What is lifting makeup and how to do it?

You don't have to take drastic steps to rejuvenate. For women aged 50-60 (and even a little less) there is a special type of makeup with a lifting effect. This is a rejuvenating make-up, having comprehended the basics of which you can seriously transform.

What it is?
All programs about fashion and style, broadcasted on the central channels, trumpet that women, whose youth fell on the times of the USSR and perestroika, seemed to be mothballed in the images of those times. This also applies to makeup. And they age themselves and active eyeliner, and too bright blush, and the inability to separate the evening and daytime make-up.

Although anti-aging makeup is available to everyone, and this is what women should master, who want, if not to look younger, then look decent for their age.

This, by the way, is a much more realistic goal.

For lifting make-up, means and methods of application are used that allow, as far as possible, to hide age-related manifestations. There is no age line when it is strictly shown to make such a make-up. As soon as the woman herself felt that the oval of her face “floated”, the wrinkles became more noticeable, it’s time to take up cosmetics that can hide all this.

And this can happen at 40, and even a little earlier.

The main principles of lifting makeup:
- visual elimination of signs of aging;
- the color scheme corresponding to the woman's color type;
- special cosmetics;
- preparation of the skin for make-up;
- special methods of applying cosmetic products.
Catchy, bright, defiant makeup will have to be removed.

Better to throw it away. What went on in youth today plays in the opposite direction, although women themselves stubbornly may not admit it.

Moreover, many ladies think that a less intrusive, more natural make-up will make a mole out of them, accentuate their age. But do not fall for these mind games, you just need to try - the result is likely to impress.

Creation rules
This make-up is based on technique.
Yes, you have to use special tools and textures, but if you do not know what to do with them, they will not work.

How lifting makeup is created.
- Face should be ready for make-up... This means that caring for it helps subsequently to successfully lay down cosmetics. First of all, this is intense hydration. It is this, and not the highlighters, that will help remove a dull complexion.
- Radiant products aren't just good for young people. While moisturizing is a priority, such products will complement aging skin to create radiance. She makes her face open, luminous, and this is youth.
- Contouring techniques - in the fashionable arsenal. For example, cheekbones highlighted with bronzer help sculpt the face. And the clearer its shape, the younger the woman looks.
- You need to use blush - they add freshness to the face. But active, very bright, on the contrary, age. It should be a light product with shiny particles.
- Forget about the lower eyeliner, this is not a move that will add youth and brightness. Drawing the lower eyelids, and even with a black pencil, the woman only focuses on the wrinkles.
- Dull lips age, but a transparent balm or a light gloss get rid of it. But it was gloss, not lipstick with the maximum shine effect, which was popular in the late 90s.
- All lines on the face should go up. Lines of arrows, eyelashes, sculpturing diagonals on the cheekbones, eyebrows - this is the very lifting effect.

The features of this make-up are not so specific that only a master could apply it. All this is available at home. One has only to purchase the appropriate missing cosmetics and try. Even an overhanging eyelid, loose skin, narrow lips, irregularly shaped eyebrows are not a reason to refuse lifting makeup. Just he will help to fix a lot.

Selection of cosmetics
You can limit yourself to a basic set of tools and then buy only what you really like or want a new experiment.
The basic set includes the following tools.
- Tonal basis. Cream is better than powder. Powder with a matting effect is needed by young people, it will not decorate age-related makeup. The cream can be purchased with radiant particles.
- Blush... They should also be shimmery. It will be very successful to purchase a set with blush, bronzer and highlighter. This will help with contouring. However, for someone, a cream blush is also suitable, for a natural discreet make-up they are good.
- Highlighter... Although there is already a shining foundation, it will not be superfluous to have a separate highlighter. It is better if it becomes a liquid version of the product. It, by the way, can be added in a small amount to a regular foundation.
- Shadows... A basic palette with beige and brown shades is enough.
- Pencil... Black for eyes after 50 is almost always a losing move. But a brown pencil, soft and well shaded, will come in handy.
- Mascara... It is better to refuse the volumetric one, but the lengthening one will do - it will help open the eyes. Bulky mascaras make the eyelid heavier, which is a disaster for an age-related make-up. The same goes for eyelash extensions.
- Lip balm, gloss. They should give the effect of a light, moist glow.

This is the very base that will create lifting makeup for every day. Obviously, there is a minimum of funds and some incomprehensible, especially specific products are not provided. Of course, there should also be a set of makeup brushes, perhaps a concealer and corrector will come in handy. It remains only to learn how to use this cosmetics correctly.

Application technique
Everything is doable at home.
Ideal if you can work with the make-up in daylight - natural light doesn't lie.

Once again, it is worth recalling that well-hydrated skin is pliable and grateful to any make-up. Before applying makeup, it needs to be cleaned.

How to work with tone.
- You need to drop a drop of highlighter into the foundation squeezed into the palm of your hand.... Make the composition homogeneous. The mixture warmed in the palms is applied to the skin along the massage lines.
- If dark circles are still visible under the eyes, concealer can hide them.
- Using a bronzer and a beveled brush, draw diagonals under the cheekbones. Remember to shade them.
- Blush is applied to the "apples" of the cheeks. They are also shaded towards the temples.
- Highlighter drops are used - on the cheekbones (closer to the temples), under the eyebrows and above the eyebrows, in the "tick" above the upper lip.

The leather work is finished. If she shines, that's what you need.

The corners of the eyebrows should not be pulled down - this moment ages even the young, and also creates the effect of an eternally sad face. But the tip of the eyebrows, directed upwards, is youthful. The color of the eyebrows can match the tone of the hair or be a couple of tones lighter / darker.

If the hair is dark, almost raven's wing, the eyebrows may be less saturated, the main thing is to maintain a balance of warm or cold tones, they do not mix.

The upper part of the eyelid can be drawn with a pencil; brown is preferred. The line should be shaded a little. The outer corner of the eye can be slightly raised with a pencil line. But the arrows should not be long (they say about such as “like in Zhadi”), although many older women draw just such. Mascara is applied in several layers, but not thickly. You can only make the eyelashes thicker at the outer edge.

If you decide to use shadows, then with a gradient - from light beige to pale brown, the transition of colors must be shaded.
You can do without shadows.

If you need to hide the overhanging eyelid, the "loop" technique is used. This is a method when, over the main shadows (for example, beige-purple), more accent, dark ones are applied, in a special way - on the upper eyelid line quite thinly and near the eyelash growth line. The result is a loop effect that helps to "open" the eye.

The color scheme should be neutral. Juicy, bright, flashy tones draw attention to the skin around the lips. The nasolabial folds, wrinkles, and the "floating" oval become even more noticeable. The priority is light creamy lipsticks with a translucent texture and the same shine.
A wet lip gloss applied to the middle of the lip complements the base tone.

Frequent mistakes
There are tricks so beloved by women that only age them, but they stubbornly deny it. It seems to them that with a new make-up they will look funny and faded. Or even just ladies and would be happy to create a new make-up, but they do not understand how. First, you need to abandon the old, with its obvious "crimes".

What not to do.
- Apply matte and dark blush. I would like to throw on myself a dozen more years, please. But nothing ages like these "harsh" cheekbones.
- Use a black pencil to paint over the eyelids, especially the lower ones.... Such simple, already boring instructions, and their implementation is still in question. Well, women over 50 like to thickly draw their eyes, although they look more swollen after that and even visually decrease.
- Actively dye the lower eyelashes. This went well with Twiggy and her fellow fans, but many years have passed since then, and the beautiful Twiggy was 16. Age makeup and "spider legs" under the eyes is an aesthetic loss.
- Use black upper eyeliner... Sagging skin will be like under a magnifying glass. Brown is much better.
- Make clear lines. They are aging. But shading (and pencil, and blush, and bronzer) removes this aging effect.
- Contour lips with a contour pencil not in the color of the lipstick. It's outdated, it looks gross, it makes a caricature.
- Use a foundation that is darker than the natural tone. Another defeat for the face and a comical look in the end.

Slowly but surely, you can come to a fundamentally different make-up: so he will rejuvenate.

Beautiful examples
Here are some examples to learn from.

Just take a closer look, analyze, disassemble and try it all for yourself.

Successful lifting makeup.
- The lines tend upward, the gaze is open, all the advantages are emphasized. Nothing remained of the traces of fatigue on my face.

- The eyebrows are refined, the eyes are emphasized, they seem to be laughing. Make is clearly refreshing and removes fatigue.

- An example of the correct lip design. The lower eyelid is delicately emphasized with a brown pencil, the eyelashes are painted over with lengthening mascara - the eyes will open wide.

- Delicate arrows, lengthening (not voluminous) mascara, correct lip tone - a very attractive image turned out.

- And again, the lines directed upwards, a tone with radiance and a successful lipstick. Miracles are happening before our eyes.

It's time to act!