Wedding makeup options

A wedding celebration is a very important and significant event, for which you need to prepare especially carefully and thoughtfully. A girl should look perfect on this day, so she should take all responsibility for the selection of makeup. In today's article, we will consider the most harmonious and interesting options for beautiful wedding makeup.

Wedding makeup is always based on a number of specific principles that the bride must take into account. The harmony and attractiveness of her image depend on this.
Let's consider what are the main features of a beautiful wedding make-up.
The bride's skin on this day should be literally perfect, completely cleansed, as well-groomed as possible. The skin will need to be provided with quality care, but it is not recommended to resort to traumatic care procedures, as it would be too risky.

For a wedding, you need to create only the most persistent make-up.that will stay fresh and inviting all day and night. At the same time, nothing should harm the make-up: neither the weather conditions, nor the bride's emotions. A base is imposed without fail under the make-up, the skin is cleaned and moisturized. Those cosmetics that were selected for the implementation of the make-up should be applied and distributed in translucent layers (it is advisable to lay several thin layers).

- An obligatory step that cannot be skipped is matting of the skin of the face. If you neglect it, then the skin runs the risk of showing an unpleasant shine. In addition, it is better for the bride to stock up on special matting napkins or transparent powder.This nuance will play an especially important role if the wedding make-up is created very delicate.
In this case, maximum attention is focused on the central area of the forehead, on the nasal wings and chin.

Before making a choice in favor of one or another stylish wedding make-up, you should figure out how it differs from the usual evening version. It should be borne in mind that the make-up for a wedding is in balance between daytime and evening views. Its main task is to emphasize the natural beauty of the bride. At the same time, she should look festive, but without excessive obsession and aggression. Too darkened and variegated / saturated colors are almost never used in wedding makeup. If you need to place beautiful accents, it is enough to turn to mother-of-pearl and shimmery components, or to attractive sparkles.

There is a special concept - test makeup. Today, almost all salons provide such a service. Even before the immediate celebration, the makeup artist implements a planned image so that he can be given an objective and adequate assessment. Thus, it is possible to make certain corrections and adjustments in time. If the bride applies the make-up on her own, it makes sense to adhere to this comfortable tradition, so that later there will be no unnecessary disappointments and frustrations.

Choice of cosmetics
Wedding make-up should be created using only high quality, long-lasting and beautiful cosmetics. It is important to select it correctly so as not to waste time on unnecessary adjustments and corrections. When making a choice in favor of certain items of decorative cosmetics, it makes sense to take hair color into account. Let's find out which options are more suitable for different cases.

For blondes
Fair-haired brides need to choose the right makeup options, paying attention to the color of their curls and the shade of the iris of the eyes.
Blondes with blue eyes it is recommended to decorate the eyelids with silver, turquoise or blue cosmetics. You can use neutral and light eyeliners without fear.

Gray-eyed blonde brides can, no doubt, apply shades of gray or green.
However, one must remember that the color of the cosmetics should not be 100% the same as the iris.

Girls with brown eyes it is advisable to try to emphasize the depth of your gaze. Preferred are the nude version, the use of unobtrusive and calm pastel colors, as well as interesting tones of gold. When combining different shades, it is advisable to make all transitions as smooth as possible, not pronounced.

- Ladies with green iris should opt for luxurious copper and gold hues. Such palettes will be the best solution for a festive make-up. You can also use delicate peach or ash shades. Cold palettes are not recommended.

It is easiest for brides with blonde hair to choose the right, attractive lipstick. Pink with a coral or golden undertone is ideal. But it is better to refuse bright and too saturated options.
For brunettes
At many stages of the selection of decorative cosmetics, it is easier for brunettes to settle on the best option. Here you also need to build on the color of the hair and the color of the eyes.
For green-eyed and dark-haired brides for eyelid makeup, it is recommended to choose spectacular shades of emerald and turquoise. Purple tones will do. In certain cases, you can experiment with cold palettes.

- Brunettes with brown eyes can safely dwell on shadows and eyeliners, sustained in dark tones. Be careful though: browns and standard blacks may not work at all. Dark blues, purples, lilacs and grays with steel notes are ideal.

- Spectacular blue-eyed girls It is advisable to pay attention to an interesting contrast between the dark shade of the hair and the light one - the iris of the eyes. Elegant shadows with mother-of-pearl will prove to be a win-win. It is recommended to combine at least a couple of colors.

Unlike blondes, brunettes can create beautiful bridal makeup using red lipstick. Thus, the emphasis will be on the lips.
Light colors may not work at all.
For fair-haired
Fair-haired girls need to select cosmetics strictly individually. Let's take a look at some of the nuances and features.
According to professional makeup artists, gray-eyed brides with light brown curls you can apply shadows of almost any shade and tone. Ash, dark blue and silver options will look especially impressive and harmonious.

- Brown-eyed fair-haired girls may apply to browns or shades of bronze. It is important to ensure that the color of the makeup is different from the color of the iris.

To blue-eyed beauties you can safely apply shades such as emerald, beige. Pink and green options look good.

- Green-eyed girls when creating a stylish wedding make-up, it is recommended to apply shadows that demonstrate beige, brown, pastel-peach shades.

For redheads
It should be noted right away that those colors that go to red-haired girls are usually completely unsuitable for ladies with light or dark curls. Here, as in the case of light brown hair, it is necessary to select all the components strictly individually in order to prevent imbalance in some zones.
Decorative cosmetics, selected for the wedding make-up of a red-haired bride, should not be too bright and variegated. It is best to adhere to the natural range of colors for such girls. Shades of red, yellow, brown are acceptable.

If the bride's skin is adorned with charming freckles, then it is not at all necessary to choose the means to disguise them. Often, such elements emphasize a bright personality. If you want to hide freckles, you can use a tonal suitable shade.
Red-haired brides can completely refuse to apply shadows, or apply them in very small quantities on the movable part of the eyelid. It is advisable to do this in such a way as to only slightly emphasize the eyes. It is not recommended to glue fake eyelashes. Instead, it is enough to use mascara with a lengthening effect.

The best shades of lipstick for brides with red head of hair are crimson and coral.
Best ideas
Let's take a look at some of the fashion ideas and trends in eye-catching bridal makeup.
Currently, there are a wide variety of trends, therefore, a girl with any type of appearance can stop at a certain option, and independently create a spectacular make-up. So, makeup made in nude tones is very popular. Such a make-up looks as natural as possible. It is light and attractive, simple yet very feminine. The easiest way to create a nude make-up is to do it yourself.

This year, white skin is in vogue. And this means that now brides will not have to spend money on visiting a solarium shortly before the celebration. In addition, spectacular curly arrows are trendy. Due to them, it will be possible to emphasize the bright individuality of the girl. To place accents in a wedding look, it will turn out through bright lipstick on the lips.

Fashionable bridal makeup can create a very beautiful romantic look for the bride. In this case, the ideal solution would be a classic make-up, where there are pleasant tones of peach, biscuit, as well as pink scales. You can complete the look with a lip gloss, as well as a delicate, high-wear blush.

This year, the effect of wet skin was at the peak of popularity. The matte surface of the skin has become less relevant.To follow fashion trends when creating a wedding make-up, you can apply a foundation that is as unobtrusive and light as possible. Loose powder is also suitable, demonstrating an expressive shimmering effect.

- A chic version of a make-up for a wedding - a fashionable smoky ice. It is applied very carefully and in stages. In this case, careful shading of all applied decorative cosmetics plays an important role.

You can make a beautiful and harmonious wedding make-up yourself. The main thing is to observe moderation in everything, to avoid too variegated and vulgar colors. If the celebration will be held in the summer, then it is necessary to carefully select a light tonal foundation, as well as long-lasting lipstick or gloss.

Beautiful examples
There are many variations of a spectacular wedding make-up. Consider a few beautiful and harmonious examples on girls with different hair colors.
To the bride with dark blond hair a gentle make-up is ideal, within which light nude tones will be superimposed on the eyelids, gradually darkening towards the outer corner. Complement the shadows should be clear and neat black arrows, as well as eyeliner along the entire upper eyelid.
You can darken your eyebrows slightly, and paint your lips with lipstick in a dense raspberry shade.

Dark-haired girl make-up with a minimal set of cosmetics on the face is ideal. It is enough to apply a small amount of dark eyeshadow on the outer part of the upper eyelids, line the lashes with mascara for extra volume, and make up the lips in a luxurious red color with a slight shine. Of course, it will be superfluous to apply products that even out the skin tone.

Blue eyed and blonde bride can safely decorate eyes with shadows with a smooth transition from light blue to dark blue and black colors. Black eyeliner and thin, not too long arrows will look harmonious. The eyelashes can be tinted with black mascara, and a gentle peach shade of gloss can be applied to the lips.

- To the bride with a shock of gorgeous red hair you should not turn to a large number of variegated cosmetics. The ideal solution in this case is the predominance of nude shades. At the outer corner of the upper eyelid, you can make a slight darkening of the brown shade step by step. It is enough to apply a black and very thin line of eyeliner, slightly tint the eyelashes, and complement the lips with matte lipstick with unobtrusive notes of coral color.