Features and makeup options for girls

Children's make-up is already commonplace in the life of modern children. Cosmetics for babies have long appeared on the shelves, and little princesses simply adore it. Manufacturers use special technologies and components, observing the increased safety requirements for children's samples.

Basic rules for creation
Since the article will focus on children's makeup and a separate cosmetic segment, many parents, especially grandparents, often have an outraged question of why a small child needs cosmetics. Indeed, even in the second half of the last century, there was a persistent opinion that cosmetics harm little girls, even nourishing creams (there was no talk at all about boys at that time).
Now children's make-up is very popular, and it is applied in several cases:
- upcoming photo session - light makeup allows you to hide small skin imperfections, even out the tone, give the necessary matte and even the desired shade;
- carnival make-up - New Year trees, concert and festival performances;
- fashion shows - these events are generally inconceivable without complex makeup, which is imposed on both boys and girls;
- children's, city holidays and even birthdays, which children celebrate in children's cafes, playrooms.

In addition to the festive make-up, do not forget about everyday make-up - a simpler and more everyday makeup application. Modern children at the age of 4-5 can almost professionally use cosmetics - get acquainted with the accounts of small beauty bloggers with hundreds of subscribers.They earn substantial funds, and at the same time the youngest are barely 5 years old. For example, Charlie Rose, a five-year-old girl, who can find video tutorials on the technique of applying makeup. Boy Jack, ten years old, whose make-up is respected by experienced makeup artists.
Cosmetic formulations must be performed at a high professional level. There are only a few world-class brands that you can completely trust.
The technology for making a baby product does not allow the use of many compounds and substances - some of them are strictly prohibited, others are undesirable, and others can provoke allergic reactions.

Cosmetics "Disney", "Little Fairy" are designed for users from 0 to 10 years old, although, of course, no one does makeup for newborn babies. All components are natural and hypoallergenic.
The kits may contain, in addition to cosmetics, care products:
- hand cream;
- wet wipes;
- shampoo, shower gel.
For modest everyday make-up, you should not use mascara, foundation. These are not the remedies that will always be appropriate on the thin and delicate skin of children. If we are talking about a festive make-up, then mascara is applied to the tips of the eyelashes just to indicate their length, to emphasize the radiance of the eyes.

To make a good, natural make-up for a certain age, you need to follow the basic rules:
- purchase a standard set of tools - brushes for various purposes, sponges, eyebrow brushes, tweezers for curling eyelashes;
- the less the young woman of fashion is, the lighter and more natural the colors are selected;
- a water-based foundation should be applied with an extremely thin layer, after which the skin is lightly powdered;
- for blush choose a delicate light pink palette;
- shadows for a little girl should be translucent, light, applied in one layer, in two tones;
- if mascara is used, then its color should be as close as possible to natural shades - for example, brown;
- as for lipstick, lip gloss should play its role;
- eyeliner is categorically unacceptable in children's makeup;
- a small amount of sparkles looks quite harmonious in the children's version.
It is important to observe the basic principle - even with fully applied makeup, the girl's face should remain young and spontaneous.rather than looking like an adult woman. The best way out of the situation is to entrust the process to a specialist, however, as already noted above, many girls of modern mothers do an excellent job themselves, and young mothers are quite successful in this matter.

In the set for an older child, a corrective pencil appears, matched to the skin tone. The foundation should be suitable for the type of skin - dry, normal, combination. If two tones of shadows are used, then a smooth transition is made from light to dark, from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one. For lipstick on a young face, preference is given to pink, beige, peach tones of transparent or translucent sheen.
For adolescence, brighter colors are acceptable, but one should not go beyond the reasonable and natural. Face painting is a carnival option that can change your appearance beyond recognition.
It suits every child.

Choice of cosmetics
Cosmetics kits for little princesses should contain various cosmetics, where "everything is grown-up" - lipstick, eye shadow, nail polish, lip gloss, blush. The differences are in quality requirements and colors. When choosing, manufacturers from Asian countries should be avoided, giving preference to well-known brands:
- "Barbie";
- Bratz;
- Disney;
- "Princess";
- "Little Fairy".

The set may contain:
- mineral blush and powder;
- light pink or lilac shimmery shadows;
- lip balms with different flavors, lip gloss.

As for the adult segment of beauty products, babies and adolescents can use hypoallergenic mineral-based lines. The list of the most reliable includes eminent companies:
- Jane Iredale;
- Bare Minerals;
- Everyday Minerals;
- Lumiere Mineral.

But professional cosmetics cannot be used by children as daily makeup. This applies to both young and adult consumers.
When buying, you need to pay attention to a few more parameters. The composition should not contain plant and animal hormones, as well as exotic substances that can cause irritation and allergic reactions. It is imperative to read the information on the composition of the product on the label. It doesn't matter that most of what is written is completely inaccessible to the understanding of an ordinary consumer, since a long list is already a reason to refuse a purchase. And, of course, the expiration date - you cannot buy expired products.

How to do it step by step?
There are several basic techniques for light makeup. At the same time, the goal of the final result is taken into account - the make-up for the photo shoot, as well as the festive one, differs from the everyday one. There are many videos for beginner makeup artists on YouTube. Below is a step-by-step master class with general rules.

The delicate skin of the child should be protected from damage, avoiding frequent use of the foundation if possible. Age-related changes (acne, acne, increased sebum secretion) begin from adolescence, and until that time, the baby's skin is clean and smooth.
If the cream is used, then apply it to the previously cleansed face with a special sponge. They act with light strokes, without stretching or injuring the skin. An almost translucent powder is then applied to set the cream for a stable make-up.
Transparent powder is recommended for ideal fair skin, but pearlescent options are suitable for dark-skinned women.

Not all eyebrows need decorative cosmetic treatment - neat, with a pronounced pattern and dark tone are beautiful in themselves. It is enough to comb them with a special brush. Too light are lightly powdered with shadows one tone darker than the hair - very dark shades are not used in children's versions.

For the design of children's eyes, shadows and a soft pencil are used to draw arrows. Carefully make sure that the line is thin and clear. They start from the middle of the eyelid, which visually makes the eye cut wider. The length of the arrow should not extend too far beyond the outer edge of the eyelid.
At the same time, shadows are chosen in nutty, creamy, creamy pinkish and pearlescent light shades. No shadows are applied under the eyebrow, mascara is used only on the very tips of the eyelashes, and it is best to do without it altogether.

To decorate the sponges beautifully, you should use gloss with natural shades. The sparkling palette will make the whole look expressive. Ideally, you should give preference to pearlescent, light pink, possibly light peach tones. The correct technique for applying gloss is to apply it in the middle, then spread the gloss with a brush to the corners of the lips. This allows you to emphasize the natural effect, to avoid "oily glassiness". Such a make-up is just perfect for photography, you just have to choose the right lighting and create a beautiful background.

This part of the face is highlighted with a blush of light pink shades. Blush should be barely noticeable, standing out only in a light tone. Bright, well-visible strokes of blush on a child's face look just awful - the face of a little girl becomes a caricature of the appearance of a mature woman.

Basic make-up techniques for children
Face art
To perform makeup in this style, you will need face painting, using oil-free paints and water-based pencils, as well as a brush. The existing paints are mixed until the desired tone is obtained, if necessary, the composition is diluted with water. After that, they begin to apply the drawing, gradually drawing the details, leaving the areas of the eyes and mouth free. This technique is used to draw masks of an owl and a cat, the faces of characters from Japanese anime, and so on.
Most of all, this technique resembles painting with gouache.

Stage make-up
Stage make-up is performed to give the face more expressiveness, clarity of features. Make of this type is used by gymnasts, young actresses and singers. To create it, there are special brushes, bright cosmetics, sometimes it is combined with face painting.
The skin is powdered, shades of shadows are selected, focusing on the stage costume. For better visibility, the eyeshadow area is emphasized with contours. The eyelashes are given volume and visible clarity - without this, the make-up will not acquire the desired effect. Lipstick should be durable, it is applied from the center of the lips to the corners.

Image for a photo shoot
A make-up applied for a similar purpose is called thematic, it depends on the chosen image. The intensity of the tone, the cosmetic set also depends on this. Sometimes, when working on a face, they just get by with dusting gloss and applying slightly visible shadows.
Sometimes the image is given deliberate brightness and puppetry. To do this, shades of different shades are applied to the upper and lower eyelids - this is called the ombre effect. With a thin line of brown pencil, they emphasize the shape of the eyes, drawing a line along the growth of the eyelashes. Mascara is applied in one layer and comb well.

On the holidays
This style allows for more freedom than others, but it should be moderate, appropriate to the occasion and natural. The holiday is shine and bright colors, which allows the same principle in makeup. For a 5-year-old child, small drawings on the skin are appropriate, older children can already use powder, some shadows, gloss and mascara.

Any type of baby make-up involves the use of cosmetics designed specifically for children, and is applied only to clean skin.
Interesting ideas
The children's makeup option has a wide variety of ideas, largely depending on the theme of the holiday. For example, a make-up for Christmas will be different from the theme and performance for the City Day celebration or summer children's parties.
At Christmas, they use bright New Year's makeup in the form of a carnival mask, applying face painting.
These can be the faces of animals participating in New Year's performances and performances.

Sketches with snowflakes, the image of the Snow Queen's crown look very beautiful on girls. On the boys, the drawings of deer muzzles, which are carrying Santa Claus, a unicorn, look harmoniously. Snowmen, Christmas trees, Santa Claus's hat on the cheek and other images typical of New Year's themes - the choice is mostly fabulous. But on Kolyada, they use a brighter make-up than something similar to the themes of Halloween.

On summer holidays, you can most often see floristic painting on the face - flowers, wings of a butterfly, birds, as well as various faces of funny animals. Both girlish and boyish faces are painted in this way. But flower motives are more popular with girls. For them, pink, lilac, blue tones are often used. Boys are suitable for orange, brown, blue palette. Makeup is often complemented with sparkles and rhinestones.

A make-up for gymnastics should emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes and lips, clearly visible on the open oval of the face. They use concealer, bright tones for eyeshadows, glitters. Professional cosmetics come into play.

But a visit to the game room or children's cafe to celebrate the name day for 8, 9 years, where there is a similar service, assumes a simpler option, because it will be used for only a few hours.
Beautiful examples
Girls gymnasts or young skaters look great in stage makeup. Colorful, sometimes sparkling, sparkling, it creates a mesmerizing effect, striking with its beauty and uniqueness.

Face drawings for a photo shoot are delicate and professional work, the task of which is to highlight the youth of small models and at the same time make them more photogenic. Such work can make the face as natural as possible or, on the contrary, more doll-like, in the style of Barbie.

But for birthdays, makeup looks more like masks - multi-colored, colorful, bright and cheerful.

Drawings made in the style of face art are more like paintings - in the hands of a skilled artist, the face disappears, becoming what is depicted on it. A striking example of this is a photo of a girl whose face is made up in the form of a blue panther's face.