All about eye makeup

Eye makeup is one of the most difficult stories not in terms of technique, but in terms of retraining. Many women prefer to paint their eyes the way they did in their youth, not even paying attention to the variability of fashion, but to the initial imperfection of technology. Well, it's never too late to learn, and even more so - to learn beauty.

Features and types of techniques
Beauty experts can write more than one book on eye makeup. But the average woman may not need deep knowledge. But the basics, top recommendations and an understanding of what goes with her will be useful.

The main features of eye makeup.
- Consider their color. This is the beginning of the beginnings, though not exhaustive information. Green and gray-green eyes will be combined with copper, purple and red eye shadows that are fashionable today. Blue-eyed women go gold, peach and brown. Everything fits with brown eyes, but blue and emerald shadows look more advantageous. Gray-eyed should be guided by the gamut of blue eyes.

- Understand the names of the structural elements of the eye in makeup. That is, what is the inner corner, and what is the outer corner, where the brow space is located.

- Know the nuances of the structure of your century. This is even more important than eye color, or just as important. To "stretch" round eyes, it is necessary to accentuate the outer part of the eyelid. If the eyes are small and you want to visually enlarge them, shading is done diagonally. Sunken or deep-set eyes require them to be brought to the fore, which means that dark shadows cannot be added to the crease of the eyelid - the darkest shade will run along the lash line and be noted at the outer corner of the eye.And for wide-set eyes, it is important to pay attention to the part that is closer to the bridge of the nose - there should be more shadows in this area of the eyebrows than on the tip, darker tones are used at the inner corner of the eye.

- You need to have a good basic brush set. First, you can get a small, dense, rounded brush with a soft bristle, and then an elongated and loose one.
And it is better to buy two at once: the first shade is applied, the second shade them qualitatively.

- Know what shadows are by texture. Creamy ones are good for a monochromatic make-up, dry crumbly ones make the makeup color as bright as possible, pressed ones are especially convenient to apply and blend.

- Don't deny the existence of an eyelid primer. This tricky thing helps make the makeup look long lasting. Sometimes, instead of it, a foundation is applied to the skin of the eyelids - the principle is the same, but the primer will be more comfortable.

- Understand how and what is in the eyeshadow palette, that is, the scheme and principle of use. Each shade has its own area of application: the lightest is treated under the brow area, the darkest is the outer corner of the eye, the middle one is applied to the crease.

- Realize the importance of shading. It depends on her whether the makeup will beautify or make the image look sloppy and unfinished.

It may surprise some that there is so much on this list about shadows and not a word about mascara. And all because it is not as hugely important as you might think. There are two main types of mascara - voluminous and lengthening, and it is better to have two types to help out depending on the request. Black is considered classic, but no one canceled the color, and now it is in trend.
But it is easier to pick up mascara than shadows, even in the "liked-dislike" method.

How to make a daily make-up?
This is something that everyone needs to learn exactly, if she does not deny makeup in principle. Because every day is a daily routine, and what will be seen in sunlight, that is, it is seen very well.
So, the main thing in daytime makeup is closeness to naturalness. Now it is absolutely important that the make-up seems to be a complete absence of itself. That is, it is difficult to understand whether a person is wearing makeup or not, but at the same time he looks fresh, good, harmonious.

What is important to know about the daytime make-up.
- If shadows are used, then natural colors: beige, matte brown, peach, gray. But without shine and radiance, calm and muted tones. The color is selected based on natural data, that is, eye color.
- The application scheme is simple: at the inner corner, the color is as light as possible, gradually it darkens, moving to the outer corner. The shadows have to be shaded well, because especially in daylight, the sharp transition will be striking.
- Pencil, eyeliner are quite acceptable for everyday make-up, only the arrow should not be wide. Only brunettes go with black eyeliner or pencil, everyone else should try their own shade of brown.
- Painting the eyelashes with mascara is a final element that should be very quick too. There is no need to apply mascara in several layers, it should be minimally noticeable.

"Makeup without makeup" is also a fashion story. There is a feeling that the foundation (or BB cream, or CC cream, or maybe the lightest powder with a radiant effect) is applied to the skin completely, even on the eyelids and on the eyelashes. If the tone is even, the color combinations are observed, an amazing make-up can be obtained.
Although it is safer to apply not a cream to the eyelids, but translucent shadows of shades close to cream.

evening make-up
Here, on the one hand, it is more complicated - the make-up itself is more ambitious, on the other hand, it is easier - if you overdid it, it's not so scary. And very shiny shadows with a shimmer help out, they are just made for evening outings.
Evening eye makeup guide - step by step and simple.
- First, you need to prepare the eyelids for makeup, that is, distribute the primer over them, and apply a thin layer of beige shadows over the primer. Then shadows with a matte texture are taken, which are a couple of tones darker than the skin tone.They need to emphasize the orbital line, as well as the lower lumbar contour.
- The crease of the upper eyelid should be deepened with darker matte shadows. The corners of the eyes should be darkened. With a dark color, you need to walk along the lower eyelid, approaching the outer corner.
- The movable eyelid remains free and needs to be covered with bright, shining shadows. And the inner corner of the eye and the space under the eyebrows are to be highlighted - with light shadows or a highlighter with a shimmer.
- The mucous contour of the eye must be emphasized with a black pencil. It remains only to apply mascara to the eyelashes.

A modern, uncomplicated evening make-up is ready. The main thing is to act in stages, not to confuse the sequence of actions. With extended eyelashes, you can skip the moment with mascara.
Options for the holiday
Of course, holidays can be very different - for example, wedding makeup (more often they prefer professional) should be unpretentious, very delicate. And if it is a birthday, and it is celebrated in the evening, it can be smoky ice (smoky or smoky eyes).

What other interesting ideas are suitable for special occasions.
- Gold - gold prevails in the make-up of the face as a whole, this should be combined with the outfit.
You just need to take into account that shining shadows and cosmetics, in principle, greatly emphasize wrinkles.

- Brilliant - a lot of sequins are fashionable now, such trends hold. But you need to be bolder: apply glitter beyond the eye area, form patterns with them, combine glitter of different shades and sizes.

- Puppet - This is usually a complex face make-up that involves a lot of contouring, shine, etc.
And if you really want doll eyes, you should remember Twiggy's branded make-up, in which mascara and false eyelashes were the main active cosmetic product.

- Butterfly - the most unusual, very eye-catching makeup. It does not suit everyone, it is not always appropriate, but it incredibly decorates young nymphs.

- Retro - you can be inspired by the images of Dita von Teese and women who are guided by the golden age of Hollywood and its muses.

The most interesting, beautiful, impressive examples of eye makeup have been spied somewhere. Ideally, if they are spied on a woman who is close in type to the requested one. That is, you need to look for a model similar to yourself so that the result is more predictable. Especially if you plan to repeat it at home.
Beautiful examples
You can get inspired by what is relevant and what sets you up for today's wave. Because, although it is often demonstrated on professional models, and even very young ones, it suits many. One has only to try.

Inspirational examples.
- Colored eyeliners are just a sign of the times. A beginner will not be able to make such an elegant line, but you just have to practice a little, and you can paint your eyes this way at once.

- Evening make-up that makes a woman more mysterious.
It should be noted that the lower eyelashes are not painted over, and this is correct. The best is the enemy of the good, especially in makeup.

- Use rhinestones and beads - why not? Makeup, it turns out, is not only about making up, but also about decorating.

- Blue striking backhand is very fashionable today, and it is important that everything else in the make-up "sings along" to him, and does not interrupt.

- Calligraphic arrows go especially blue-eyed. They make facial features even more graceful, perfectly highlight the cheekbones.

- Many people are afraid of pink, believing that with it their eyes will look tired. With good skin, no edema, you can experiment with pink.

- Yes, this is just art drawing in the eye area! Looks unusual, makes the image more interesting.

- Another variation of red, or rather, its brick shade. A very interesting effect, and the blue eyes look even more expressive.

- "Wet" shadows are good for a party where you need to be memorable. And eyelashes "spider legs" will be appropriate in this case.

- Thin lines that change everything. They, like a finishing touch, make the makeup complete, and the created image - light and futuristic, cosmic.

- An example of ideal arrows aiming for the temples. And the shadows can be light, to match the skin tone.

- The same "makeup without makeup", which at the same time makes the face fresh and vigorous.
You can go over the eyelashes with a strengthening balm, apply a primer on the eyelids, and highlight the area under the eyebrows with a light golden color.

And makeup has a simple rule - you can mask temporary imperfections once. For example, puffy eyes should not be masked with make-up from time to time.
It is better to take measures to relieve swelling (special masks), and not to load the skin, which is already not easy, with cosmetics. It's like with a rash on your face - to put all your strength into eliminating it, not disguising it.