Lip makeup

How to enlarge lips with makeup?

How to enlarge lips with makeup?
  1. What is necessary?
  2. Visual magnification options
  3. Common mistakes
  4. Beautiful examples

Beautiful plump lips are in fashion now. Therefore, many girls tend to use different techniques to increase them. You can achieve the desired result using not only tattooing and injections, but also high-quality cosmetics.

What is necessary?

For lips to always look beautiful, they need to be carefully looked after. They should always be smooth and moisturized. The following methods will help you achieve this.

  • Using balms. Regular use of moisturizers will make your lips look fuller and sharper. Therefore, it is worth including moisturizing in the list of daily cosmetic procedures.

You can use high-quality hygienic lipstick or a light balm with a pleasant aroma in your work.

  • Regular massage. Regular massage can help make your lips smoother and more pleasant to the touch. You can do it with an old brush with soft bristles. It will not be able to cause skin irritation. The brush should be gently passed over the skin with light massage movements.

The procedure is recommended to be repeated every morning while washing and brushing your teeth.

  • Use a scrub. Now many companies are engaged in the production of special lip care products. Therefore, finding the right product is easy. You can also use a homemade sugar and honey scrub instead. A small amount of the product is applied to the skin. The product is rubbed in with gentle massaging movements.

This treatment helps to exfoliate all dead cells and make the skin smoother and more pleasant to the touch.

For makeup, you also need to choose the right products. It is worth adding certain products to the cosmetic bag.

  • Shine... There are special gloss used for lip augmentation. Many treat such funds with suspicion. But they do work in helping to plump lips.

Such products usually contain active ingredients such as capsaicin or menthol. After using the gloss, blood rushes to the lips. It is because of this that they look more voluminous.

  • Matt lipstick... This product is used quite often for lip augmentation. The dense texture allows you to make them look more voluminous. At the same time, the makeup looks quite natural. In work, you can use both light and bright colors. Their choice depends on the characteristics of the person's appearance.

Girls should not buy dark matte lipsticks: they visually reduce lips.

  • Pencil... This tool is used to draw a new lip contour. This way of changing your appearance has become popular for a long time. Long-lasting wax crayons are used for lip augmentation. It is best to have 2 shades of such a product in your cosmetic bag: one should be more natural, the second dark.

A high-quality highlighter will also come in handy for the girl. It should be light, light and persistent.

Visual magnification options

All options for visual lip augmentation at home should be considered in more detail.

With color

To make thin lips appear larger, they should be painted with lipstick of the desired color.. The effect will be visible immediately... When choosing a lipstick, it is worth remembering that light lipsticks add visual volume to the lips. Dark ones make them thinner and flatter.

In work, you should use lipsticks of light coral, peach or beige. Red and crimson shades are recommended to be avoided. For a neat look, it is best to apply lipstick with a brush. This will make the outline smoother.

It is recommended to apply lipstick in several layers. If too much product remains on the skin, it must be carefully removed with a dry cloth.


Lipstick with a matte texture can help add volume to your lips. The process of applying this product is step by step.

  • First you need to prepare your lips. They need to be scrubbed and moistened with a quality balm. When the product is absorbed, the excess must be removed with a lint-free paper towel. This will result in perfectly smooth skin.
  • After that, with a light pencil, you need to circle the lips along the contour. At this stage, they can be made more voluminous. Do not go too far beyond the contour, in which case the makeup will seem unnatural.
  • To make your makeup look brighter lips can be completely painted over with a pencil.
  • After that, it is worth applying lipstick on them. It is better to do this with a brush. The lip contour should be even.
  • If necessary, you can paint your lips with a second layer of lipstick... But this must be done carefully. Otherwise, the lipstick will fall on the skin in an uneven layer and will "bald".
  • After that, you need to wait until the lipstick has completely hardened. This takes 1-2 minutes.

This makeup looks spectacular and interesting. It will suit both a young girl and a mature woman.

Expanding the contour

There are other ways to use the pencil trick. But for such a make-up, you need to select a product that ideally matches the natural color of the lips. The pencil is applied to the skin with gentle strokes. Go beyond the contour by no more than 0.5 mm. To make the makeup look more natural, the pencil should be slightly shaded. This is best done with your fingertips.

You can complement such a make-up with a suitable lipstick or gloss. It is worth applying the product immediately.


To make your lips look plump, you can use either a special enhancing gloss or a regular shimmer. Both methods are effective and time-tested. You can make your lips visually larger with a regular gloss by following the instructions below.

  • The skin needs to be moisturized with chapstick or gloss. Then you need to wait a couple of minutes. During this time, the product is completely absorbed.
  • After that, the lips need to be slightly emphasized with a pencil. Then colored lipstick is applied to them.
  • The lower lip must be highlighted with gloss. It can be either transparent or colored. The product is applied to the middle of the lip.

Instead of shine, you can use a small amount of highlighter or even light shadows. The result will be the same.


A light highlighter can be used in other ways as well. In this case, it is applied to the dimple above the upper lip. This technique will help to make lips visually more voluminous, and make-up - spectacular.

You can apply the highlighter with your finger or with a small natural bristle brush.


A popular technique called ombre will also help add volume to your lips. Its essence lies in the use of lipsticks of different colors.

To make the makeup more durable, the skin must be prepared with a primer.... After that, the selected cosmetics can be applied. The contour should be emphasized with a darker lipstick. The center must be filled with a light-colored medium. When the makeup is ready lipstick should be gently shaded with a brush or fingertips.

Common mistakes

When trying to enlarge your lips, it is important to try to avoid the most common mistakes. They will lead to the fact that the make-up will turn out to be sloppy, and the image will be spoiled. The list of the most common mistakes consists of the following items.

  • Insufficient hydration. The skin needs to be moisturized both on a regular basis and immediately before applying the chosen product. If you do not do this, the lipstick will not fit well and shade. It is especially important to properly moisturize your skin before applying matte lipsticks.
  • Using a bright contour pencil. Don't make the outline too dark. This will draw unnecessary attention to the lips. For contouring, it is best to use pencils in natural shades.
  • Violation of instructions... To make the makeup look beautiful and natural, you need to act correctly. You need to apply dark lipstick or pencil, moving from the center to the edges. In this case, the contour will turn out to be even, and the lips will be plump.
  • Hastily applying lipstick... To make your makeup look perfect, don't rush it. You need to paint in a well-lit room, sitting in a comfortable position. It is necessary to act carefully and slowly.
  • Using too much lipstick. This leads to the fact that the makeup is not as long-lasting and looks sloppy. If you have excess lipstick on your lips, blot them with a napkin.

To make an image with bright and plump lips attractive, the emphasis should be placed only on them. At the same time, the eyes should only be slightly emphasized with light shadows and mascara.

Beautiful examples

You can make sure that it is really possible to enlarge lips in such simple ways by looking at beautiful examples.

Dark make-up

A dark pencil and a light translucent shine were used to create this makeup. The right approach makes lips look plump and sexy. A dark pencil helps to make them wider. Shine makes the makeup look more natural.

You can put on makeup in this way when going to a party or a date.

Glitter look

This makeup can be used on a daily basis. The lips are highlighted along the contour with a light pencil. Their central part is filled with light lipstick. A transparent shine completes the look.

Such a make-up is suitable for both blondes and brown-haired or red-haired women.

Makeup with scarlet lipstick

Girls with naturally plump lips can be emphasized with matte lipstick. Doing this makeup is slow. In this case, it will turn out to be neat and beautiful. A small amount of highlighter on the lower lip complements the look. Thanks to its use, the make-up looks more natural.

When doing makeup with plump lips, do not forget about the individual characteristics of your appearance. In this case, it will look appropriate and beautiful.

For information on how to enlarge lips with makeup, see the next video.

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