Korean Makeup Creation

Fashion is changeable and fickle. A hobby does not arise out of nowhere. And now, the hobby for Korean makeup has arisen along the way with the popularity of Korean cosmetics. The features of the make-up, the stages of its application, as well as the methods of choosing the means - we will write about this and another below.

Consider the features and secrets of the makeup of the inhabitants of the Asian country.
The main nuance of Korean makeup is in combination with the smoothness of the skin with a porcelain shade... Korean women apply products in such a way that the skin seems moist and as if a little transparent.

All women in Korea have an oval face, beautiful skin with a slight golden hue.
It is said that many Koreans are clients of plastic surgeons and this is the norm in their country. After all, most of them have idols from the field of culture, sports and pop, they want to be like them.
Women wear makeup to achieve the effect of a youthful and fresh face. For example, European representatives of the fairer sex apply cosmetics on their face in large quantities, while residents of an Asian country mainly devote a lot of time to rejuvenation, skin care, and they use less decorative cosmetics.

Cosmetics are applied based on specific facial features. For example, they pay less attention to sculpting the nose.
As a result: make-up is applied so that the lips become small, the nose more refined, the cheekbones appear more clearly, the eyes appear shine, and the overhanging eyelid disappears.

If you want to learn how to apply cosmetics, like Koreans, at home, then follow these principles:
- apply the base base in the thinnest layer;
- use concealer without fail;
- do not take foundation - replace it with liquid cushion;
- for porcelain leather, only loose powder is needed;
- remove the bronzer aside - use a highlighter;
- choose blush taking into account the color of your hair and eyes;
- after toning the face, start first with the eyebrows, and only then with the eyes.

Based on the features, you can find the differences between the Korean make-up and the Western one.
Basically, all women in Korea bleach their skin, while the rest (from other countries of the world) apply a certain shade. That is why the foundation has no shades in the country.
Their eyebrows are always straight, without delineating any arcs. Another feature is eyebrows are always a tone lighter than hair.

Women visually enlarge the section of the eyes, draw a straight arrow.
The deeply bleached face is complemented by a bright peach blush (doll effect).
More often, oriental beauties apply a dark lipstick color to the central part of the lips, which smoothly transitions to highly transparent shades at the corners.

Choice of funds
Consider a list of the cosmetics that Korean women use to create a flawless oriental look.
It must be said right away that to create beauty, rejuvenation, the weaker sex in this country uses only domestic cosmetics.
- The first thing they always get is BB-Cream. It was the Koreans who perfected the European formula of this product for complexion and skin relief. The addition of an SPF component to all creams can be considered a plus. It is at least 30.

- Asian basic skin type – oily with enlarged pores... Therefore, a makeup base is always present in a cosmetic bag. The base is an excellent assistant in masking acne, redness, and other defects. It also smoothes out all facial irregularities perfectly.

- Twint - a liquid product with the addition of a matte finish. Such a coloring pigment is used as a blush and lipstick for eyebrow shaping.

- Black mascara and eyeliner - an irreplaceable thing when creating top makeup.

- Cosmetic application is not complete without a cushion. This is a specific sponge that is needed to impregnate cosmetics.

- Often used hydrophilic oils from extracts of medicinal plants, which remove the oily film.

- Splash masks - a kind of washing with rice water, which saturates the skin with nutrients.

- Where without patches? Stickers under the eyes from different materials are used: fabric, paper, jelly. And the impregnation is antioxidants and anti-aging serums.

- Eyeliner. It is mainly used in a liquid black consistency. Pencils are rarely used.

- Brushes... Every girl uses them, and there are whole sets in the arsenal.

How to make makeup step by step?
After the introductory part, you can move on to the most important thing - applying the make-up in stages. It all starts with skin care products. This procedure takes place in several stages.
Great importance is attached to cleaning the face as a whole. At this stage, foams, tonics, peels, cleansing oils and scrubs are applied.

After that, the skin must be toned by applying concentrates from ampoules and a certain serum. Cloth masks are also used, and eye cream is often used. In a cosmetic bag, Korean women always have a sunscreen composition.

Let's summarize the face preparation procedure:
- cleansing with sticks, gels, foams;
- the use of pads, peeling roll for exfoliation;
- lifts and tonics for deep hydration and nutrition;
- serums and care products that prolong the youthfulness of the eyes;
- creams and essences as protection from the external environment.

After observing these points, we proceed to applying light makeup.
Everyday cosmetics application begins with a moisturizing cream or primer. They are good for beginners. Then we use the base so that the BB cream lies flawlessly.

To create a lifting effect, you need to use an orange shade on the top of the cheekbones. The weaker sex pays great attention to strobing or lightening the skin. To do this, highlight the cheekbones, the central part of the nose, the outer corner of the eyebrows, a depression above the upper lip with a highlighter.

Lips are mainly trying to be invisible using the ombre effect. The sequence of application of funds is as follows: balm, concealer to wash off the contour. The final stage is the application of lipstick in the center with shading to the edges like a gradient.
Basic principles: lips always with a gradient effect, frequent use of gloss, tints, lipstick, berry shades of any texture.

Eye makeup has its own specifics. The applied shadows are shaded around, which is different from the makeup of Russian or European girls. There is one more secret - the arrows are rounded down, towards the cheekbones. This creates the effect of rounded eyes, which is good for hiding an overhanging eyelid.
Basic principles: eyes without bright shadows, use of black or brown eyeliner for arrows, no colored mascara, frequent use of pink.

As for the eyebrows, they need to be tidied up. Wide eyebrows are a trend. It will help them to correct the pencil to highlight the borders, and apply brushes for shading. Cosmetic wax is sometimes used, and eyebrow pomade can be used.

An interesting and successful trend is lenses, they are an integral part of make-up, which perform several functions: visual increase and giving color to the eyes for a certain style and tone.
Let's list interesting life hacks for applying decorative cosmetics in an oriental style for Russians and Europeans.
- Start your makeup by moisturizing the skin, using mistas, emulsions, creams, balms for such purposes. If you use an emulsion, then you do not need to wait until it is completely absorbed, but apply makeup immediately.
- In case of skin problems, it is necessary to use in a point version CC cream. Only then take a proofreader.
- Be sure to wear cushion, but not on the whole face, but, for example, on the heart zone or T-zone. Then there will be a merger with the entire skin.
- Eyebrows are the most important thing in makeup. First you need to align their tone, and then fix it with gel.
- Paint your lips using the ombre technique.
- Run out of dry blush? No problem. Do this: Mix CC cream with tint or lipstick.
- A beautiful effect can be obtained when applied bronzed powder on the hollows of the cheeks.
- Discard concealer and concealer, and instead take peach shade... Apply a cushion or cold tone highlighter on top.
- Looks beautiful on the lips applied tint together with lip balm.
- No need to use two pencils... Do this: first use the copy for the eyes as intended, and then tint slightly the eyebrows with it.

Interesting ideas
We offer unusual Korean makeup ideas.
- Variety of Pink. Korean women love pink and all its shades. Sometimes they apply a similar shade of shadow to the outer corner of the lower eyelid. But in this case, you need to know when to stop: if you overdo it, you will feel a painful state of the eyeball.
Then we advise you to apply lipstick without fail - all berry tones will do.

- Matt red. Here we are talking about the eyes. This is the moment when it is best to apply a gradient of three or more tones that smoothly replace each other. Lipstick is not needed here.

- "Feeling slightly wet skin." To achieve this effect, you should use a translucent lipstick, a skin highlighter, or a product that gives a subtle shine to the skin. The usual eyeliner will emphasize the line of the eyes, with which we draw the arrows. Eyelashes are as natural as possible - no need to build up anything.

We offer a description of the process of creating a daytime make-up in the style of South Asian young women.It can be worn in daily life. Suitable for adolescents to school, and for young women.
For a school make-up, you will need shades of delicate shades: beige, gray, sand, peach, pink, milky, bluish, lilac, light brown. They must be applied up to the eyebrows. Use lip balm as lipstick.

The arrows on the eyes should be barely visible. In this case, everything should look natural, and you need to choose cosmetics carefully, so that the tones are in harmony with each other.

If you show a sense of proportion, then evening makeup will look quite elegant. To do this, choose matte textures. Makeup should contain maximum shine.
The contour of the eyes can be highlighted using graphic eyeliner on the mucous membranes and along the outer edge. Don't forget the inner corner. Control the pressure of the eyeliner: the arrows should be barely visible. Combine several shades of blush.

Beautiful examples
- Ombre lipstick looks beautiful... For this, matte colors and a glossy finish are used. Sometimes a berry twint is preferred. There are a couple of ways to create this kind of makeup. In the first case, a concealer is applied over the entire surface, then lipstick is placed on the central part of the lips and shaded over the entire surface from above and below. In the second case, the opposite is true: first - lipstick, and only after concealer.

- In the style of "fruit pie": this original make-up is characterized by a matte complexion with a predominance of smoky shadows... At the same time, a huge dose of highlighter is applied on the nose and in the corners of the eyes, along with a creamy blush, and on the lips - a lip gloss or lipstick with a shine or shine effect.

- Bad girl style: bright expressive eyes and equally bright lips in slightly dark colors... The image is complemented by a thick monochrome eyeliner almost the entire width of the eyelids and a wine shade of lipstick on the lips. No blush - just contouring.

- The image "blush at the eyes" looks original... This is exactly the case if you choose the right shade of pink. And the lips are in berry tones with a hint of jelly.

- "Night flower" - this is a uniform complexion without blush and contouring, a little highlighter on the nose, eyeliner with clear and refined lines, wine lips with lipstick or tint.

The creation of a fashionable bright style is a fusion of tenderness, youth and naturalness. Korean women can not only skillfully use cosmetics, but also perform certain skin care actions, prolonging their youth. At home, it's easy to practice creating a juicy Korean look. The main thing is to use all the tips and tricks. Don't worry if you fail for the first time. Beautiful makeup with a Korean accent is the result of long training and experience.