Fashion makeup with flowers

Fresh flowers and everything connected with them is traditionally related to the fair sex, and it is not for nothing that makeup with different colors has come into fashion. We will get acquainted with the features of the flower make-up further, consider its various variations, as well as options for execution.

Make-up with fresh flowers or dried flowers, of course, is not suitable as an everyday make-up for work. But it can be a great solution for an original photo shoot or party. This is exactly the option that girls have not yet bothered, and therefore in their practice today it is readily used by makeup artists all over the world.

It should be noted that makeup with flowers does not always imply make-up with live plants.Recently, makeup artists have gotten used to applying their artistic talents, depicting flowers with the help of shadows and other improvised cosmetics on the eyes, lips and in general all over the face. Such a make-up is often a real work of art, but, again, you won't go to work with this.

Overview of options
Consider a few of the floral makeup options that modern women might be interested in.
The make-up with a floral applique made of dry rose petals looks to some extent even shocking, but it will certainly appeal to girls who decide to organize an unusual photo session with floral motives.

- Make-ups look very bright and extraordinary, in which, instead of ordinary eyelashes, girls are glued with fresh flowers. We recommend paying attention to a more acceptable make-up, where miniature white flowers are glued to each eyelash in a chaotic manner.

Makeup artists experiment not only with eyelids and eyelashes - makeup with eyebrows, which are completely covered with small bright colors, is also in fashion.

You can also pay attention to the make-up of the eyes, where the entire upper eyelid is completely covered with white fresh flowers, and the lower eyelashes are slightly tinted with white mascara. All this flower boom is complemented by whitish dots under the lower eyelid and under the eyebrow, they either resemble snow-white petals, or hint at a sparkling floral explosion.

- The original option is eye makeup in purple and black with painted white flowers. Such a drawing is a rather painstaking job for a makeup artist. However, the make-up looks very unusual.

Make-up with dried flowers is a little easier than with fresh flowers. Usually, dried flowers are simply glued to the eyes or lips with a special glue, like the one that makeup artists use to glue on eyelashes. However, a full face makeup must first be applied, including tone, shadows and lipstick. Having decided to do makeup with flowers, it is extremely important to do everything step by step.
In this makeup, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, and to give free rein to your imagination.

If you want to do this makeup yourself, we recommend starting with the simplest option.
It is necessary to apply the foundation on the face.
The next step is to shape the eyebrows. If necessary, you can emphasize them with a pencil or eyeliner.
Light shadows should be applied to the eyes. Any of the nude palettes will do, you can take matte or with a slight sheen.
Next, you need to draw beautiful arrows in front of the eyes with long tails. A fine-tipped liner works best for this. Paint over eyelashes. Decorate the lips with a pencil and lipstick.
As soon as the main part of the make-up is ready, you need to start its floristic design. An excellent summer or spring option can be the use of hydrangea flowers. This flower is very lush and beautiful, so you should cut off several flowers of different sizes from it and stick them in a chaotic manner under the arrow on the eye and above the eyebrow. This design can be done on one side of the face or on both.

Beautiful examples
Consider a few more modern make-ups with floral motives, which can be taken as a basis for your future makeup for a photo shoot.
Nude makeup with fresh flowers spread over all the eyelids. The highlight of this make-up is that it fully matches the style of natural makeup. The flowers are matched to the natural palette, as a result of which they are in perfect harmony with the model's face.

Another good example of a natural make-up and look in general can be a make-up with white gypsophila. These flowers, when dried, have practically no weight, and therefore are not felt at all on the face. In addition to sticking them on the eyes or eyebrows, they were also placed in the hair to complement the image.

- Makeup with yellow daisies or asters can be another extravagant, but at the same time attractive. In this make-up, flowers are completely painted by makeup artists in the shape of an eye mask. A real wreath of the same fresh flowers adds sophistication to the image.

You will learn how to make flower makeup with chamomiles step by step by watching the following video.