Features and creation of French makeup

Most girls do different types of makeup for themselves every day. There are many techniques and types of makeup. If you want to create the most graceful and feminine look, then French makeup can be an excellent option.

What is it and who is it for?
The French make-up is distinguished by its minimalism; it can be suitable both for everyday life and for special occasions. This design is characterized by the following features:
- clearly traced graphic arrows;
- using light natural colors and shades for the eyes;
- using bright lip tones.

As a rule, when creating such a make-up, the emphasis is on the lips. When decorating arrows in front of French women, they traditionally use a deep black eyeliner.
But today, makeup artists are increasingly using both purple and blue colors. Also, French makeup is always created with well-groomed eyebrows of the correct shape, slightly tinted eyelashes. Keep your skin tone fresh by adding some light highlighter.

French makeup can suit almost any girl, since all its components are universal. But it should be remembered that arrows are not recommended for those who have problems with an overhanging eyelid. The creation of this make-up in the style of France will take a minimum amount of time. In this case, special skills in applying cosmetics will not be required. This design can be done independently, at home.

Overview of options
Consider a step-by-step classic version of creating a make-up, which is done by French women.
- To begin with, a little primer is applied to the eyelids, the layer should be thin. This will smooth the skin and prepare it for further treatments.

- After that, beige shadows are evenly and accurately distributed over the eyelids. Compositions with a matte texture will be best suited. All this must be shaded with a brush. The boundaries of the application should not be visible.

- Then the area between the eyelashes is painted with a black pencil. Using a gel liner or a special felt-tip pen, you will need to draw a thin line along the ciliary edge, at the end it will be sharpened.

- Next, a classic black mascara is applied to the eyelashes., while it is better to paint only the ends, so that the image in the end turns out to be as natural as possible.

- Then they begin to shape the lips. To do this, it is recommended to preliminarily soften them a little with a moisturizing balm, which will give them shine. After that, apply tinted bright lipstick. You can use your fingertips to hammer the pigment into the skin for a feminine effect.

There are other options for creating French makeup, depending on your eye color.
- So, green-eyed girls a make-up, designed using eyeliner and a pencil in brown shades, is perfect. These colors will allow you to emphasize the beauty of the look, to make it as expressive as possible.

- For owners of bright blue eyes Brown cosmetics may also be the best option. So, it is better to draw arrows with a brown pencil. Black eyeliner in this case can visually reduce the eyes.

- If you have brown eyes, then a rich black color will be the best solution for you. If desired, you can slightly bring the ciliary contours on the lower eyelids with a light kayal with a shimmer.

Beautiful examples
The French-style makeup looks elegant and beautiful with arrows made with a deep black eyeliner. At the same time, their end can be slightly lengthened to make the look more expressive. Using mascara of the same color, they paint the eyelashes, it is better to apply the product only on the ends. A bright red lipstick with a glossy finish is applied to the lips.

When shaping the eyebrows, you can use a brown or black cosmetic pencil. For the skin of the face, most often they take a little corrector to hide the small imperfections on it. On the cheekbones, you can apply a little beige or light brown blush. This option will look as impressive as possible on girls with brown eyes.

Also, many do this makeup with thin arrows made with black, brown eyeliner or pencil. In this case, the tips can be made very small so that they only slightly emphasize the look.
A little corrector is also applied to the skin of the face, a small amount of light beige blush is applied to the cheekbones to make this area more expressive. Sometimes a light highlighter is applied just above the cheekbones, which gives the skin a slight sheen, but it should be applied carefully so that it does not overload the image.

A classic bright red lipstick is applied to the lips; both glossy and matte compositions can be used. You can apply it with your fingertips for a more delicate and feminine design. An additional bright outline, as a rule, is not drawn. The eyebrows should also be given the correct, even shape.

Most often, a cosmetic pencil, special eyeliner or gel is used for this.
See below for how to create French makeup.