How to shrink your nose with makeup?

There is no need to apply three layers of filter on a face in social networks, so that its features become more elegant, flaws are carefully masked, and advantages come to the fore. Nobody canceled the tricks of the make-up yet. For example, you can reduce the nose (adjust the length, width, visually remove the hump) using some make-up techniques.

What is necessary?
It's worth starting with the purchase of a primer... Although he is not the main participant in the process of visual changes in the proportions of the face, he is definitely a good assistant. It does an excellent job of evening out skin tone, helps make-up to be more persistent. In some cases, the primer replaces the foundation. But still, for makeup that will change the shape of the nose, the primer is considered only a base.

In addition to him, other means will be required.
Light-colored cosmetics, the task of which is to add highlights to the makeup. These are light shadows, highlighters in different forms (creamy, powdery), corrector, white kayal and more. The product can be either matte or pearlescent, although mother-of-pearl is only suitable for evening bows. And, alas, mother of pearl is also not suitable for problematic and aging skin.

- The dark component, which will create contrast, play of light and shadow. This is usually a foundation, stick, powder or beige eyeshadow. A cold brownish tone is considered the standard choice, and those products in which a reddish undertone is visible are not the most successful.

Of course, there are whole sets, and even more than one floor, that help to do the contouring. This is already a professional make-up technique that allows you to literally "sharpen" the face, highlight the cheekbones and the bridge of the nose, take away the cheeks and jaw in the shade, and so on.... Visually narrowing the nose, shortening (if necessary) this technique also helps. But a beginner who has no idea how to use such cosmetics cannot count on a palette with special means as his salvation. It's worth saying again that this is a professional technique.
Therefore, you can start with simpler techniques, and often they are enough to satisfy the request.

Schemes for visual correction of the nose
By the way, about requests. They can be fundamentally different. There is no universal technique that will immediately shorten the nose, make it narrower, and remove the hump.

In order for a wide nose to become somewhat narrower, first of all, a make-up base is required. Chances are, a leveling foundation is also needed.
Action plan.
- On a washed, cleansed of traces of cosmetics, the face is applied Base makeup.
- Next step - tone creamas close to natural skin tone as possible. Its task is to even out the tone.
- Highlighter should be positioned in the middle of the nose along the entire length: from the bridge of the nose to the tip. And also a point highlighter is applied to the chin, to the inner corners of the eyes, to the cheekbones and the area under the eyebrows.
- Comes into action brush (whoever is more comfortable, you can replace it with a sponge). It will help to make the edges of the areas where the highlighter is applied less visible.
- Will shutdown loose powder, in its place can be any other tool that will create an outline that will be one tone darker than the highlighter. Excess applied cosmetics must be removed in a timely manner. When the product is applied to the wings of the nose, the movements should be circular and smooth.
- Since a wide nose is more often inherent in women with a round or pear-shaped face, it is not superfluous for this type - create an artificial shadow on the temples... On the bottom of the cheeks, it doesn't hurt either. This will help the face get closer to the canonical oval shape.
- If it is the back of the nose that is wide, new borders can be drawn closer to the middle, they are carried out to the end. A thin straight line is drawn along the central part, this is done with light cosmetics.
- And if the request is visually make the wings of the nose less wide, on the problem area, you need to drive in a dark pigment well.

So, step by step, with quite affordable means, you can make the nose narrower.
As always, work begins with the application of a makeup base and a matching foundation.
Here's how to "shorten" a long nose correctly.
- The highlight will be decorated with a light pigment. The remedy is usually applied in the center of the nose, affecting the entire length and the tip as well.
- A darker tone is applied to the tip of the nose, as well as to the wings. The main thing is to carefully shade it. What kind of dark pigment to use: it is important that the difference between it and the natural tone is 1-2 shades.
- To reduce exactly the tip of the nose, you need to take a light corrector, and draw 2 lines with it: one in the center of the nose, as well as at the tip (rounded). The borders between the light areas are carefully shaded.
That's the whole secret!

It is almost impossible to do this in profile, but the front view is very successful. And the trick is simple: the area of the hump is darkened with a dark agent, and then the border is well shaded. If you want to generally align the contour of the nose, you can draw a central straight line using a highlighter - the highlight corrects the shape well.

In this case, a creamy concealer is almost indispensable; it must be dark enough. It is applied to the sides of the nose, and then it is necessary to draw straight lines oriented towards the tip, without looking at the natural curves. Perfect shading will complete the work, and suitable loose powder will fix the result. There may well be powder with reflective particles on the center of the nose.

Of course, any correction aimed at visually reducing the nose should not be detached from the rest of the make-up.The same shades and tools that were used to correct the nose are used for other areas of the face. But, it is worth considering that a large role for sculpting can be assigned only in the evening make-up. In the daytime it looks excessive, and it seems that the cosmetics literally crumble on the person, "fall" from the face.

Makeup artist tips
There is no need to be afraid to enter the professional make-up zone while staying in ordinary home conditions. But in order for the makeup to seem really of high quality, several strict recommendations must be followed.
What recommendations work:
- daylight - it is preferred to everything else, therefore it is better to paint during the day and by the window;
- the first movements of the hand are always applicative, and all subsequent ones are much softer;
- brightening agent can be even 2 tones lighter than natural, but dimming - only 1 tone;
- the best blackout remedy is that matches the color of natural shadows on the face;
- sometimes even self-tanning is used as a darkening, it is applied to a clean face before the main tone goes there, but for beginners this is extremely difficult;
- your appearance, facial structure, proportions you need to know, to compare them with the optimal ones in order to understand what to strive for in makeup;
- if the nose seems, on the contrary, short, the line from the eyebrows to the side sections is darkened, so the length is stretched;
- snub-nosed darkening of the septum between the nostrils will help, although is it worth correcting snub-nosedness at all - it makes you look younger;
- attention from a non-ideal nose is always possible distract with bright lipstick;
- juicy blush They are also great distractions, they should be stretched from the dimples of the cheeks to the temples, but the color scheme is bronze-brown;
- if the bend of the eyebrow is drawn closer to the temple, this also helps to make the nose visually smaller;
- if you visually increase the distance between the eyes, the nose can also be "narrowed" - for this, the inner corners of the eyes must be painted over with light, and the outer corners must be emphasized with dark.

And the hairstyle can also be a savior: if you make it voluminous at the back of your head, your nose will appear smaller and shorter. "Bad advice" - to make a straight and long bangs, it attracts maximum attention to the nose.

Beautiful examples
Finally, the "magic tricks" in action are real examples of how makeup changes reality.
Let's look at 10 before and after options.
Here several means at once help to visually reduce the nose.... In addition to competent work with lightening and darkening zones, the reception of bright lipstick and classic evening arrows on the eyes is used. Together, we get an elegant nose.

In this case, the basic solution was to simply equalize the tone... At the same time, the nose itself changed, but additional techniques of light and shadow made it optimal for the "new" face.

Here, the narrowing went right grandiose, but it's not just makeup, but full contouring.... To make the nose look narrower, the girl's chin was also "sharpened".

Kim Kardashian has long taught everyone that there is nothing unreal, and here is an example of how she changes her appearance.... The nose becomes fundamentally different, and Kim also lengthens the chin and works out the cheekbones well.

It needed minimal changes to the nose, but they were easy to deal with. Although with "wide open" eyes and the emphasis from the nose has shifted to them.

This makeup, of course, cannot be daytime. But to come to the party in this form, showing everyone a dramatic change, a special pleasure. The only negative is that only young girls can afford so much highlighter.

All stages of creating a make-up work on narrowing and some stretching of the nose. - and such an accentuation on the eyes, and active selection of cheekbones, and even filling the lips with volume.

The eyes were slightly "raised", they made a reference point to the temples, due to which the oval of the face was improved... And there it became easier for the nose to "shrink".

Finally, an example of a simple daytime makeup that also solves the problem. The eyes became not so wide-set, noticeable shadows appeared on the cheekbones (but quite daytime, without busting), the shade of the lips was replaced.

- And here the nose was relatively flat, which I wanted to make a hump on it. Albeit an imitation. And it turned out, the face became more interesting, its shape - more perfect. But as a lot of work with the cheekbones, it was their darkening that helped transform both the shape of the face and the shape of the nose.

Happy beauty experiments!
For information on how to reduce your nose with makeup, see the next video.