Makeup with dots under the eyes

Fashion trends are mastering new directions, classic make-up is becoming more diverse, sometimes even avant-garde. One such trend that is steadily gaining popularity is makeup with dots.

What it is?
Makeup with dots sounds funny, but it is a fashionable and current trend, born of the constant search by stylists for the new and unusual. This is a path that breaks the usual framework of everyday life, paving the way for risky experiments and unique images.
The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning makeup with dots is the image of a sad Pierrot with a drawn tear under his eye.
However, modern variations can look perky and rather playful, moreover, the points are located not only under the eye, but also on the upper eyelid, on the side of the temple.

Classic arrows and black eyeliner have become boring, especially for club parties in a youth environment, in the field of high fashion. At the runway shows at Fashion Weeks, make-up artists brilliantly presented a new vision of make up, when a graphic solid line was replaced by a dotted line made by a black liner. The society immediately drew attention to the innovation, women accepted and warmly supported the idea of makeup stylists. A brilliant new make up option is gradually penetrating all segments of the population.

The number of points is in principle not limited, although for the most part one is drawn, placing it exactly in the center of the lower eyelid... This style is gradually entering everyday images, even office ones, but for going to the club they draw 3 dots or more.
They can be located in one line along the lower border of the eye, they can replace the corner on the movable eyelid.
Dots are drawn in a single color or with a multi-colored palette.The density and structure of the pigment can be varied by different application techniques. This can be a gel liner, soft pencil, liquid eyeliner.

So what does the point under the eye mean, or maybe it does not carry any semantic load at all, except for decorative? If we talk about the meaning, then this is already the area of prison symbolism, where a tattoo in the form of a dot has different meanings, depending on countries and continents. As for the art of visage, everything is much simpler here - this is just a part of decorative make-up. An opportunity to stand out, give individuality and uniqueness to the look, even declare your own audacity and independence.
So, contrary to the opinion that has been established for many decades that it is impossible to accentuate the lower eyelid, the makeup artists broke the tradition, and did it very successfully.
Today, not a single fashion show is complete without such "innovation", a decorative accent on the model's face, and the traditional eyeliner of various thickness for the lower eyelid has long become a must in makeup. Moreover, the role of points can be played by rhinestones, large sequins. The most common option is a circle under the lower eyelid.

The authorship of the new trend belongs to makeup artist Pat McGrath, who once invented and made additions to the models' makeup at a fashion show. She added dark speckles, positioning them in the center of the lower eyelid, after which they turned into slightly blurry, like watercolor spots in the next show. It was already a sensation, which, thanks to the Internet, picked up by beauty bloggers, almost instantly spread around the world to the delight of fashionistas. New makeup with dots under the eyes more and more confidently occupies certain positions in make up, especially in evening versions.

Dotting methods
It should be noted that the technique of applying dots on the skin is not particularly difficult, and after several attempts, the search for the most acceptable way to put them will be easy, simple and quick. There are several similar methods adopted among makeup artists, but you can always invent your own.
Cotton swab. With its help, they put a rather large point, dipping the device into liquid lipstick, you can even increase the area by slightly pressing the stick on the skin.

- Sometimes a stage, carnival image or makeup for a photo shoot requires a very large point, and here it will come to the rescue own finger.

- Some use the tip mascara brushes.

The kayal is quite suitable for these purposes, small neat dots can be set using dots, toothpick, invisible, in the end... There is a great variety of improvised means in household use, you just need to look around and turn on your imagination.

The technique of applying such makeup has standard general rules.
Mandatory face preparation - cleansing the skin, applying a base, foundation.

- Eye shading then eyeliner, arrows, corner.

- Eyelashes paint over with ink, and the presence of dots requires the density of the eyelashes, all within the image.

- Lipstick is chosen in accordance with the selected makeup tone, it can be matte or glossy, pearlescent or metallic.

- Dots are drawn at the final stage... It might look like a continuation of the arrows lined up, especially with the charcoal pigment. There may be one point in the center, there may be many of them on the movable eyelid, in the brow region. Dots can even replace shadows if drawn in large numbers, and even multi-colored.

As for the palette for points, you can use the classic selection principle:
for brown eyes - blue, purple, green, dark blue palettes;
for the blue iris - silvery, golden, brown, or orange dots;
green eyes - purple, orange, dark gray tones.

But these are just generally accepted norms, while the color of the dot can be matched to the main tone of the suit or a bright accent detail.And the cosmetic industry pleases women with all the new shades that have not been previously seen in palettes. These are terracotta tones, tangerine and honey, the shade of champagne is unusually beautiful and popular.

Best ideas
Dot makeup allows for a wide variety of palettes, and this approach is actively promoted by popular beauty bloggers.... Modern girls are devoid of complexes, they are relaxed and free in the choice of bows and makeup, they are always ready for experiments and shocking, mixing the most incongruous colors and textures.

Makeup for an ash blonde
In this case, a complex blue color is used. Make-up seems simple, but you always need to remember about the insidiousness of the blue color, its ability to treacherously highlight skin defects, emphasize the presence of redness, blackheads, and acne.
This ability should always be borne in mind if you plan to go out into the bright sun, which in tandem with a blue palette can completely "kill" the expected effect.
But for a nightclub, azure makeup with a bright dot of the same color will look attractive, even mysterious. With its help, you can give your face an expression of childish naivety, create a Barbie image. Working with such a capricious color in any case requires a careful balance, otherwise the overkill can lead to a carnival effect, although in some situations it is appropriate.

Femme fatale image
Charcoal black makeup with sharp graphic arrows, thick black eyelashes and a black dot in the center of the lower eyelid will help to create the image of a vamp-style beauty. Such a make up will tell about the sophistication of nature and at the same time about her passion, ability to achieve what she wants. Such a woman is not used to refusals, she has no doubt that all men will be in her power, if she just wants to.

The dotted eyeliner will look strict if you use a black palette and a minimum diameter. This technique may well be used to create the image of a business woman. The same multi-point eyeliner can be used for a festive look with a glitter texture in vibrant hues. This will complement the image with brightness, personality and creativity. One point does not have to be located in the center on the lower eyelid - it is enough to recall the flies that were so popular at the time. The point can be positioned closer to the outer corner of the eye, give it clarity, there is a place for it near the inner corner of the eye. In a large number, the dots on the cheekbones and lower eyelid look like freckles, which gives the appearance of a playfulness.

Beautiful examples
Bright blue makeup with a dot of the same color. The upper eyelid is decorated with shadows slightly above the orbital fold with a pronounced corner without shading. The result is a perky and mysterious image.

Shown here is makeup in a light palette. Light gray shadows with a pearlescent shine are superimposed on the movable eyelid, the lash line is emphasized with a thin graceful eyeliner. The eyelashes are dyed with mascara with a lengthening effect, and the dot on the lower eyelid is almost invisible. Such makeup may well be considered everyday, suitable for office work.

Very beautiful and professionally done makeup with rock-style dots on the lower eyelid. Clear and graphically drawn arrows are drawn far beyond the outer corner of the eye and extended upward. This kind of makeup was in vogue in the 70s. The eyeliner on the lower eyelid is replaced by a series of black dots, which look like one continuous line from a distance.