Everything you need to know about daytime makeup

A woman, as a rule, has to deal with daytime make-up more often than with evening make-up. But not everyone feels the difference between these concepts, and, in principle, are familiar with the features of the daytime make-up. You don't need to think that this is a whole art - everything can be learned.

What is it and how is it different from the evening one?
It's worth starting from scratch: makeup is globally divided into two groups - daytime and evening. There are varieties like wedding, office, makeup for photo shoots, etc. But the main differences lie between the two groups. The more natural, subtle makeup, the more it meets the requirements of a daytime make-up.
Any option with noticeable textures, bright shades, straight lines, clear delineation leads to the side of evening make-up.

What is necessary?
Everyone, one way or another, wants to have a ready-made list, where everything will be scheduled point by point. And with him you can go to the store, and then the make will be perfect. But this is too simple and not too correct: all people are different, and beauty standards are still a convention. You can move away from it, although it is hardly very far. Once the supermodel Natalia Vodianova said that she had to go to some meeting directly from the plane, and she flew with a clean face, without a gram of cosmetics. But she could not appear at a business meeting like that, and then she managed to use the ashes from the match and make a light daytime smokey eye.

Description of daily make-up - 10 principles.
- Naturalness and emphasis on natural beauty. You don't need to paint another person on your face, make your eyes or lips hypertrophied, or create a complex tone.

- The choice of shades according to their color type. Who else has not decided on it - it's time to look at the plate and, finally, figure it out. This will simplify the choice of cosmetics at times, everything will literally fall into place.

- The basis of the foundations is perfect skin. If you invest in it, spare no time and money, find a good beautician, establish nutrition, clean skin will be the reward for all your efforts. And she requires minimal make-up. Three layers of tone on the skin, even if it is visually evened out, are already far from the principles of natural make-up. This means that they do not reach the daytime.

- All transitions and borders of colors and shades must be carefully shaded.... This is a rule of thumb, because sharp and clear lines look theatrical and out of place during the day.

- Bright lips during the day are rather an exception.... If this is part of the image, and a woman's work is associated with publicity, using public speaking techniques (roughly speaking, she has to speak, speak in front of people), red or other bright lipstick is appropriate during the day.
This is even a psychologically good move, more attention to the lips - the higher the percentage of being heard. For everyone else, such bright shades are not suitable during the day, they look inappropriate.

- Brows are still on the podium of must-have makeup spots. Today it is customary to comb them with the "sun", upward and a little to the edges. This is a trend and should be followed, but not blindly followed. If it’s unusual, incomprehensible, or doesn’t work, you need to find your own version.

- Instead of powder - matting wipes. They need to be carried with you to quickly remove oily shine from your face.

- No lipstick looks great on dry lips. And even a transparent shine, appropriate during the day, will not relieve dryness. Lips need to be regularly moisturized, and it is not necessary to spend money on additional funds. A simple moisturizer for your face can do this too.

- Before make-up, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin.... If this is not done, the make-up may "leak", especially in the eye area. And then even persistent pencil and ink will not save you.

- First, remove flaws, then highlight the merits. For example, if everything is fine on the face, but there are bags under the eyes, first get rid of them. The illuminated area around the eyes solves this, there should be a foundation with reflective particles.

There is no such thing as a must-have set for daytime makeup. If a woman does not paint her eyes at all, well, it is not necessary. Tone and lip gloss will be her everyday makeup. The main thing is that in it she remains herself, looks fresh and confident.

The base for a daytime make-up is a rough list.
- Tonal basis. Someone will need one light BB-cream, the structure of which is ready to adapt to any skin. And that's all, no powder, no contouring, no highlighter is needed by a person. If it's so good, why pull too much on your face - the principle of sufficiency has not been canceled.
- Gel for eyebrows... A useful tool that helps both to fix the color of the pencil, and not to let the shape of the eyebrows "crumble" during the day. This remedy is often avoided by girls with not the thickest eyebrows, but in vain.
- Mascara... Not everyone uses it during the day, but it should be in a cosmetic bag. Sometimes it helps out and revives the face in 1 minute.
- Brown pencil. Interestingly, it can be one pencil for everything: eyebrows, eyeliner, lips, and even blush. And this is not bad manners, but quite a logical decision. But black eyeliner during the day, very few people need, brown looks softer, especially with shading.
- Lip gloss, lipstick in natural shades... Also refreshes the face. Even with the perfect lip color, perfect shape, no dryness, a little lipstick will do the trick.
- Blush... During the day, they can only be pink, matching in tone with the natural blush. And they should be applied in dosage.

That's all: liquid eyeliner, eye shadow, bronzer, contouring kit - these are already additional elements. But what else is required for a high-quality make-up is a set of good cosmetic brushes.

Creation technique
Now in parts, because each make-up goes through its own stages. To learn how to paint from scratch, you need to read not indiscriminately about make-up and immediately run to the mirror, but work out each zone separately. And only then collect makeup in one image.

Now it is already referred to as the basis for make-up, although for some time it was believed that the base is a mandatory attribute for evening make-up and only that. Basic products help to fix the make-up, smooth out the skin, they are like a foundation for a house being built. They can be cream and gel, available in the form of primers and fluids. You can choose your base for makeup only by experience. But when buying, you need to indicate that the product will be used for daytime makeup.

Tone, powder
The most fashionable product in this line is BB cream. It is light, does not create a feeling of heaviness on the skin, its tightness. It can also be saturated with vitamins, that is, the skin will receive healing substances along with this cream. The foundation also did not disappear from the make-up kit, but not everyone knows how to use it correctly. It is necessary, when applying it, to go to the line of the neck and décolleté, otherwise the mask effect cannot be avoided. When applying the tone, be sure to use brushes and sponges.

Powder is increasingly used as a fixer when the underlying tone is applied.... Powder in the form of balls is more suitable for natural make-up, that is, daytime. And if you buy a skin care cream with a toning effect, you can in one fell swoop solve the issue with the tone for summer makeup used in the heat and on vacation.

The best remedy is a brown eyeliner pencil. It suits, if not everyone, then almost everyone. Mascara is also important, but it is applied in one layer, thickening slightly at the tips. Colored ink is used less often during the day, only black and dark brown.

Shadows are not required during the day, but if they are used, then those that are also combined with the woman's color type. All transitions are shaded, there are no big accents. Drawing elongated arrows during the day is also not the best option. Clear lines are a sign of an evening make-up.

Natural shades, pleasant texture, matching your color type - these are the main principles for choosing a lipstick. If dark-skinned girls are more suitable for coral shades, then for fair-skinned ones - plum and pale pink. Shine should be unobtrusive, not strong. Especially beginners sin with the activity of gloss, under which there may still be a lip contour, but this is already too much.

Eye color options
This is not to say that this rule suits exactly everyone, the appearance should be considered as a whole, but still the general logic is visible.

The upper eyelid is usually painted over with light shadows, peach pigment is applied to its movable part - the shadows are shaded. The outer corner, with some approach to the fold, needs to be framed with chocolate color, and these will no longer be shadows, but a soft pencil. Eyelashes are painted with ink in one layer. Blush will suit pale pink, matting. For the lips, choose a nude lipstick.

For gray eyes, its own scheme. The corner and fold of the eyelid should be painted over with sand (you can also use walnut); dark beige is used for the outer half. The upper border should be painted with creamy or even white. A light graphite arrow over the entire length of the eye is possible, from below it is carried out only to the middle. Eyelashes are painted in one layer. The blush is created in a dusty pink tone, and the lips can be made plum.

A clear white line can be drawn along the border of the growth of cilia from below and above. From the upper outer corner there is a wiring of a thin silver stripe, it is emphasized by dark gray shadows. They are well shaded. Further mascara in one layer, peach or pink blush, pinkish lip gloss or matting lipstick.

On the movable eyelids, first apply the base in stages, then the shadows (either light beige or faded brown). The fold is painted over a little darker, shaded before.This is followed by the application of a dark brown eyeliner, which will help to make the look expressive and wide open. The eyelashes are painted with ink in one layer, the cheekbones can be emphasized a little by contouring, on the lips - a transparent shine.

Possible mistakes
They are simple, but so intrusive, they are very difficult to exterminate even for those women who have a good look. You just need to explain to yourself that no one expects a professional make-up, but you want an appropriate, convincing, helping appearance. And it is possible.

What not to do in daytime makeup:
- brightly contour lips, unless it is a professional necessity;
- apply highlighter in excess: a little good, but a lot - this is an idea for an evening make-up with an emphasis on shine;
- to bring the lower eyelid - many women should never do this, it looks especially disastrous in anti-aging makeup;
- over-tone - the feeling of "plaster" on the face will not be an exaggeration, and it is difficult to imagine how the skin will breathe under such dubious armor all day long;
- choose too dark a concealer - no southern tan can be created, but all pimples, irregularities, defects will appear as if under the zoom;
- too light concealer will accentuate wrinkles, and the feeling of porcelain skin cannot (and should) be created on every face.

There are not so many rules included in the list of daytime makeup, but you can make a mistake at the same time by “two with a minus”.
And at the head of this mountain of mistakes will be a black pencil, with which the woman painstakingly traces both eyelids. And often the fatness and thickness of the stroke correlates with age: at 40 it is not as strong as at 50. And in 99% of cases, such a stroke works against a woman, it ages and makes the make-up exaggerated, unnatural, theatrical.

Makeup artist tips
Of course, you can learn how to make a make-up at home. There is no need to strive for a quick comprehension of knowledge: instructions and video tutorials can be repeated, practiced, slowly moving on to a new one.

What professional recommendations can be useful for beginners.
- In any incomprehensible situation, start with the eyebrows. - this is the rule of today, and until the eyebrows cease to reign, it is better to adhere to it. Graphics are a thing of the past, too diligently drawn eyebrows are a thing of the past. You just need to comb the hairs up, and emphasize the rest and necessary things with a pencil without pressure and excessiveness.

- To refresh your eyes, you can use light kayal. They are supplied with the mucous membrane of the eye.

- Freckles do not cover up today. If they are very expressive, they will be slightly muted by skin toning. But it's not worth cleaning at all, with them the face looks more natural.

- For a delicate romantic make-up, you can make a lipstick stain on the lips.... It looks young and fresh. Lipstick is not applied to all lips, but only to a certain (central) area, as it were, with a spot. Then it needs to be shaded.

- The trendy theme right now is "makeup no makeup". This is a method in which in all parts of the make-up there is one shade, peach or pink. It is on the lips, and on the cheeks, and even a little on the eyes. Yes, such solidity looks relevant.

Observation helps a lot in teaching make-up. She is the best trainer who, combined with theory, will quickly turn a beginner into a confident make-up artist of his own.
Beautiful examples
These examples are worth learning from. If you do not immediately understand where and what means is used here, then the make-up is done correctly. The main thing in daytime makeup (and in evening makeup too) is to see the face, not the work of a makeup artist. If shadows, mascara, lipstick are evaluated, and not the woman in them, it means that there is an overkill somewhere. Or it was simply not possible to create harmony.
Harmonious examples of daytime make-up.
- Despite the elaboration of each part, there is absolutely no redundancy in the makeup. Such lipstick, voluminous mascara and shaded dark brown eyeliner are very suitable for this appearance: they emphasize the eyes, the eyebrows are perfectly combed and styled.

- Bronzer used but not overused... It suits this girl, because she is quite dark, and her green eyes are further emphasized by the bronzer.

- Daytime makeup, but not simple, but for special events that are scheduled precisely during the day. If it's mundane, cut back on the amount of highlighter.

- Very refreshing makewhich creates such expressive lipstick and golden shadows. The rest is all secondary, but this combination is just a hymn to youth.

- Red-haired girls often need to limit the use of cosmetics, because their beauty is revealed in something else: accentuate the eyelashes a little, use a light tone, blush, and that's it. Further performance of cosmetic manipulations will distract from the delights of such a bright appearance.

- If you need to be bright during the day, but not go to the evening make-up, this option is taken... There are a lot of reflective particles, the gloss is quite active, but all together it looks convincing.

- An example of how white kayal emphasizes blue eyes - touching, gentle, moderate.

- If you need a discreet make-up, light brown shadows can become an accent. They will emphasize blue, gray eyes, and everything else will be practically without signs of make-up: a light tone, barely touched lips, a little mascara.

- No makeup effect it is created something like this: a light foundation, one stroke of the mascara brush, perfectly laid eyebrows and an unobtrusive blush. The lips are also lightly touched with lipstick.

- Everything, but a little bit - this is how you can call the principle of a correctly created make-up. There is a tone, contouring too, shadows, eyeliner, mascara, but the feeling from the make-up is still light, you feel natural.

It's okay to learn step by step, lesson by lesson. But at the finish line - the ability to transform yourself with taste and in the best possible way.
How to do daytime makeup, see the video.