Makeup Marilyn Monroe

It seems that no one can compete with Marilyn Monroe in the right to be called the main sex symbol of all times and peoples. Even Bellucci and Jolie are slightly behind the gorgeous blonde. The cover star, the cult actress, the standard of sex appeal, sculpted herself. Not every girl with not the most ideal figure (this is hard to believe, but a fact), not the longest legs, wrong bite, stoop and asymmetry of the eyes will be able to squeeze the maximum out of her appearance. That is why even today, more than half a century after the glory of Marilyn, girls imitate the star and try to repeat her appearance. For example, makeup.

Marilyn (real name - Norma Jean Baker) did a lot intuitively, and in terms of appearance too. For example, before makeup, she applied a fairly thick layer of petroleum jelly to the skin. She was not afraid of the oily sheen, because the camera and the spotlights did their job: the skin with such a secret layer shone attractively. Moreover, Marilyn applied petroleum jelly to her eyebrows and cheekbones, and today women use a highlighter for the same purpose.
Another highlight of the actress's makeup is shiny, moisturized eyelids. All this worked to create a sensual image, a desirable woman, sexy and semantic. To make the eyelids shine, a drop of oil was added in the center of the moving eyelid; today you can use coconut oil.

Marilyn is a seductive cutie, her beauty is not about nobility and aristocracy, but a luxurious blonde cannot be called a simpleton. So that the face was perceived as charming, with the correct features and attractive lightness, the actress "shortened" her nose with blush - a little blush on the tip, just a little, really visually shorten the nose.
"Wrong" eyebrows can spoil the make-up under Monroe. Marilyn had them with a characteristic break, coquettishly raised. For modern girls, they are often too wide, and the kink is inexpressive. But Marilyn will have to create the illusion of eyebrows: toning agents, a dark pencil, eyebrow shadows, a highlighter will help.
In general, creating a make-up in the Monroe style is not so difficult: her image has become classic, she did not use an impressive list of tricks that would have to be taken into account. And, of course, you need to be prepared for the brightness and accentuated sexuality, which is in the image of the great blonde.

Step-by-step instruction
A master class on creating Marilyn's make-up is carried out in stages. Each step brings you closer to the finished picture, when the model's appearance becomes similar to the image of the actress.
Of course, the commonality of features, blonde hair, a similar oval of the face simplifies the work. But the make-up for Monroe does not have to be presented at the end of the actress's double, it conveys her style, which are subconsciously well read.

Makeup in the style of Marilyn Monroe step by step.
- Cleanse the face, remove the remnants of previous cosmetics, sweat, grease, etc. Apply a liquid highlighter with a delicate degree of shine around the entire perimeter.
- A primer should be applied in the center of the forehead, nose, and also the chin - it serves to align, give harmony to facial features. On top of it you need to powder it so that it does not shine too much.
- The area under the eyes is dark circles, bags, "creases". Concealer will temporarily help to remove them. The result is fixed with matting powder.
- It is necessary to take a blush shade of a withered rose and walk them along the sides of the forehead, along the folds of the eyelid. This corrects the face a bit.
- Light beige shadows should be used to fill the space above the eyelid (or rather, its crease) and below it too.
- The eyebrows should be combed with a special brush, and then the hairs should be painted with a gray-brown pencil. Secures the shaping of the eyebrows with a suitable tint gel.
- Next, take a beveled brush, dip it in concealer and make your eyebrows a little more graphic. For Marilyn's makeup, this move is necessary; without it, the thread of the image will be lost.
- With the same pencil that worked on the eyebrows, you need to draw an arrow. The brush is pre-wetted so that the color is richer and more intense.
- The light kayal is used to bring up the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. If you don't, your eyes will look tired. White or light kayal makes the look wider and fresher.
- Draw a shadow under the lower lashes. This is practically a double of the arrow, only going in the opposite direction.
- You can paint over the eyelashes a little with mascara, and then take the false ones, they are fixed in half, on the outer corners of the eyes.
- Now about the lips: the contour is to be outlined with a very intense dark red pencil. The core is filled with red lipstick.
- Next, use a spatula to apply petroleum jelly to the entire surface of the lips.
- It remains only to put the famous fly with a dark brown pencil.
The image is ready!

Makeup Secrets
Experts say that Marilyn's make-up is very modern, for example, her desire to shine surprisingly resonates with the trends of today. It is believed that the actress's skin glowed so much not only because of the Vaseline, but also because it had a light fluff on her cheeks, which looked like a glow under the studio light.

What other recommendations will help in creating Marilyn's make-up?
- Actress Jim Doherty's first husband claims that she was obsessed with self-care, and therefore could wash up to 15 times a day. If so, we can say that Monroe definitely did not miss the item "humidification". And this is worth repeating to anyone who wants to look just as radiant.

- Moisturizing was supplemented with the same petroleum jelly cream, which served not only as a base for makeup. The layers of petroleum jelly were thick. Today, this remedy will replace an oily cream suitable for the skin.

- Marilyn never got enough sleep, but on the set you had to shine. Ice cubes with herbs (chamomile) helped to invigorate her skin.The same advice can be actualized - rubbing with ice cubes tones the skin.

- Monroe had a heart shape, but she strove for an oval - corrective makeup helped her in this. Today, it is erected on a pedestal of beauty and is called contouring, and it will not hurt anyone to learn from it.

- Double Arrows Marilyn - Tricky Trickwhich helps to enlarge the eyes. It worked then, and it will work now.

- Monroe drew a small white corner near the outer corner of her eye. (at the junction of the upper and lower eyeliners), and this also visually enlarged the eyes. Today, white kayal is used for this, which should be applied to the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid.

- Broken eyebrows were one of the most prominent features of Marilyn's dazzling appearance. They gave her both touching and sensuality. But it was also a trick that distracted attention from the wide enough forehead. Makeup artists today remind: the angle of the break of the eyebrow should be proportional to the angle in the "dimple" of the lip, then the face immediately becomes more harmonious.
You don't have to be blonde to replicate Marilyn's make-up. But it's worth making it: it charges you with special energy and makes you feel like a real star.

Beautiful examples
At this point there will be two lists, in the first one the best beauty images of the actress with a characteristic make-up. In the second - a modern make-up in the style of Monroe.
Marilyn Monroe are examples of the perfect make-up.
- This photo shows how clearly Marilyn's lips are drawn, that under the lipstick there is a fairly thick layer of pencil. The bottom double arrow, drawn in brown pencil, is also visible.

- Monroe loved luscious lips, always shiny, rounded. Today glitters do a great job with this.

- She used almost no blush, the skin was the perfect tone, it was important for her to maintain this feeling of porcelain transparency.

- Monroe did not always use hot red lipstick, the shades could be softer. But always sensual, accentuated.

- You can't find fault with the actress's eyebrows, their color is ideal in relation to the hair and skin tone.

Examples of copying a star make-up.
- This is Michelle Williams, the actress who played Marilyn. By the way, by nature Monroe was brown-eyed, but in postcards, on the covers, she preferred retouching. Michelle especially managed to repeat Monroe's sensual lips.

- The arrows are too elongated here, but for such an oval of the face, this is for the best. Nevertheless, a make-up in style should always take into account the individuality of the traits, which must be emphasized complementary to them.

- The only negative is the darkish eyebrows. Marilyn had them much lighter. But the make is guessed, and even without a wig, he is recognized almost immediately.

- Scarlett Johansson bears many similarities to Monroe, they are both sexy cuties, blondes with a gorgeous figure. And the modern actress's make-up for Marilyn was also a success.

- And here the eyebrows are incredibly precise - the same kink, the same shade. An excellent transfer of the image, do not find fault with the makeup.

For information on how to do makeup in the style of Marilyn Monroe, see the next video.