Doing Chinese makeup

In China, there is a very ancient tradition of face painting. For Asian makeup, there is no ugly appearance. There is a special skill that allows you to smooth out imperfections and show flawless beauty. Facial features with cosmetics can be changed beyond recognition. We will tell you about some of the secrets of this makeup in the article.

Specific traits
It is believed that Chinese women by nature have fine, regular facial features and very fair skin. This is a common misconception: girls of Asian descent have golden skin, rather narrow eyes with a characteristic drooping eyelids, short eyelashes.
Traditional Chinese make-up is a special type of make-up that has developed over several millennia. In ancient China, the skin was whitewashed, eyebrows were made with black lines, cheeks were blushed, a pattern in the form of a huadian flower was painted on the forehead, lips were made small and scarlet.

Of course, modern girls make makeup more elegant and restrained, but the main features have been preserved.
- maximum lightened skin;
- the emphasis is on large eyes, visually increasing and lengthening with eyeliner;
- eyebrows are painted on;
- lips are often accentuated.

To create an image in this style, you will need:
- concealer;
- foundation and concealer;
- eyebrow pencil;
- eyeliner milky and black;
- bright blush;
- lengthening mascara;
- lipstick or gloss.

False eyelashes are often used. If you use shadows, then light and cold - for the daytime version, and matte and pearlescent - for the evening.
Options for every day
Chinese women regularly take care of themselves using folk beauty recipes such as rice water tonic or green tea infusion, protect the skin from the sun and massage the facial muscles. Modern cosmetics for care are the most popular in the Middle Kingdom. In everyday life, bright colors are most often not used, preference is given to more natural shades.

Let's consider how to do this makeup step by step.
Step 1 - foundation
To create the perfect base for make-up, the face is prepared:
- moisturize with day cream;
- after absorption, distribute the primer with silicone from the middle to the edges;
- mask imperfections with a concealer or corrector, paying attention to the area around the eyelids and lips;
- apply a tonal agent 1-2 tones lighter than the skin;
- with a dark cream corrector, emphasize the line of the cheekbones;
- complete the image with powder, it should be 1-2 tones lighter than the tonal base (for shading it is better to use a wide brush).

Step 2 - eyebrows
They are designed close to their natural shape or with a thin line. Usually, fine lines are found in evening or holiday makeup.
- Remove excess hairs, giving the desired shape.
- Clear straight strokes are drawn with a pencil:
- along the top along the edge of hair growth;
- a diagonal is drawn from the outer edge - the middle line of the letter Z, 1/3 of the eyebrow;
- along the bottom, draw another straight line to the beginning of the diagonal;
- a line is vertically applied near the bridge of the nose, it will outline the thickness;
- all strokes are connected, the contour is painted over.
- Concealer to match the skin tone the eyebrows up and down, making them more defined.

Most Chinese women choose this variety, as it is recommended for hanging eyelids. The main difference is that the highest point of the arc is located strictly above the outer corner of the eye. So the gaze becomes wider. Length, width, bend angle and height, placement of the bend point are selected individually.
When decorating, only soft lines are drawn. The use of shadows will give more naturalness, with coloring particles they fill in areas with sparse hairs.
Clear and neat, even arched shape - these are the perfect eyebrows for an Asian woman.

Step 3 - eyes
The arrows are drawn long to create the effect of large open eyes. A lighter eyeliner is used for natural looks.
- Shadows are applied depending on the color of the iris in pastel shades: gray, lilac, beige-brown, blue.
- The lengthening effect is created using a darker tone, shading from the middle of the eyelid to the edge almost to the beginning of the temple.
- In the daytime version, the eyeliner is done only at the top, choosing black or dark brown on a gel basis. The arrow is drawn slightly higher and thicker than is customary in the traditional application technique, taking it out of the eye. The distance between the eyelashes and the arrow is painted over.
- The lower part is emphasized with a light pencil, often they are taken to the arrow, which is located above.
- The center of the upper eyelid, as well as the inner corner and the narrow area under the eyebrow, are emphasized with white tones.
- Mascara is applied in two layers on the upper eyelashes and a little on the lower ones. To enhance the lengthening effect, hold the mascara brush vertically for the second painting.

Step 4 - blush
Berry, pink shades are usually chosen.
- It is applied to the cheekbones, going a little into the areas at the base of the temples, shading well.
- Highlighter is added to the bridge of the nose, to the inner corners of the eyes, to the cheekbones on top.

Step 5 - lipstick
Better to choose light colors with glitter or transparent pearlescent gel, you can try matte lipstick.
When applying a Chinese make-up to girls of the European type, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their appearance. Do not enlarge your eyes very much by drawing long arrows. It is better to draw in a not too thick and not very long line and paint with mascara.Not everyone needs false eyelashes: for most Slavs they are naturally thick and long, but wide eyebrows will have to be corrected, giving an even and graceful shape.

Creating a festive make-up
An evening or festive option is distinguished by brighter colors that highlight the eyelids and lips on the face. Often such makeup was used for a masquerade or stage performances.
- arrows are applied thick and long on the upper and lower eyelids;
- colors for shadows are chosen bright, often pink or red;
- use false eyelashes, several layers of mascara;
- eyebrows are made wide at the bridge of the nose, and at the edges - narrow and sharp;
- lips are painted with small, bright red lipstick.

Consider what points they pay attention to when creating a Chinese make-up for a holiday.
With the help of foundations, a very light and even skin tone is created. First, the primer is distributed, then the foundation. Defects must be masked with a proofreader. As a basis, they take beige or even white shades - it depends on how close to the original version of the make-up you want to create. Blush is chosen cherry, scarlet, often of the same tone with shadows.

In China, huge open eyes are considered the standard of beauty. For greater effect, they are emphasized with rich shades, giving expressiveness. The colors are very different, there are often options with red or pink shadows. They are shaded with a smooth transition into a light blush on the cheeks.

Two long arrows above and below are drawn in black, blue, brown. A line is drawn from the inner corner of the eyelid and is drawn almost to the temple - this will give the look a slight slant. On the upper eyelid, the arrow is painted over to the edge of eyelash growth, the lower one is first drawn with a white pencil, and then a black arrow is applied.

They can be thin or slightly wider, but always well-defined, well-defined.

In ancient times it was not customary to paint them, but modern beauties regularly use mascara and often use false eyelashes. The design methods differ: sometimes the top and bottom are painted, and sometimes only the top.

A drop of foundation or concealer is applied to the surface, then the contour is drawn with a pencil. The form is made smaller in size than it is. Often, only the middle in the form of a heart is painted over. Lipstick color is always bright, maybe even black or blue. The unpainted part is covered with a base base under the general background.

Beautiful examples
- In everyday make-up, some bright cosmetics are used.

- There are brighter options.

- Accent lips and wide eyebrows.

- Festive makeup with red eye shadow.

- With pink shadows.

- For girls with European appearance.

For information on how to do Chinese makeup yourself, see the next video.