Makeup for girls with blond hair

In most cases, girls with blonde hair and eyes have the same fair skin. It is very easy for happy owners of such features of appearance to choose the perfect makeup. In today's article, we will take a look at the main features of a beautiful make-up for girls with blond hair.

Natural blondes often have thin and very sensitive skin. It requires constant proper care, which cannot be neglected. This also serves as an excellent basis for a good and attractive make-up. It is advisable for fair-haired girls to regularly use special care masks, creams with a moisturizing effect.
Thanks to the use of these products, the skin will be able to look well-groomed and silky throughout the year, and the makeup will only emphasize the natural beauty.

There are many different types of beautiful make-up suitable for blonde beauties.... We are talking not only about everyday, but also about evening and even creative options that look non-standard and very bright. To find the optimal make-up that is ideal for the owner of blonde hair, she must take into account the shade of the hair, the color of the eyes and skin. If this condition is met, an excellent and very effective result can be achieved.

How to choose cosmetics?
Decorative cosmetics must be selected very carefully and deliberately. A blonde girl should fully understand what kind of result she wants to achieve. It's not enough just to visit a cosmetics store and buy the first shades you like. We need to think about how they will fall on the face, how they will affect the general appearance.
- Tonal basis for a fair-skinned face, it should be combined to the maximum with the girl's natural skin tone. You can buy yellowish or universal beige tones, but it is advisable to avoid pink tones.

- Blush, through which it is planned to emphasize the line of the cheekbones, must be selected to match the shade of the hair. Light blond, ashy or natural blond are perfectly combined with blush of a pale pink shade. If we are talking about honey or golden, then pink and pale peach scales will turn out to be good solutions.

- Suitable lipstick should be selected in the same way as blush. The lightest shades of hair will be in harmony with the pale pink light shine on the lips to the maximum. Beige and nude tones are ideal for women of fashion with golden blond hair, and crimson and red-pink lipsticks can be safely used by girls with ashy hair.

- Eyebrow shadow and pencil should not make the hairs too variegated, bright or too dark. If the girl has blonde hair, the eyebrows can be tinted only 1-2 tones darker. In this case, all lines must be done without excessive clarity. They should be smooth, not too bright.

- Carefully select and shade of eyeshadow for visage of eyes. For an evening make-up, you can use rich colors, but you should definitely shade all the transitions and joints of colors. In daytime or festive looks, natural blondes and owners of light blond hair will be most suitable for light gray, lilac, beige, pale pink, as well as blue shadows. If we are talking about a platinum blonde, then in this case, you can turn to the addition of a spectacular golden hue. In the case of honey-colored hair, purple and pinkish-blue eyeshadows are an excellent solution.

There are no serious restrictions on the choice of mascara or eyeliner. Thin outlines or arrows can be made in black, but in the case of very light skin, it is better to give preference to brown or graphite shades.

Eye color options
Suitable options for an attractive make-up for girls should be selected not only based on hair color, but also on the color of the iris. Consider what types of makeup are best for different eye shades.
Owners of beautiful gray eyes, by their nature, are curious, very reasonable and thoughtful persons. Such girls are not used to "hovering in the clouds", they do not commit rash acts.
Gray eyes go especially well with these shades of makeup:
- green;
- beige;
- pink;
- blue;
- purple.

It is not recommended to use these colors:
- red;
- brown.
The classic is the combination of light shades of beige for an attractive daytime make-up. For evening make-up, dark blue and purple tones are perfect.

Blue-eyed blondes have a very effective and attractive appearance. To emphasize its dignity, these dreamy and romantic natures can turn to decorative cosmetics in such shades:
- coral;
- soft peach;
- light pink;
- turquoise;
- purple;
- beige;
- azure.

It is not recommended to resort to using eyeshadows that are sustained in red or light green shades.
For blue-eyed girls with blond hair, daytime makeup with champagne shades is especially suitable. As for the evening make-up, here you can turn to azure and purple tones. Also, a good solution would be the selection of cosmetics to match the color of the evening dress.

Green-eyed owners of light hair are tremulous and vulnerable natures, but at the same time they are distinguished by their principles, firmness of character. The following shades of shadows are very suitable for girls with such features of appearance:
- bronze;
- copper;
- purple;
- light green;
- peach;
- plum;
- Gray.

It is not recommended to use blue or silver eyeshadows.
For girls with blond hair and green eyes, a daytime make-up with light green eyeshadow is perfect. For a sexy evening look, you can turn to more expressive purple hues with shimmery sequins.

Passionate brown-eyed natures often take risks, are not devoid of adventurism, always set the highest goals for themselves and successfully achieve them. Fair-haired women of fashion with brown eyes can safely refer to the make-up using the following colors:
- beige;
- walnut;
- ocher;
- pink;
- gray with mother-of-pearl;
- matte blue;
- amber.

It is better not to apply decorative cosmetics with a brown or gray tint to your face.
There are several popular classic makeup combinations for brown-eyed girls. A pleasant shade of peach, pink or gray is ideal for daytime makeup. For the evening, you can safely choose almost any shade with beautiful sequins.

Helpful hints
Let's take a look at some tips for choosing and creating a spectacular make-up for girls with blonde hair.
- We must not forget that light shades of hair include not only blond, but also red, which, in combination with beautiful tanned skin, is able to completely "absorb" gray and light blue eyes. In such situations, it is best to emphasize the eyelids with golden, brown or marsh tones. An attractive glitter effect can be added. Brown and green eyes least of all need such an arrangement of accents.
- Light-haired fashionistas, who by nature have a light iris of the eyes, do not go with the dark contours that frame the eyelids in a circle. It is recommended to emphasize the top contour. The arrow should be chosen in accordance with the shape of the eyes. In this case, the eyeliner or pencil can be kept in dark shades, but it is better not to use black options.
- Makeup for blonde hair and eyes looks best in nude tones. In this case, the emphasis is on naturalness and naturalness. If you want to make the image brighter, you can use 2-3 saturated colors, but no more.

Performing daytime nude eye makeup step by step:
- apply a drop of foundation or primer to the upper eyelid, blend;
- with matte shadows a tone or two darker than the skin color, walk along the orbital line, darken the outer corner of the eye;
- now take lighter shadows, completely paint over the upper movable eyelid with them;
- apply a highlighter to the inner corner of the eye and under the eyebrow;
- use a soft pencil to fill in the lash line;
- apply mascara on eyelashes in one layer.

Beautiful examples
For a blue-eyed blonde, a make-up with a slight highlight of the cheekbones, nude shadows, neat thin black arrows, black mascara that gives length and volume to eyelashes is ideal. The tenderness and beauty of the image will be emphasized by pale pink lipstick.

For an evening look, dark purple and black shadows are suitable, forming large arrows at the outer corners of the eyes, as well as light shadows at the inner corners. It is worth using black eyeliner on both the upper and lower eyelids, black mascara to add length and volume to the eyelashes. You can highlight your eyebrows with a suitable gel or shadows, and paint your lips with a discreet pale red or coral lipstick with a slight sheen.

Light make-up with shadows of a bronze or orange-brown shade, black mascara on the upper and lower eyelashes, as well as a discreet lipstick in a natural tone.

Makeup for girls with blonde hair in the video below.