What are makeup brushes and how to choose them?

The secret of successful make-up is not only carefully prepared skin and high-quality cosmetics. An additional factor is the correctly selected brushes, available not only to makeup artists, but also to every representative of the fair sex. Today manufacturers offer a wide range of brushes, so it is worth considering the features of makeup tools and the rules for choosing.

Experienced makeup artists advise you to apply your makeup using a variety of brushes. For example, contouring, for which the geometry and accuracy of applying cosmetics, are especially important, will not do without the use of such tools. The same applies to the smokey eyes technique, where you will be able to achieve the perfect shading with the help of brushes.

Types and their purpose
The market for tools designed for high-quality make-up is represented by a wide variety of brushes, and the range is regularly updated and replenished. However, all brushes can be divided into a number of categories depending on the purpose. It is worth considering in more detail the description of each group.
For face
Makeup artists recommend purchasing at least three fan-shaped brushes for more effective distribution of the foundation over the skin. Among them:
- flat synthetic hair;
- fluffy for blush;
- large and fluffy for powder.

The last two varieties should be made from natural materials. If we take a closer look at the set of a professional, then it will include a little more tools.
- Foundation brush. It is a set of synthetic hairs, with the help of which it will be possible to distribute the foundation as efficiently as possible and make it lighter in a thin layer. It is convenient to use such brushes.

- For concealer. A bit like the previous brush, the only difference is the reduced hair size, which makes it easier to blend thicker material.

- For powder. The difference is the wide shape, with the help of which it is possible to evenly distribute the friable texture of the powder. For best results, it is recommended to apply the composition by lightly patting it with a brush.

- For blush. Basically, natural hairs are used for their manufacture. A small tool used for topical application of cosmetics. Some models have a beveled edge that simplifies the make-up process.

- For highlighter and creamy blush. A tool for the manufacture of which synthetic pile is taken. The advantage of the makeup brush is that it does not absorb creamy textures, so it quickly and evenly distributes soft blush and highlighter on the cheekbones.

- For contouring. The brush features a wide shape and a small angled cut for the most effective dry blush blending.

With the help of the tool, it will be possible to emphasize the cheekbones, chin and visually reduce the nose.
Separately, it is worth highlighting the kabuki brush in this category. The difference between this tool and others is the round cut and many hairs. Designed to distribute powdery textures and bronzers on the skin.

For eyes
It is also worth putting in your makeup bag a few makeup brushes for eyeshadow and other eye makeup. Among the most popular tools, makeup artists distinguish several types.
- Flat tool for shadows. More suitable for professional use, small in size. The fluffy product will be the perfect assistant in even distribution of eyeshadow on the eyelids.

- Rounded brush. The special shape of the instrument is explained by the possibility of perfect shading of the shadow texture on the crease of the eyelid. Often a brush is called a barrel, with the help of which it is possible to make the look more expressive and mysterious.

- For eyeliner. It is a thin calligraphic model made of synthetic hairs. A great option for girls who like to experiment with arrows, since the intensity of the pressure allows you to change the width of the line.

- For shading. In this case, we are talking about a fluffy brush, with the help of which it will be possible to achieve the desired "smoky" shading in just a few seconds. An excellent option for lovers of "Smoky Ice".

There are other brushes for the eyes, only the most popular models are listed above, which are suitable for both professional use and for experiments at home.
For lips
Here, one medium-sized brush will be enough, which will evenly distribute lipstick, gloss or tint. When choosing a tool, it is important to give preference to models with a clear shape with dense pile.

Materials (edit)
Makeup brushes are made from a variety of materials. Particular attention is paid to the villi.
- With natural pile. The advantage of such products is that they do not spoil the cosmetics and allow you to evenly distribute any textures over the skin of the face. Therefore, most professional brushes are made exclusively from natural hairs. The disadvantage is the high price and the inability to use it when working with wet textures.
- With synthetic bristles. For the manufacture of tools, mainly nylon or taklon is used. Plus, such brushes are available, and many do not lag behind natural counterparts in quality. Silicone materials are suitable for working with both liquid and dry textures.

Natural fiber brushes, in turn, are made from different materials.
- Hair column. Differs in small thickness and high elastic properties. Easy to use, often used to make eye makeup brushes. Additional features include the soft tip that the instrument is equipped with. To make the brush last a long time, make-up artists advise to work only with dry textures.
- Fox hair. Mainly used to create face makeup brushes. Usually they apply powder or blush. Such tools are found both in professional makeup artists and in home cosmetic bags.
- Goat hair. A popular material, the peculiarity of which lies in its high density. Goat hair allows for perfect blending of cosmetics and evenly applies dry blush or powder texture.
- Pony hair and squirrels. The most common choice of natural materials for making brushes. These tools are suitable for the application of both dry and free-flowing formulations.

Makeup brushes are a must-have tool that can make your makeup process easier and faster.
Top manufacturers
Today, the market for makeup brushes is represented by a wide range of not only tools, budget and expensive, but also the manufacturers that produce them.
- Soda. The company produces rainbow-colored brushes that attract the attention of many young girls. You can buy a brush for the face, eyes, lips from the manufacturer, and the result is a professional set that is suitable for applying makeup at home.
The company's advantage is that it does not test its products on animals, and most of the brushes are made from synthetic hairs.

- Lime Crime. Another company from which you can buy a set of multi-colored brushes. Among the features of the manufacturer's tools are handles, in the core of which a sparkling liquid floats. The set includes 7 basic brushes packed in a transparent case for a pretty stylish look.

- Clinique. Engaged in the production of brushes for applying blush and bronzer. The peculiarity of the tool is natural hairs, which ensure an even distribution of texture.

- Shiseido. One of the in-demand products of this brand is a synthetic bristle brush for working with powdery textures and liquid blush. Ergonomic and durable handle, unique shape are the main advantages of the product.

- M. A. C. The manufacturer produces brushes made of synthetic bristles for shading shadows or highlighter. Features include a wooden handle and a brass bezel.

- Dolce & Gabbana. The company produces brushes with which you can easily apply shadows. The difference from other tools is the unique flat shape, which allows you to accurately apply dark shadows in hard-to-reach areas, which is not always possible with other brushes.

- Bobbi Brown. A unique product of the company is a thin brush with a pointed end, with the help of which it will be possible to easily apply creamy eyeliner and form an even line.

This is not a complete list of manufacturers who are ready to offer brushes for both home and professional use. On the market you can find tools from Belarusian, Japanese and domestic firms of excellent quality, if you correctly approach the choice of products.

Nuances of choice
It is not always easy for a novice makeup artist to choose a makeup brush from a huge variety of options. In this case, it is worth paying special attention to the quality of the products offered by manufacturers. Basic selection guidelines will help with this.
- The pile should be soft. Otherwise, the skin will experience discomfort every time you apply cosmetics, regardless of the type, and over time, the make-up procedure will become a real torture. You can check the softness of the hairs by brushing the hand over the skin of the hand several times. If nothing scratches, you can buy a tool.
- The base should hold the hairs firmly. When choosing, it is worth slightly shaking the product in your hands, and if during a short experiment you hear creaks or other unpleasant sounds, then you should give preference to another instrument.
- The handle should not bend. Here, an important characteristic will be strength, since the service life of the tool depends on it.

Don't buy the first brush you see. It is better to carefully approach the choice and purchase a quality product than to spend money on buying another tool later.
Care Tips
It is recommended to store makeup brushes in special cases to prolong the life of the tool and prevent deterioration of the hairs, especially when it comes to natural materials. Additional tips to help you care for your brushes:
- It is better to store the brushes in a separate container. It is better to stop the choice on a glass, which must be placed in a dry and dust-free place. Such a solution will help to avoid the occurrence of acne with regular use of the instrument due to the penetration of small particles of dirt into the skin.
- Products for creating make-up with frequent use are recommended to be washed once every three days.
- Tools that apply dry-textured products should be washed with warm water once a week.
- It is best to use shampoo to thoroughly cleanse the lint. It is also recommended to rinse products made of artificial pile after each wash.
- Dry the brushes horizontally on a prepared towel or on a special stand. In this case, it is important that the hair part of the hand hangs freely and does not come into contact with the surface.

Compliance with the recommendations for the care of brushes will help to avoid unnecessary expenses for the purchase of new products.