Makeup in red tones

There are so many cool options for attractive makeup in different colors. Each girl can choose the perfect one for herself. Many people are wary of a red make-up, but when created correctly, it turns out to be very beautiful and spectacular. In this article, we will learn everything about the features of such a make-up.

Nowadays, there are so many fashionable makeup ideas that attract a large number of girls. Today, visage is very popular in grays, blacks, browns, and many other tones. The red make-up is also very attractive, but many girls treat it ambiguously. Often, ladies avoid using red shades so as not to create an unattractive look for tear-stained or tired eyes. You won't have to face a similar effect if you apply the red make-up correctly.

The basic rule to follow when creating makeup in red tones is due to the main concern. To prevent an unattractive and unhealthy effect, you should not turn to the makeup in question if you have not slept enough, are very tired or suffer from colds. If you don't follow this simple rule, there is every chance of getting a downright unhealthy look. Makeup in red tones will be appropriate only if the girl is in perfect order.

Often, the most careful women of fashion, before applying such a make-up, use special eye drops that neutralize even the slightest hints of redness of the eyes.Such means are always available in the arsenal of modern professional makeup artists who prepare people for the air of morning programs and shows.

If you decide to apply fashionable makeup in red, you should not use this pigment in its pure form. It is better to use fashionable eyeshadows with shimmer or shiny eyeliner. It is allowed to use other attractive and suitable shades in addition to red. It is very important to form smooth and light transitions between different colors, which can be achieved through careful shading.... The last procedure will not be needed only if we are talking about applying neat graphical arrows.

With makeup in red tones, the accent can be put on the eyes. In this case, it is advisable to use a different range of blush. A variety of branded bronzers will work.
As for the red blush, even after very good shading, coupled with red make-up, the eyes will be given a very specific "steamed" look, which is best avoided.

Best ideas
There are a lot of interesting and beautiful ideas for a fashionable make-up in red tones. Different options are suitable for girls with different features of appearance. It should not be forgotten that the choice of the perfect make-up depends a lot on the hair color. Blondes and brunettes will not be suitable for exactly the same types of visage - this cannot be ignored.
Consider aesthetic and stylish make-up options in red tones for ladies with different hair colors.

For blondes
The make-up, sustained in rich or dark red shades, looks very impressive on fair-haired girls. Blondes are especially suited for such make-up options in which the red color is present on the lips. If a lady has not only blonde hair, but also the same eyes (gray or blue), then through the red color she can highlight them. Carefully shading the lines drawn with a pencil along the contour of the eyelashes, it is worth typing a small amount of copper-colored shadows on a suitable brush. In a single combination, these components will create a very beautiful and original Smokey Ice effect, which is perfect even for everyday looks.

For brunettes
For girls with dark hair, a properly created make-up in red tones is also perfect. Passionate shades, as in the case of blonde fashionistas, look especially attractive on the lips. With the right red lipstick, dark-haired girls have the opportunity to emphasize the expressiveness of their bright appearance.

Brunettes are not recommended to apply red shades of eyeshadow. The option with a light reddish haze, gradually formed around the eyes, will not suit them, unlike fair-haired ladies. Of course, you can turn to an interesting beauty experiment: use red eyeliner, depicting clear and attractive arrows with its help. In this case, the eyelashes can be left unpainted.

For redheads
Red hair itself attracts a lot of attention, so it will be quite difficult to emphasize something else here. But it is possible to use decorative cosmetics, sustained in red shades. You can carefully choose suitable shadows that will be in harmony with the skin and eye color of the red-haired fashionista.

The only recommendation that girls with red hair should adhere to is not to get too carried away with unnatural shades and undertones, as they risk looking vulgar and unattractive.
Red-haired girls can emphasize the beauty of their lips with burgundy, dark red or natural red lipstick. To make the image more calm and light, you can use soft pink or orange lipstick in a soft tone. Through such components, it will be possible to set off a bright hair color.

The nuances of creating makeup by eye color
When choosing the ideal red tones, it is advisable to pay attention not only to the color of the curls, but also to the shade of the iris of the eyes. The latter also plays a very important role. Consider what are the nuances of red make-up in the case of girls with different eye colors.

Marvelous burgundy overflows are especially well suited for brown-eyed women of fashion. In this case, you are allowed to try a variety of experiments.... You can resort to creating light touches or a more effective option (like "Smokey Ice"). A game with tint combinations will look interesting. Brown-eyed girls can turn to different makeup techniques, complement the make-up with graceful arrows.

The presence of a small amount of shimmer in the shadows looks very nice and harmonious. This element is able to perfectly highlight and emphasize the golden glow of ladies' brown eyes. For special occasions, a charming burgundy-cherry tone is suitable. If a brown-eyed girl is bold and self-confident, then she can complement the make-up with thick brick arrows, diluted with strokes of a black shade. If a fashionista with brown eyes is the owner of a light skin tone, then lipstick will help her to balance the bright make-up, which will have the same tone as the arrows. To give the image tenderness and sublimity, pleasant pinkish motives are suitable. The main thing is not to forget to emphasize the outer corners of the eyes with the help of smoky ash.

Blue eyes almost always look vigorous and expressive, therefore, it can be difficult to find the perfect pigment for them. In this matter, it is very important not to make a mistake, not to extinguish the natural blueness, not to give the gaze a faded or sickly look. To avoid such mistakes, it is advisable to have a subtle artistic flair or to trust an experienced professional makeup artist.

Pure red and chocolate colors are not the best choice for blue-eyed girls.
If you resort to applying a soft red pigment with a slight presence of an unobtrusive orange undertone, you will be able to create a truly attractive and charming look.

Green eyes are distinguished by the fact that they are able to change their shade depending on the chosen clothes, weather conditions, the girl's mood and many other external factors. They are especially attractive in combination with purple, burgundy, chocolate golden, brown and red shades. The latest color schemes are especially effective and fully revealed when used in rich and rich variations that attract a lot of attention.

Happy owners of green eyes can turn to creating an amazingly beautiful and expressive make-up, which provides 4 primary colors. In this version of the make-up, the brow zone is colored step by step in a light milky shade with pleasant pearl reflections. On the upper eyelid, you can apply a very beautiful soft coral tone, and on the lower one - gray-blue. At the edges in the area between the eyelashes, it is worth walking with a soft pencil in a contrasting black color.

Who is not suitable for?
Before turning to applying fashionable makeup in red tones, you need to take into account that it is not suitable for all girls.... Some contraindications can be eliminated or corrected, but in many cases it is advisable to completely abandon the creation of such a make-up.

Let's find out in what cases you should not apply to the creation of makeup in red tones:
- such a make-up is completely unsuitable for girls with tired and painful eyes;
- the presence of bags and bruises under the eyes is a serious contraindication to applying makeup in red tones;
- you should not turn to this makeup option in case of burst eye capillaries;
- you should exercise the utmost care when creating such a make-up if a blonde girl with very pale skin and absolutely expressionless light eyebrows wants to turn to it;
- too short eyelashes can also ruin the overall look of red makeup;
- if instead of perfectly dyed eyelashes there are only sloppy "spider legs", then the considered make-up may not work either.

Also, girls should remember that it is undesirable to apply red shades to the lower eyelid. Because of this, the look immediately takes on a frankly painful look.
The only exceptions are those cases when a fashionista makes an original make-up, for example, for Halloween.

Beautiful examples
Carefully and high-quality make-up in matching red tones can give a woman's image a special charm, emphasize bright individuality, sexuality and boldness. Smartly chosen reds can also work for neutral everyday looks. Let's look at some beautiful examples of such a make-up.
- It will be possible to give the image more expressiveness, femininity and sophistication, if you apply on the upper eyelid bright red-orange liquid shadows framed by dark and burgundy shades of matte shadows. It is worth choosing a suitable rich lipstick that matches the color of the decorative cosmetics on the eyes. It is imperative to even out the skin tone, you can apply a light blush on the cheekbone line, and also paint the upper eyelashes with lengthening mascara.

- For a fair-haired girl, a red eyeliner applied along the line of growth of the cilia on the upper eyelid is perfect... The fold can be completed with a drawing in the form of a black line drawn with a hard pencil. A very small amount of reddish or pale pink eyeshadow should be applied to the lower eyelid, but it is important to be moderate. The lower eyelid should also be supplemented with black eyeliner. Black lengthening and curling mascara can be used as the finishing touches, as well as a beautiful matte red lipstick.

- Makeup in red tones can be very bright and rich if done for some kind of holidays, theme parties or original photo shoots. The transition of shiny red shadows to matte shadows that form an arrow on the outer corner will look juicy and attractive on the upper eyelid. The crease of the eyelid can be decorated with a thin and shiny line applied with eyeliner. The inner corner of the eye should be highlighted with shiny white eyeshadow or concealer. For a spectacular eye decoration, you should use lush false eyelashes or use black mascara, which gives more length and volume.
Lips should be painted with burgundy red matte lipstick.

- Many girls are very feminine makeup with a predominance of burgundy shades.... For an attractive make-up, the upper eyelid can be painted with burgundy or purple-burgundy shades with a transition from lighter inner corners to darker outer corners. It is not necessary to draw arrows with a pencil or eyeliner - you can shape them with shadows or make the effect of a slight haze. The upper and lower eyelids should be lined up in black, and richly painted with black mascara. The lips will look very beautiful if you paint them with matte burgundy lipstick, but without the excessive brightness of the color.

For information on how to do makeup in red tones, see the next video.