Makeup in blue tones

Stylish and eye-catching makeup can be done in a wide variety of shades. A high-quality make-up with a predominance of blue tones looks very beautiful and fashionable. In this article, we will look at how this makeup differs, and what colors can be combined in it.

Makeup, designed in blue tones, has a completely boring look. He pleases many women with a huge variety of acceptable shades, as well as the saturation of fashionable colors. Many women of fashion have long become boring with nude, beige or milky colors, since they look much simpler and more monotonous. You can replace the usual palettes with top-end blue shades.

There are several basic rules for the blue tone that you need to follow if you want to create a really attractive make-up.
- First of all, you will definitely have to carry out a number of experiments with blue tones in order to find the perfect color for yourself. Modern fashionistas can find great shades in light blue, navy blue, sapphire, azure, cornflower blue and other attractive colors.

- Makeup done in shades of blue is not versatile, which should not be forgotten. It is suitable exclusively for completing and decorating various evening looks and outfits in which there are other details or inserts of the corresponding blue color.

- If you do not want to resort to using blue eyeshadow in your everyday make-upinstead, you can apply a small amount of blue eyeliner to your eyelids, and lightly paint your eyelashes with mascara of the same color.

Fashionable makeup in the tones under consideration looks attractive and aesthetically pleasing only if it is made of high quality.
If the make-up is applied inaccurately, hastily and carelessly, then it will not work beautifully, even if the best and most expensive decorative cosmetics were used.
What colors can you combine with?
It's no secret that blue has a huge variety of shades. This is heavenly, cornflower blue, cobalt, and many other options. All these ranges are harmoniously combined with other attractive colors.
- Blue tones work especially well with neutral color schemes. We are talking about black, gray (both dark and light), white. Such combinations are very well suited for those women who are not yet ready to drastically move away from classic makeup solutions.

- If the fashionista is not afraid of bold experiments and bright colors, then it is possible to resort to other spectacular combinations that will definitely not be ignored by others. We are talking about a combination of blue tones with turquoise, emerald, plum and burgundy shades. It is advisable to beware of even more contrasting "neighborhood", because because of this you can get not a fashionable and original image, but an example of avant-garde art make-up, which will look acceptable only in a disco-style party.

With the right combination of suitable shades, a make-up in blue tones can turn out to be very attractive and fashionable, it is suitable for a variety of occasions and environments.
Best ideas
Stylish blue makeup is not suitable for all women. According to most makeup artists, this make-up option is not suitable for green eyes. The only thing that can be done in this case is to turn to applying dark shades of blue. To do this, you can additionally use black eyeliner. After that, the blue eyeshadow should be applied directly to the eyelid, and a little black shadow should be applied to the side. The latter will need to be shaded well.

For blue eyes, the makeup option under consideration also needs to be selected more carefully. In this case, the make-up may seem too bright, and not light and unobtrusive. For blue-eyed girls, it is enough to apply blue eyeliner, and apply attractive silver shadows on the eyelids. In a single ensemble, such a make-up will look very fresh and stylish. You can further decorate it with a black eyeliner line on top.
Black mascara will effectively complete the fashionable look.

Owners of gray eyes can resort to a top make-up, in which several types of mascara are present at the same time. Let's consider step by step how you can make such an interesting makeup:
- on the eyelids, you should first apply beautiful pearlescent shadows;
- at the next stage, the eyelashes must be carefully painted using the most ordinary black mascara;
- after that, an additional layer of blue mascara must be applied to the tips of the cilia.
The result is a very original and fashionable make-up that will effectively emphasize the beauty of a woman's light gray eyes.

As for the owners of brown eyes, the situation here is slightly different from the options discussed above. It is recommended for brown-eyed people to use purple or pink mascara as a base. The bottom of the eyes can be effectively highlighted with blue eyeliner. The finishing touch is the application of classic black mascara to the lashes.

Brown-eyed women can turn to another top idea: a light blue make-up look. Let us analyze in stages how to do it correctly.
- First, you need to apply the base on the eyelids. Thanks to her, the shadows will become brighter, it will be easier to shade them.
- The mucous membranes must be very carefully brought in with a persistent pencil. You can use a black version or a bright azure liner.
- With a matte gray-blue eyeshadow, you should carefully emphasize the line of the lower eyelid.The upper eyelid can be visually made more elongated by adding a little shadow to the fold, slightly taking the color closer to the edge.
- If the color cannot be shaded, you can use a flesh tint with a cool undertone to make the transition smoother and more gradual.
- Next, you need to make up your eyelashes with mascara. It needs to be applied more abundantly, in several layers. By the way, this decorative cosmetics does not have to be black - the blue version is also suitable.

You can use another interesting and unusual idea. Let's find out how it can be implemented correctly.
- First you need to take the gray-blue shadows. With this cosmetics, you should carefully draw out the soft arrow. At this stage, it is not at all necessary to try to get the perfect shape.
- A highlighter should be applied to the inner corner, demonstrating a beautiful cool ebb. If a woman likes glamorous looks, then you can additionally add a little shine under the eyebrow.
- Use a synthetic brush to apply a beautiful blue-tinted gel glitter to the outer corner. This should be done as if the drawing of an arrow is displayed.
- If you want to give the image a more "cosmic" look, then you don't have to dye your eyelashes with mascara - here every fashionista decides for herself what to do.

Of course, you can use black mascara - it will not be superfluous and will not spoil the make-up.
Beautiful examples
A well-designed make-up in blue tones can be a spectacular addition to a woman's look. Let's look at some illustrative examples.
The make-up looks beautiful and mysterious, in which the inner corners of the eyes are highlighted with blue-white shadows, and the entire rest of the eyelids - with shadows of a violet-blue or dark blue hue. At the same time, the look can be made even more spectacular, bold and expressive if you draw neat arrows with black eyeliner, paint the upper and lower eyelashes with black ink.

Fashionable and feminine blue makeup doesn't have to be dark or vibrant. It can be very light and simple. For example, on the eyelids, you can apply a nude base with a predominance of light shades in the inner corners. Along the entire growth line of the cilia, a thin line of blue eyeliner will look attractive, going into an arrow on the outer corner. You can apply some “cool” blue and white eyeshadow under the lower eyelid. Black mascara is suitable for eyelashes.

- Properly done evening make-up in blue tones looks sexy and catchy. To implement such a daring make-up, you should first use a black base, and then supplement it with rich blue shadows with a slight shine. The inner and outer corners of the eyelids should remain dark. To complete such a bold evening make-up, you can use black eyeliner and black mascara on both the lower and upper eyelids.

There are many options for beautiful makeup in blue tones. The main thing is to be attentive to the combination of different shades, to apply decorative cosmetics carefully. It is important that the blue make-up is appropriate for the occasion and setting for which it is applied.

How to make your own makeup in blue tones, see below.