Punk makeup

The punk style owes its appearance and development to the famous fashion designer named Vivienne Westwood, who drew her inspiration from the underground culture of England in the late 60s. Of course, over the years this style has undergone many changes, but it has managed to maintain its signature features and considerable popularity to this day. Black color, metallic shine and pretended negligence, which stubbornly hold on the face even during the hottest rock concert, will suit the brave and experiment-loving fashionistas.

When is it appropriate?
The word punk translated from English means "scum", and at the time of the birth of rock culture, it was considered obscene. This was the name of young guys and girls listening to music that was strange, at the traditional point of view of prim Englishmen, and did not recognize generally accepted authorities. Modern make-up and punk-style outfits express, rather, not aggression, but disregard for the opinions of others about the appearance of the girl herself.

Smoky ice, similar to flowed mascara, or unusual dark lipstick - such a lady is confident and free from any prejudices.... And if earlier only young representatives of the subculture could decorate their appearance in this way, today an increasing number of adult women who do not want to follow stereotypes allow themselves such a free style.
Black eyeshadows and dark lipstick can be found both during an evening walk in a nearby park and on high fashion catwalks.

However, due to the challenge that such a make-up carries in itself, there is still a certain list of situations when you need to refuse it.
- On the first date... Not every guy is ready for the fact that a young lady invited to a restaurant or cafe will appear in the form of a soloist of a rock group.
- In the office. Many companies dictate strict office dress codes in the clothing and makeup of their employees.
- At weddings, christenings, graduation, etc.... Some formal events involve wearing some pretty flashy makeup, but the punk style is best set aside for a less formal occasion.

Best of all, such a make-up will look at a meeting with friends, a photo session, in a club and, of course, at a concert. The main rule of modern women of fashion is relevance.
Step-by-step instructions for creating
Those who are trying to do punk makeup for the first time should not immediately choose complex multi-element options. It is enough to shade the eyes with black and choose a more saturated lipstick. This look will look good with both casual jeans and an evening dress.

In advance, you will have to attend to the purchase of several funds:
- makeup bases;
- foundation;
- highlighter;
- black shadows;
- eyeliner or eyeliner;
- carcasses;
- dark lipstick.

First, a special base is applied to the face, which will not only allow the cosmetics to last as long as possible, but also protect the skin from its harmful effects. After the base, a foundation or BB cream is applied. Bags under the eyes, pimples, expression lines or other skin imperfections, if necessary, are masked with a concealer. Punk makeup does not imply deep contouring or rosy cheeks. Therefore, you can use a bronzer or powder at will, but highlighting the cheekbones and forehead with a highlighter is highly desirable.

Representatives of the punk culture are distinguished by bright eye makeup with shadows and eyeliner in dark dark tones. Do not be afraid to put them on the lower eyelid. The main thing is that all the bruises under the eyes are well disguised in the previous step. The best place to start is with shadows. Dark pigment is applied to both eyelids with fingers or an applicator and blend well.

No clean lines: a pretty rebel should look a little casual. On top of the shadows, you can draw long arrows with a special eyeliner and a pencil: both on the upper and lower eyelids, creating an interesting "cat-look" effect. To make the eyes even darker and deeper, the eyelashes are covered with mascara in two or three layers.

The last step is lip makeup. You can paint them with just lipstick or gloss, or you can paint them over with a regular lip pencil. As with eye makeup, it is better to do without well-defined contours here. Finger shading is a great way to apply dark lipstick or pencil.

You can do a light fleece on the roots or use a special wet hair gel to complement the bright make-up.
All that remains is to choose a leather jacket with rough boots or a daring evening dress.

Useful Tips
Consider some interesting recommendations for those planning to make a punk make-up.
- Black shadows and dark burgundy lipstick look great on dark-skinned brunettes, but not every fair-haired and blonde will suit... You can replace them with a more muted gray, brown and even blue.
- If your eyebrows are thick enough, they can be neatly styled with a special gel that will turn an ordinary look into real glam rock. And if there were no black shadows in the cosmetic bag, you can apply peach, gold and even pink eyeshadows on the eyelid, simply complementing them with wide black eyeliner stripes on the upper and lower eyelids.
- One lipstick of wine or dark scarlet color can replace three cosmetics at once: the lipstick itself, blush and even shadows... You need to apply it with your own fingers on the cheekbones and eyelids with gentle patting movements, and then shade thoroughly.
- In order not to turn into a make-up rock fan at a concert, you should adhere to a simple rule: the more complex and pretentious the outfit, the simpler the makeup should be. The most daring can try to combine makeup and clothes in different styles.For example, you can choose a relaxed knit dress or a silk blouse to smooth out the brightness and aggressiveness of a punk-style make-up.

Beautiful examples
Let's get acquainted with a selection of successful punk-style make-ups.
- For those who prefer moderation in everything, make-up with one or two elements from the whole variety of style is suitable. For example, it can be only beautiful smokey ice or only dark lipstick.

- The more adventurous can try dramatic images, as if descended from the pages of science fiction novels.

- Mixing punk with glamorous rhinestones and rainbow colors, you can get another popular trend - glam rock.

- Don't forget about the various hair accessories and jewelry. Correctly selected earrings can revive even not the most successful makeup.

Punk makeup in the video below.