Cool makeup

Knowing your own color type, it is easy enough to choose a shade of lipstick, eye shadow or blush from the variety of options to create a suitable make-up. Cold colors are: blue, light blue, purple, bright red, green, gray and their shades. They are best suited for girls with pale skin, blue, gray or green eyes. But the main rule is this: "cold" makeup is suitable for women of winter and summer color type.

Most often, the tonal base or powder is selected not just for the color type, but for a specific skin tone, which each girl has her own. The color and shape of the eyebrows are also not suitable for experimenting with makeup. But the selection of color for the eyes and lips can be variable and depend not only on their tone, but also on the time of day, season, image and even just mood.
You can use the entire cold range: from yellow-green to red-violet. The most optimal option would be the selection of shadows for the shade of the eyes. So, on blue-eyed all shades of blue look good, on brown - cold red and purple, and gray eyes will perfectly set off green-gray makeup.
You don't have to be limited to just shadows. You can experiment with the color of a pencil or eyeliner, make eye makeup with glitter or mother of pearl, apply purple or blue mascara.

Lipstick is selected based on skin tone, so both summer blondes and winter brunettes can use the same colors. Three shades are most often used: nude, classic red, or unusual bright options.
If you use not lipstick, but a gloss or tint with a metallic sheen, you should be careful so that it does not interrupt the pigment on the eyelids with a shine and is combined with it. Classic red lipstick, if you choose the right shade, will visually make your teeth not too white a couple of tones lighter, and fuchsia is perfect for a festive event. For a fashionable party or bar, you can make a fashionable two-tone lip make-up, when the color of the upper lip is a couple of tones lighter than the lower one. This will visually make it a little puffier.

Best options
Below are some great options for daytime and evening makeup in cool tones so that you can pick up an image both in the office and on the way out.
- Daytime make-up is distinguished by more restrained tones and naturalness. For example, blondes can turn their attention to nude pink and beige lipsticks, gray, purple and even cold pink shades of eyeshadows.

- Brunettes can afford more brightness even with daytime makeup, as their face contrasts more with their hair. Blue and green shades of eyeshadow will do, while lipstick is also best left in soft, natural colors. If you want to highlight the lips, then the eye makeup should be made more calm.

- Evening makeup allows you to play with flowers for both fair-haired and dark-haired girls. Bold shadows go with bold lipsticks, glitters go with matte finishes, and yellow contrasts with purple. Dark lipsticks, fashionable this season, will perfectly complement the image of a fatal beauty, and lovers of more classic looks will like evening makeup in cold brown tones.

Hair Color Ideas
Professional make-up artists do not recommend matching eyeshadow and pencil colors to hair color, although this idea seems attractive. In this case, the eyes will lose their expressiveness, “disappear” from the face. But still, there are some win-win tricks that will save time when choosing the color of the eyeshadow for girls with a certain hairstyle.
For a summer girl with an ash blonde, gray and blue with a metallic sheen are best suited. It is better to choose a lipstick of a raspberry or pale pink shade. Owners of a light brown shade are more suitable for brighter blue and dark gray shades, as well as all shades of lilac and lilac gloss and lipsticks.

A winter girl with blond hair can safely take from the shelves all the cold shades of gold and green. Nand at the same time a peach shade will look good on the lips, even without paying attention to the fact that it is warm. For brunettes, it is better to pay attention to purple shades of eyeshadow and lipstick, gray metal and icy white.
Makeup matching rules are optional. Those who love experimentation do not need to deny themselves this. As the saying goes, make-up should be fun, first of all, to its owner. What others might think, she should not worry.

Next, see a master class on creating makeup in cold tones.