Doing anime makeup

Anime makeup is very popular among young girls and fans of Japanese culture. Such a make-up is most often done for themed photo shoots or parties, because it looks very bright and unusual.

A girl who chooses such makeup always attracts attention. As a rule, such images are created by cosplay lovers. They dress up as a cartoon character and do makeup that matches his image. An anime-style make-up has several main features.
- "Porcelain" leather. All the main characters in the anime have pale skin and virtually perfect appearance. Therefore, for girls who want to make an anime-style make-up, it is very important to even out their skin color. To create such makeup, dense tonal foundations are usually used.
- Big eyes. Another characteristic feature of anime girls is big eyes. This detail adds naivety to the image. Very often, anime characters have an unnatural color in their eyes. They can be yellow, pink, or purple. Cosplay girls also try not to overlook this detail. Therefore, they often use colored lenses.
- Smooth eyebrows. Bright makeup always draws attention to a girl's eyes. Therefore, it is very important that her eyebrows are neatly shaped and even. If they are not well-groomed, it will ruin the whole make-up impression.
- Small lips. The lips of girls from Japanese cartoons are small. Therefore, when doing makeup, anime fans try to imitate their favorite characters. They gently slim their lips using powder and a light concealer.
- Bright shadows. Makeup in anime style differs from everyday makeup in brightness.Girls apply shadows in a variety of colors to their eyes. They can be purple, blue, pink or green.

Anime style makeup is more suitable for young girls and teenagers. This make-up adds lightness and naivety to the image.
How to do it correctly?
Learning to do bright anime makeup with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. A simple step-by-step instruction can help you with this.

Skin preparation
First of all, the girl needs to carefully prepare her skin. For the makeup to look beautiful, it must be smooth and even. First you need to wash your face using a cleansing lotion, and also wipe your face with a toner. After that, a cream should be applied to the skin to narrow the pores. When absorbed, the skin becomes matte and velvety.
If there are any imperfections on the skin, they need to be masked using a corrector or concealer. It must be correctly selected. After that, you can use the foundation. It should be one tone lighter than the skin color. In this case, the face will appear lighter.

For anime-style makeup, use a thicker foundation. In this case, the make-up will turn out to be of high quality, and the flaws will be carefully masked.
It is worth spreading the foundation over the skin using a sponge or a brush. If desired, make-up can be fixed with a light, light powder.

Creating the shape of the face
After the preparatory stage, you can proceed to adjusting the shape of the face. You need to handle the nose and cheekbones. On the wings of the nose, you need to apply a little bronzer. A small brush is used for this. Such a move will help to visually reduce the size of the nose.
Next, you need to carefully emphasize the cheekbones. The bronzer needs to be shaded thoroughly to make the makeup look more natural. The tip of the nose, the area under the eyebrows and the area above the lip should be emphasized with a light highlighter.

Eye makeup
Then you can move on to applying light shadows to the eyes. White pigment is shaded on both the upper and lower eyelids. This makeup allows you to make your eyes look bigger. Useful for creating an anime style make-up and a white pencil. This product is also applied to the lower eyelid. Such makeup allows you to make the girl visually younger. With such a make-up, she looks like a doll.

After that, you need to give the eyes the desired shape. The eastern section is drawn with a pencil and eyeliner. DIt should be very simple. First of all, the eyes need to be emphasized with black eyeliner. She must be persistent. In this case, unusual makeup will adhere well to the skin. Next, the resulting arrow must be emphasized with a gray-brown pencil. This will make the makeup look more natural.

Eyebrow and eyelash tinting
Separately, it should be noted that the anime characters have very beautiful fluffy eyelashes. It is worth painting them with high-quality lengthening mascara. If a girl has naturally thin and light eyelashes, she should use false eyelashes. They can be glued both on the entire upper eyelid and in the corner of the eye. If desired, false eyelashes can be additionally curled and tinted with mascara. For simple party makeup, you can do without false eyelashes.

Don't forget about eyebrows. They need to be carefully combed and emphasized with a pencil. It can be either dark or colored.
Instead of a pencil, many girls use colored shadows. After that, the eyebrows must be fixed with a transparent gel. In this case, the makeup will be more permanent.

Another distinctive feature of anime girls is a neat small mouth. Therefore, when creating a light make-up, it is important to slightly reduce the lips. The step-by-step process of applying cosmetics looks very simple.
First, you need to trace the lips around the contour with a light nude pencil. This must be done carefully. Next, you need to apply a little light concealer or foundation on your lips. It is best to use the same product for this purpose that was applied to the face.The product must be shaded thoroughly.

After that, lipstick can be applied to the lips. Most often matte products are used for anime makeup. The lipstick is applied to the lips with a brush or fingers. This is done with light patting movements. A light, fruity tint can also be used in place of lipstick.
When the makeup is ready, it should be fixed with a special fixing spray. It should be applied to the skin from a distance of 20-30 centimeters. After applying the product, you need to wait a couple of minutes and only then start dressing or doing your hair.

Possible mistakes
Many novice makeup artists make a lot of mistakes in the makeup process. So that he does not look sloppy and careless, you need to pay attention to the following points.
- Makeup too bright. Anime style make-up should be spectacular and unusual. At the same time, you should not overload your image with bright colors. You need to focus on either the lips or the eyes.
- Accuracy of face tone. It is very important to pay attention to creating an even skin tone. Only in this case the makeup will be beautiful. The same goes for the shape of the eyebrows. It should be flat. Before you start creating your makeup, you need to carefully pluck out all excess hairs.
- Wrong eye line. It is important to draw the arrows correctly for the makeup to be stylish. They should be neat and raised up. This makeup makes the shape of the eyes perfect.
- Sloppy eyelashes. Eye makeup should be neat. Eyelashes must be carefully painted over. If false eyelashes are used in the process of creating an anime image, you need to glue them to the eyelid with transparent glue.

To create a bright make-up in such a stylistic direction, girls are usually inspired by the images of their favorite characters. It is quite easy to repeat the makeup you like. The main thing is to practice a little.

Beautiful examples
Let's look at some spectacular examples of anime-style make-up.

Doll makeup
A similar image suits a lot of girls. He looks very cute and adorable. The main emphasis in this image is on the eyes. They are big and pretty. Dark green lenses add brightness to the makeup. Highlight the beauty of the eyes and long, fluffy eyelashes.
The lips in this look are pretty light. This makes the makeup look more delicate. You can complement it with a light wig and a cute dress.

Colored lenses will also help to change the girl's appearance. After all, anime characters often have non-standard iris colors. The lenses you need are easy to find at a specialist store.
Dark make
A bright look with dark eyes looks impressive and catchy. Pink eyeshadow is used to create this makeup. They are applied not only to the eyelid, but also to the eyebrows. This delicate makeup base works well with light pink hair and matching lenses.
The make-up is complemented by long black arrows, dark shadows and fluffy eyelashes. Thanks to this, the image looks quite contrasting. Such makeup allows you to emphasize the natural beauty of the girl and make her brighter.

Romantic image
This make-up is also made in red and pink shades. It is based on a porcelain-pale skin. Lips and eyes are highlighted with bright cosmetics. Small hearts under the eyes only make this look more romantic. A girl with this makeup looks very cute.
A bright anime style image suits many girls. With a little practice, this kind of makeup will turn out to be interesting and stylish.