What kind of makeup can be done on Kolyada?

Compliance with folk traditions is not only an important part of national identity, but also fun entertainment, accompanied by dressing up, acquiring an unusual look. Now it is much easier to solve the problem of what kind of makeup can be done on Kolyada. The cheerful company has at its disposal children's paints, adult cosmetics, theatrical make-up and even the old improvised means used by the ancestors. The success of the enterprise does not depend on the money spent on a special decor, but on the knowledge of the characters who should be present in the merry procession, the traditional techniques used to create the appearance, invention and imagination of the participants.

Ideas for women
In Russia, there are two primordially Slavic holidays, when it is customary to do this: the night before Christmas, from January 6 to 7, and the old New Year, January 13. Interesting options for women can be based on the three main ideas of carols, which not all participants in holiday entertainment know about.
Makeup for Kolyada for Swamp Kikimora. For him, you need to shade the eyebrows with a brown pencil, and under the eyes, shade green shadows and tint the eyelashes. Lips, like eyebrows, are brown.

Not the easiest, but attractive way for women to attract attention - the use of characters from fairy tales. Since it was believed that it was on the night before Christmas that evil forces were activated, the carols themselves tried to take on a frightening appearance - the costume of Baba Yaga, a witch, a mermaid and other evil spirits was in use. A large scope of imagination opens up in costumes for girls, no matter what makeup is used for this - professional or amateur, even stove soot, even beets for blush.

- Christianity is another path that takes you back to the times when good Christmas plays were played. The general meaning of the actions being played is the invariable victory of good over evil. A woman can choose the role of the Sun, a rich and unkind lady, an angel, an unfortunate orphan, a fairy or a Snow Maiden. But in this case, there should be a well-thought-out scenario for a mini-performance, which is played out in front of grateful spectators and is accompanied by the glorification of Christ or the Mother of God.

The modern understanding of a woman's costume for such an event is somewhat different from the primordially traditional one. Now the main thing is to create an eccentric and peculiar look, so you can choose a costume of a gypsy woman, a young peasant woman, Gogol's Solokha, or any colorful literary character.
A great idea for a woman is to dress up in a folk costume, following the traditions of their ancestors. Since olden times, caroling ladies have dressed in the most elegant clothes, so a sundress, a short fur coat, a long skirt and a colorful scarf are perfect for such purposes. As for the makeup, it matches the suit, emphasizes its originality.

Review of makeup for men
Men usually have a restrained attitude towards the idea of using makeup, preferring to limit themselves to caroling with object accessories - masks, wigs, theatrical costumes, iconic attributes of the image. However, in modern reality there is such a convenient thing as online stores selling face and body makeup, a set of monstrous transformations, yellow, green and white theatrical makeup.
They will be relevant in the light of new traditions. Now the carolers have expanded the set of stereotypes. In addition to the usual images, others are used, colorful, modern, from cartoons and horror films. Simple makeup, easy to apply, or cosmetics skillfully used, can transform a man:
in a cheerful gypsy, with an accordion, in a bright colored shirt;
into the creepy Joker (here you need a lot of white and color makeup to apply the traditional clown mask).

Here are some more ideas.
It is enough to shade the eyes and lips, to allow the eight-pointed star to be carried on a stick to make the Starlight.

Make-up for Mehonosha is done according to a similar principle (you can use a false mustache and beard), the main attribute of the costume is a bulky bag in which the offerings are folded.

National costume and expressive face - the blacksmith Vakula, a Zaporozhye Cossack, is ready.

Pointed ears on a rim or in latex, eyes outlined in dark pencil and bright red lips - and it turned out to be an elf, a vampire or a creepy goblin.

- Make-up was not used for the goat-footed, although later they began to smear the face with soot - it is traditionally in a mask or with the head of a goat. However, now you can use face painting: with black skin and red lips can be Kolyada, and with vampire teeth made of plastic - a ghoul or ghoul.

In some cases, slightly exaggerated decorative cosmetics will suffice. Professional make-up or improvised means may come in handy - children's paints (watercolors and gouache), food colors and traditional means - soot, carrots, beets, products with a coloring effect.
Before applying makeup, it is better to lubricate the skin with a greasy protective cream.
Options for children
Children of school and preschool age can use New Year's costumes for carols - and these are traditionally cute animals - bunnies, squirrels, bears, chanterelles, hedgehogs. But this is an optional condition. The child can be a gnome or a ladybug. There are ready-made costumes on sale, with makeup sketches, pencils and paints. If there is no time for shopping on the Internet, you can show a little imagination.

For girls
A fairy godmother can easily turn out from a girl in an elegant dress, tinted with makeup. To make a traditional Goat out of it, a light fur coat and a mask or horns on the rim are enough. Enlarged eyes, nose and characteristic mouth are done in gouache.
For teenage girls, the animal theme is no longer relevant: they are happy to paint with makeup or cosmetics, turning into mermaids, witches, vampires. At home, such options are quite real in execution, even without a purchased makeup, you can skillfully use shadows of an unusual shade.
Girls at the age of 12 may like different options, so before thinking about children's makeup, it is better to ask your daughter who she would like to be at caroling.

For boys
Traditional New Year's costumes from matinees will come in handy in this case. A hare, a bear in an inverted sheepskin coat, an elf and a vampire are just a few of the proposals. A boy can be a gnome, a brownie, a goblin and a water man, a deer, a goat - and each time, to make the costume more picturesque and believable, you will need to emphasize or transform the face. If you buy a ready-made suit with makeup, everything is much easier. But you need to come up with a face painting yourself, showing your maximum imagination.

Beautiful examples
A sincere desire to take part in a festive event, as well as professional and amateur photos will suggest non-standard techniques and tools that you can use.
It is absolutely easy to dress up a man in a beauty, using any female hats, blushing cheeks and making up lips. This is an old trick that always works. And, of course, the red nose and cheeks are a recognizable image of Parsley.

An interesting solution is a woman in a man's costume of an accordion player, a goblin, a pirate, or in her natural incarnation - a Russian beauty, a fairy.

A wonderful makeup for a girl will replace the most expensive mask from the boutique, emphasize the natural beauty, and will look spectacular in the pictures. To do this, it is enough to be able to draw a little, attend to the idea and its embodiment.
A child's face is a grateful canvas on which you can draw endlessly. While you can't really turn around with an adult face, the emotions of a child will complement even the most inept drawing.

The mastery of makeup will allow you to come up with a colorful design and complement to any image, and it will be necessary if you observe the wonderful folk traditions of the whole family.
Despite the fact that caroling has lost its esoteric, sacred and even Christian meaning, the preservation of national traditions - an equally important activity in modern reality, which allows you to distract yourself a little from TV and a computer.