All about age makeup

Absolutely every woman wants to feel attractive, despite her appearance and age. But if makeup for young girls is quite simple to perform, then an age person requires certain knowledge and skills in the selection and subsequent application of cosmetics.

Let's take a closer look at all the features of age-related makeup, and also get acquainted with some tricks when applying it.
What it is?
Age-related make-up is called for women whose skin has undergone changes and the first signs of aging. It is very difficult to limit this concept to some kind of framework, since some wrinkles appear at the age of 45-55, while the skin of others begins to change dramatically as early as 30.
One can single out only one main feature - the older the woman, the more difficult it will be to work with the skin of her eyelids, since it is the first to age.
Of course, you can correct your appearance through exercises for the face and special care cosmetics, but to achieve the first results, you will have to make a lot of effort, and you want to look good right now.

It is then that age-related makeup comes to the rescue, which, when professionally performed, is able to visually make the face more toned and mask wrinkles. But for that to look harmonious, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the technique and basic rules for performing such makeup or contact a professional makeup artist for a few practical lessons.

Fundamental rules
There is no doubt that in order for your skin to retain its properties for as long as possible and look fresh and hydrated, it is necessary to provide it with the right care every day. Age-related makeup will only help to hide the changes with the help of cosmetics and adherence to the following rules.
- On the shop windows, you've probably noticed cosmetics labeled "anti-aging" or "lifting effect". First of all, you should pay attention to them and choose both a makeup base and a foundation from this series. These marks indicate that the cosmetics are designed specifically for skin with age-related changes, and its effect will be aimed at maximum masking of wrinkles and age spots.

- You should not apply the foundation immediately after the foundation, you need to give it time to absorb into the skin. After the base product shrinks, the face will look much younger and fresher, all that remains is to even out the color.

- In order for the foundation to lie in an even layer and not be noticeable on the face, you should use it in moderation. It is recommended to apply the product with a thick fluffy brush or a soft beauty blender in the form of a drop, with light hammering movements. In no case should you smear the cream with a brush or fingers, as this can lead to streaks.

- To correct problem areas, it is best to use a light concealer with a glowing effect. Apply the product a little at a time, as excess may roll into the lines, leaving your makeup looking messy.

- Also add some fine highlighter for shine. It gently accentuates the features of your face, giving it a natural freshness. You can use a drop of liquid radiance under your foundation to create the appearance of a glow from the inside.

- Eye makeup must be selected individually, based on your external data. For example, women with an open eyelid can afford arrows, while an overhanging eyelid is best corrected with shading and light haze on the eyes.

- It is worth giving up bright graphic eyebrows, since this design method can visually add a couple of decades to an older woman. Better to give preference to shaded light shades and a transparent gel for fixing the hairs.

- Do not use large quantities of mascaraas lumps on your lashes make your makeup look messy.

- It is worth giving up dry products. For example, correction is best done with creamy textures. It is permissible to use light powder with a fixing effect and blush, which, if desired, can also be easily replaced with a liquid or creamy analogue.

- Also, in age-related makeup, it is better not to use matte and pearlescent lipsticks. The most common creamy texture or colored lip gloss will do much better.

Necessary tools and cosmetics
Before you start applying cosmetics, you should update your arsenal of products and acquire some tools. Here is a list of what you need to have in your cosmetic bag to perform quality age-related makeup.
- Sponges and brushes for applying makeup base. A silicone sponge works best to spread the product evenly over the entire face, focusing on the most problematic areas.

- A beauty blender or foundation brush. As mentioned earlier, the product must be applied with a hammering motion, so a dense structure will cope with this task in the best way.

- Angled brush and eyebrow brush. With this brush, you can easily distribute the shade evenly, and the brush will help to blend it.

- Eyeshadow brushes. It is best to collect a set of several types.For example, a barrel brush will help blend a shade, a fluffy brush will do a great job with applying a light shine, a piece with a tapered tip will be useful for creating a shape, and a flat brush will work well for evenly distributing light colors. In many cosmetics stores, you will find ready-made brush sets that provide all of the above nuances.

- Eyeshadow, blush, and other dry textures best used in a matte finish as this will make the makeup look more expensive.

- Shadow with shimmer, highlighter and other glitter products work best on aging skin if they have a creamy, slightly oily texture.

- It is worth abandoning the use of colored pencils., eyeliners and mascara, turning their attention to the classic shades - black, brown and graphite.

- Lipsticks should be noble shades, you should give up everything that adds cheap items to your makeup.

How to make at home?
Of course, the help of a professional in his field is indispensable in creating age-related makeup, but many simply do not have the opportunity to contact makeup artists every day.... Many women do their makeup at home using some tricks and sometimes detailed instructions from various beauty gurus.

We recommend that you read a few step-by-step instructions for applying the two types of makeup at home.
Previously, you have already managed to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of age-related makeup and all the necessary means for creating it, so you can safely proceed to action.
- First of all, the face should be cleansed and moisturizedusing your usual cleansers and creams. This must be done to prevent the growth of bacteria under the layer of decorative cosmetics.

- After the cream has been absorbed, proceed to the sequential application of the base and foundation. When finished, it is recommended to give the funds a few minutes to fix.

- Then we move on to contouring. Apply a brown concealer on the cheekbones, nose and a little along the jawline with light extinguishing movements. Apply a light shade to the bridge of the nose, upper lip and under the eyes. The shading should be semi-transparent so that the contours look like the natural shadows of your face.

- In the next step, you can start shaping your eyebrows. Depending on the color of your hair and the density of the eyebrow hairs, you need to choose a shade of eyeshadow or pomade, then apply with light movements, filling in the gaps and following all the recommendations studied earlier.

- Next, we move on to the eyes. For daytime make-up, light brown or beige eyeshadows are suitable to even out the shade of the eyelids. You can also use a pencil to draw the space between the eyelids on the upper eyelid, and then apply mascara.

- Lightly apply the highlighter just above the cheekbone, under the eyebrow, on the tip of the nose and the bridge of the nose.

- Finish the makeup with lipstick and blush, which should harmoniously overlap with each other.

The technique of applying evening make-up is almost identical to the one described above. The only exception is that in this case, you can use brighter shades for the eyes and lips.
For example, apply brown shadows on the eyelids using the smokey ice technique or complement the makeup with thin arrows with a noble wine shade of lipstick.

Common mistakes
Very often women make a number of mistakes when applying makeup. In order to avoid this, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most common ones.
- Using clear lines in makeup. This applies not only to eyebrow shaping, but also to contouring. It is necessary to underline the cheekbones and adjust the width of the nose barely noticeably, carefully shading the cosmetic product. Graphic cheekbones do not paint any older ladies or young girls.
- When applying age-related makeup, it is better to abandon experiments in the form of colored arrows and bright shadows, which will simply look out of place.
- It is also not recommended to apply the classic version of Smokey Ice make-up in a rich dark color to the eyes. Better to use soft tones, creating a translucent haze.
- In no case should you let the lower eyelid down with dark colors, because this way you risk making your look heavier, visually adding yourself a few extra years. For lining the lower mucous membrane, it is better to use a light or brown pencil.
- It is worth abandoning bright blush, contrasting with the shade of your skin, since this way you deprive your appearance of naturalness, but complement the image with vulgarity.
- In age-related makeup, the use of large sparkles is not appropriate. This remark applies to both the highlighter and the shadows. The shine should be even and continuous due to the fine grinding of the textures.
- It is also necessary to competently approach the issue of choosing lipstick and lip pencil, since the contour should not stand out and differ from the main color. Also, avoid using lipsticks that are lighter than your natural lip color.

Professional advice
In order for your makeup to be harmonious and stylish, we have selected a few professional secrets from makeup artists.
- Use coral and peach shades for a rejuvenating effect

- Choose shadows according to the color of your eyes. For example, for blues and greens, brown is perfect, grays will help emphasize a deep graphite shade, and brown eyes can be set off with light notes of white gold.

- To keep the makeup on the skin better, you can use matting wipes and fixing spray. These products will remove excess sebum and set the products in place.

- A couple of times a week, peel your face and lips with products with fine particles. This will help get rid of flaking, making the makeup look much better.

- If you are the owner of very dry aged skin, you should use not only a cream, but also a few drops of cosmetic oil before applying the base. They can also moisturize the skin of the lips.

Beautiful examples
In order to get a more complete picture of age-related makeup, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with several examples.
- An excellent option for everyday age-related makeup that any woman can easily do. The right foundation gives the face a subtle glow, while blush and pink lip gloss refreshes the composition. The eyebrows are dyed in a light brown tone, which helps to make the look more expressive without weighing it down.

- In this example, you can observe how an even complexion, combined with peach and coral shades, rejuvenates the face and gives it a shine. And light arrows in front of the eyes and neatly dyed eyelashes only gracefully complement the image, which, together with the hairstyle, looks luxurious.

- In this example, you can also consider the dramatic difference in appearance before and after makeup. The presented evening make-up and original hairstyle make the woman look more stately and expensive, and also add a slight note of insolence. The eyebrows are very well emphasized with a shade close to the hair color, and the volumetric arrow in this case does not make the look heavier, but visually opens it up. We should also mention the combination of lipstick and blush, which is perfectly matched.

- The following example also demonstrates the successful use of the wide eyelid, which, combined with the shade of white gold, helps to correct age-related changes in the skin of the eyelids. The eyelashes are dyed with mascara, which is very useful, since false bunches would be superfluous in this make-up. A radiant complexion and pink lipstick add lightness and weightlessness to the look.