We do interesting makeup

In makeup today there is freedom of choice, and the bolder this choice, the better. A lot of color, few gloomy nuances, brightness and unusualness push classical severity into the background. It seems that now makeup really emphasizes individuality, and does not try to bring girls and women to a common beauty denominator.

Ideas for every day
But some things will survive even in the strongest winds of change. For example, the postulate that daytime makeup should always be lighter, less intense than evening makeup.

Here are 7 ideas for a trendy daytime makeup.
Pastel... Clear, as if drawn with crayons, arrows have replaced black eyeliner, because they look much less aggressive and predatory. Arrows like these may be the only really noticeable makeup accent, but how fresh and good it is. A fantasy pattern drawn with pastels can be supplemented with sparkles in the late afternoon.

- Natural, meticulously styled eyebrows. The graphic design of the eyebrows has been retired, now the make-up in the style of “just got out of bed” is much more relevant. True, for such a natural make-up you will also need a pencil to match and a styling gel.

- Radiance of the skin. This is not new, but relevant. Therefore, a BB cream with a shimmering effect is something that should definitely be prescribed in a cosmetic bag. You can also apply a highlighter to the protruding parts of the face, which will make the radiance absolute.

- Kissed lips... A seductive, but not vulgar effect - no strictly contour, a blurred, soft, blurry transition becomes the main thing in lip makeup. It looks especially good on young girls, because freshness and natural blush suit such a make-up.

- Ruddy cheeks. Just no heavy burgundy or dark cherry. Light berry shades are welcome.

A cool effect is created by pigmented chapstick in "balls" that can be used as a blush with a moist glow.
- Makeup without makeup. For daytime make-up - the most interesting and uncomplicated option. The contouring is canceled, the nude, rather intrusive make-up is also canceled. The task of making sure that there is at least something on the face was difficult.

Therefore, if you let your eyes down, then it should be soft brown, lightly and with delicate shading. There may be just a strengthening balm on the eyelashes, but you will have to work with the tone.
- Freckles... If you have your own relatives, they cannot be masked with toning. Let them be noticeable! If you don't have your own, but really want to, all kinds of flash freckles and other tricks are used that create such an attractive effect.

All of the above looks bright in summer, but not intrusive, easy. Open accents, cheerful, luminous.
Unusual evening options
In the evening make-up there are even more amazing, mesmerizing ideas. It seems that the fashion that reigned on the catwalks, and the magic make-up went only to the models, finally condescended to everyone else. Now in the evening make-up the most daring colors, fancy designs, a lot of futurism and no frames.

And these 7 ideas for a trendy evening make-up.
- Neon... The neon arrows and eye shadows are just the top. It is enough to highlight the corners of the eyes with a drop of neon shadows, or you can simply leave a stroke on the upper eyelid. During summer parties and festivals, such a make-up will be the most popular.

- Fuchsia instead of scarlet lips. A bright lipstick with a cold bluish undertone is preferable, it seems that this goes to everyone. The lips become expressive, but new tools are used for this. This fresh approach results in fashionable makeup.

- Glitter scattered over the skin of the face. The story is connected with the sensational TV series "Euphoria", in fact, such a make-up is also inspired by it. And it is not necessary to do this on the upper eyelid, you can do it under the lower one.

- Different eyes, different lips... Yellow shadows on the eyelid of the right eye, and pink - on the eyelid of the left. Or the upper lip is bright orange and the lower lip is hot pink. Definitely bold, but appropriate in an evening make-up. Especially if there is a party coming from where you cannot leave unnoticed.

- If smokey ice, then only a slight haze... It can be called a translucent veil that slightly covers the eyelids. And there is no better shade of gray and blue. For inspiration - to Kaia Gerber, who, no worse than her star mother, teaches girls all over the world to look like a million.

- Active vinyl. If lip gloss, then with the effect of a vinyl coating. This is the complete opposite of matte shades, but that's the point. And even with such lips you shouldn't worry about eye makeup, it is actually not needed.

- Cat ice. Such a make-up looks unusual, but beautiful: the arrows are drawn not strictly along the line of ciliary growth, but with some indentation from it.

The main thing is not to get scared, and to do it to the end, slowly assess the result. They also give the shooters the shape of a raven wing, which looks even more powerful.
It should be noted that new make-up is an ode to individuality... Such makeup does not try to make everyone "Hollywood beauties" in a classic way. He focuses on the features of facial features, on the uniqueness of his "cut". Each should be like only herself.

Beautiful examples
And for inspiration (and possibly for imitation) 10 more illustrative examples of make-up, which will be greeted with delight this year.
Shine and shine. This make-up is evening, it is also suitable for a celebration, a holiday where you need to show off in a photo zone and not only. But a hairstyle with such makeup is required in a simpler way, otherwise it will be overkill.

- Red shadows. Until recently, it was impossible to imagine this, it seemed that they would make the appearance painful. But modern red is seduction and passion that gently envelops. The main thing is to exclude arrows and ink, or let them be minimal.

- Lots of shine, freckles, perfectly shaped eyebrows... There is no overkill, everything is emphasized in moderation, and nowhere is there geometry, graphics that would destroy this seductive veil.

- Bright shadows - check and checkmate. They become the element that will make the girl memorable. Again, the need for mascara is greatly exaggerated, you can do without it.

- Hypertrophied eyelashes (hello Twiggy) radiant skin, delicate blush, sun-combed eyebrows. Everything is perfect here.

- Unusual shadows with interesting transitions on the eyes, blue ink as a continuation of this color theme. And almost blueberry lipstick on the lips, without a clear outline. Now everyone can become a diva from the catwalk.

- Glitter on the face - this is a theme that is played out in different ways by everyone. But the glitter is almost always concentrated around the eyes. For an evening make-up - a wonderful, romantic option.

- Super beautiful stroke almost acidic blue. Against the background of such brightness, everything else on the face can be restrained: tone, lips, blush. This blue is especially suitable for girls with brown eyes.

- Flash freckles - a charming touch to your make-up during the warmer months. Shadows also play along with him, the golden-shiny scale, which has become the main element of the entire make-up.

- Makeup-pastel is very delicate, soft, enveloping... It will suit blondes, fair-haired girls with light eyes. You can play with shades, find those that will suit the outfit too.

Good luck choosing your make-up!
The video below shows E-girl makeup.