enough to draw them with a pencil or eyeliner.

Getting some cool makeup at home is pretty easy.

The main thing is to use high-quality cosmetics in your work and not try to seem too mature.

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