What does smokey ice look like and how to make it?

Smokey ice is no longer a secret, but still the same well-aimed weapon in the arsenal of female means of transformation. Such a make-up can be very different, and if one of its types suits almost everyone, then the other is suitable only for women with certain facial features. But how to distinguish one from the other, find your own makeup option and perform it without flaws, and we will consider in the article.

What it is?
If you translate smoky eyes from English, it will be something like "smoky, smoky eyes". This is a popular type of makeup that creates a gradual transition like a gradient (from lighter to darker). The classic smoky ice really creates a haze effect on the eyes.
And by the way, not everyone knows that the colors in this type of make-up can be used in a variety of ways, and not just gray and black. True, a smooth transition to coal is the most recognizable type of smoky ice.
On the transition of shades, the desired visual effects are created. And here it is important not to be mistaken: by applying such a make-up incorrectly, you can visually reduce your eyes, make them sunken and even draw unnecessary attention to wrinkles. But if the variation of smoky ice is chosen correctly, the look will become deeper, the color of the eyes will be more intense, the facial features will be more expressive, and the face itself will be slimmer.

Once this technique was used to create a mysterious seductive image. Then she became a frequent version of the stage make-up. Today, smokey ice can easily be evening, festive, and daytime eye makeup. It all depends on the color, method of application, intensity and other factors.
A this make-up appeared about 100 years ago, after the First World War, and the engine of its creation was, of course, cinema. Since it was black and white, it was necessary to bypass color to create bright, expressive, catchy images. And black eyeshadow did an amazing job with that. Then the interest in this kind of makeup went away, and only reappeared in the 70s. This is due to the great popularity of rock culture, a strong women's movement, which was based on the right to independence (it had to be proved somewhat aggressively, and makeup also helped in this).

Today, the art of visage has gone very far from the make-up that the magnificent Vera Kholodnaya could use. The palette of shadows has changed, their composition, black is not the only one in this arsenal. And also added the meaning of other facial features, their cosmetic design.
If you want to be inspired by the perfect smokey ice, you should take a closer look at the outputs of Mila Kunis, Penelope Cruz, Keira Knightley and other recognized beauties: they use this beauty trick one hundred percent.

Tools and cosmetics to create
There are also many nuances here: each makeup artist has his own secrets, habits, and even the application technique may be slightly different. Once Natalya Vodianova said that even without the presence of cosmetics, she could get out of the plane wearing makeup, simply using the powder of a burnt match. But such extreme conditions are rare, but in a basic cosmetic bag a woman who loves this type of makeup, in addition to a set of shadows of the preferred gamut, should have a soft kayal (pencil) with good shading, a blending brush and black mascara.
Eyeliner (liquid, in the form of a felt-tip pen) for smoky ice is rarely used. But one good pencil, the softness of which is optimal for a particular skin type, will solve many questions. The blending brush should also be soft, of a comfortable size. This is all selected individually. Also useful are napkins, which can touch up the make-up in a second.
And if a ready-made kit for creating smokey ice was found in the store, you can try to purchase it. There is no guarantee that you will like it, but it is quite possible to stumble upon the perfect kit.

Classic version
The classic is a true smoky with a black accent color. And learning how to make such a make-up at home is quite real. The first step is to prepare the skin for make-up. This is a standard cleansing and moisturizing treatment. And if there are patches under the eyes, you can stick them on so that the make-up does not crumble.
Makeup artists have special patches for just this task (it's easy to find them in the online store).

The instructions for applying the classic smoky ice in stages looks like this.
- Apply a foundation under the eyeshadow. It is better not to skip this step, because the durability of the makeup depends on it. It can even be a creamy eyeshadow or a long-lasting metallic tint that is highly pigmented. This backing will help the underlying shadows to blend well.
- Draw the outer corner. It's time to apply the pigment itself. First, it is the outer corner of the eye that is drawn, and this is best done with a soft pencil. This will make the effect of the further superimposed shadows deeper, the pencil seems to enhance their possibilities. First, the pencil is applied to the outer corner of the upper eyelid, and then shaded along the lash line. As for the lower eyelid, the pencil is applied only to the outer corner and shaded somewhere until the middle of the century.
- Create a lens flare. High-quality smoky ice is shading, it is considered the main indicator of whether the make-up was successful or not. All transitions should be very smooth, the tone simply cannot be abruptly interrupted. After the pencil has been shaded, you need to make a neat highlight under the eyebrow. This will help the shading border look more delicate: where there is a structural fold, this accuracy is extremely important. The highlight is performed in a light shade: white, milky, light beige.
- Make the effect of a structural eyelid. The eyelid should really look structural and voluminous, which will help brown shadows, which are shaded along the crease of the upper eyelid (shading towards the temples).
- Bring out the outer corner of the eye with the help of shadows. The latter are applied to the outer corner over the pencil. Sometimes a burgundy shade is taken for this. The pigment is layered with point brush strokes along the ciliary line, heading towards the outer corner of the eye. Burgundy shadows are shaded to the line of the structural fold.
- Apply eyeshadow to the middle of the eyelids. A tone lighter than burgundy is taken. If it's more convenient, you can even do it with your fingers.
- Enhance the color. A make-up with a slight shine is what adorns the modern smoky ice. A shade of dark eggplant with sparkles will help to achieve this shine, to enhance the color depth, it is applied over burgundy shadows.
- The last step in applying the pigment is optional, but very effective. You can take a bright pencil that contrasts with the color of the eyes (for example, if the eyes are brown, a blue tint will do, if the green ones are purple). The pigment is applied to the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, it is very good to emphasize the shape of the eye.
- The finish. Carefully dyeing the eyelashes will complete the work on the classic smoky ice. The lengthening mascara may be better than the voluminous mascara in this particular make-up.

Of course, it is impossible to draw gorgeous eyes in a drag and not make the tone of the face match the eye makeup. Therefore, it is imperative to even out the skin relief using a primer, and then apply a base product (fluid, foundation, etc.). And some minor imperfections will hide the concealer for the skin.
Ideas for eyes of different colors
The classics are not so persistent that it was scary to move away from it. And even a wedding make-up may not be traditional, but unusual, original, colorful. This will only emphasize the uniqueness of the bride's image. And the choice of such a make-up depends on the color of the eye.

Brown-eyed women are lucky: most of the colors suit them exactly. Black, gray and brown are the most popular options and form the base of the standard smoky ice. But if you want to surprise (or just see yourself brighter), you can use olive, golden, purple, blue.
If the eyes are light brown, honey and caramel will be good options, but gray, blue, deep purple are suitable for dark brown eyes, that is, cold tones.

Blue-eyed girls often have fair skin, therefore warm and soft shades are preferable for them. Gray and silver, pink will look great in a colored smoky. If the girl is tanned, you should turn to golden shades.

Lilac and purple are the most suitable for green-eyed girls. Olive and emerald will also look impressive. If this is a daytime smoky, you can opt for brown, which is perfectly diluted with a calm gray color.

If black and dark gray are bored, you should take a closer look at gold, purple and brown. Variations and shades of these colors will create a great smokey color.

Day and evening make-up
Types of smoky ice pamper women. This bright make-up can be used in any situation. And if a make-up with sparkles during the day rarely looks convincing, then light and delicate variations will please the office style and not only him.
For example, one variation of the daytime smokey would be an example where pink and peach are used. It looks especially great in the sunny season.

Unexpected colors (for example, red) are also used in this technique, but during the day they are most likely suitable for representatives of creative professions. In a word, those who are only a plus for extravagance. The principles are simple: a calm make-up during the day, more daring and bright - in the evening.
The point here is the lighting: in daylight, everything is seen more clearly, and the multi-layered make-up will be excessive. In the evening, when the lighting is artificial, the colors, on the contrary, need to be added.

Helpful hints
Here are some more tips that will definitely not be superfluous, but will only bring you closer to the perfect smokey ice.
- If the eyes are small, it is better to refuse a radical smoky. Black and dark gray will make the eyes even smaller, visually, of course. Pink, mother-of-pearl, light gray and light brown are excellent choices. Shiny eyeshadow is also not for small eyes.

- Visually enhances the eyes, highlighting the area under the eyebrows.

- A drooping eyelid is not a reason to forget about smokey ice. It's just that sparkles and pearlescent shades are not suitable for such a nuance of appearance.
Better to apply shadows on the movable eyelid above the folds above it: this "opens" the eye.

- If the eyes are close-set, there is no need to darken the inner corners. It is better to apply light shadows with shine to this area, and dark ones will be shaded from the beginning of the lash line.

- If the eyes are set wide apart, light shadows in the corner of the eye are taboo. It is necessary to draw the upper eyelid with a dark pencil at the very beginning of the eye, darken the mucous membrane and the inner corner too.

- If the eyes have lowered corners, then applying shadows to the crease of the eyelid, it is necessary to extinguish them diagonally: this is how the shape of the eyes extends into the temporal zone. The outer corner of the bottom cannot be darkened, where it is better to leave the eyelid clean.
Arrows will not add attractiveness, they are not necessary precisely when smokey.

- For this type of make-up, the "keg" tassel will be the best.having a rounded tip. You just need to look so that it is not very dense.

- If dry shadows are shaded, brushes should be made of natural bristles.

- When the make-up is finished, you can apply a fixing translucent powder to the skin under the eyes with a fluffy eyeshadow brush. This is a great step for long-lasting makeup.

- If you still want to add arrows in the make-up, you need to do everything step by step: first, all the basic actions, and only then, before applying mascara, the arrows should be drawn.

And it is better to consolidate these schemes by viewing successful samples of very different smokey ice.
Beautiful examples
These examples show how far one can go in color variations, and how visually the smokey changes not just the image, but sometimes the architecture of the face.
Here are some good options.
- Standard smokey: slightly sloppy, languid, radical.

- A warm swatch that can be used in daytime makeup.

- Ultra blue always goes for brown-eyed girls.

- Notes of burgundy and lilac add great depth to bright eyes.

- A beautiful intersection of flowers with an active glow - an unusual smokey.

- This gradient is literally eye-catching.

- A great solution for a daytime make-up when you don't want to be obtrusive.

- Many colors in one smokey is not for everyone, there is a very fine line here. But in this case, everything is just fine.