
All about metal painters

All about metal painters
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Responsibilities
  3. Requirements
  4. Education
  5. Place of work

So that the metal surface or metal products do not corrode and serve as long as possible, they must be covered with a protective layer. This is done by specialists in the profession of "painter for metal".


Metal painter, he's a tinsmith Is a very interesting and necessary profession in the construction and industrial sectors. It is available in almost any large enterprise, which has metal structures or machines on its balance sheet. The metal painter is categorized as a worker. It can have from 1 to 6 working categories, which differ in the characteristics of work, knowledge and skills. A metal painter treats metal surfaces with special manipulations before painting, covers them with special agents or paints.

The profession is very responsible, because the service life of machines or mechanisms depends on the quality of the painting and priming work performed.


The employer accepts an employee who meets professional standard... In turn, the employee takes special exams to meet these standards. A professional standard is a list of requirements that apply to an employee. A metalwork painter, like any other employee of the enterprise, when applying for a job and passing the necessary exams, reads the job description, which indicates all his job responsibilities in production. The job description is developed in accordance with the ETKS, which clearly indicates the functions and rights of the employee, as well as his responsibility and qualifications.

The painter must paint metal parts, pre-clean surfaces from rust and scale, remove various types of plaque with brushes or scrapers. It is also necessary to degrease the surfaces with various chemicals or solvents, and dry the painted parts. After painting, he must clean brushes and spray guns from paint residues.

The employee independently prepares the necessary shade of paint, adds the necessary components to improve the quality. It is engaged in painting various tanks, fittings, racks, simple and complex parts such as staples, plugs, covers, etc. Can paint gates and other metal fences. Cleans steel structures from old paint and rust.

In the marine industry, it paints ship hulls, partitions and various metal surfaces. Cleans the hull of the vessel from fuel oil, primes the electric motor, its cover and box. He wipes the deck with diesel oil. Paints anchor chains with coal-tar varnish by dipping. Primer and paints for bearing caps and fan shields. Prepares the surface for painting using grinders or a wire brush.

Smooths out irregularities on the surface using various fillers. Can apply drawings and numbers using a stencil. Uses special spray guns for painting large structures. Painting cars and buses is also part of his duties, as well as their sanding, cleaning and puttying. The employee must be able to putty welding and external seams, pull them out in order to give the surface an integral look. Should be aware that the putty is sanded again after drying.

The specialist must be able to use the spray gun, know its device, and, if necessary, repair it. Can paint bridges, power support lines, cranes, machine tools and any metal equipment. Can paint water and gas pipes, paint interiors of buses, carriages on trains, pleasure yachts.

Must wear special clothing, follow the labor protection instructions.


Some metal painters apply requirements, which are that a specialist in this profession must have a secondary education or vocational training in production without a requirement for work experience. A specialist in this profession must have a developed thinking and outlook. He must have a special perception of colors and a good memory for shades, as well as artistic taste. He must have physical strength and patience.

An employee should be attentive and accurate, not afraid of heights, have a sense of balance and good eyesight. This profession is not allowed for people who have problems with the vestibular apparatus, respiratory system or cardiovascular system, allergies, varicose veins, who have noticed color blindness or skin diseases.

Tinsmith must know the device and purpose of paint-grinding machines, the operation of grinding machines, what materials should be used for different types of painting, what should be the cleaned surface, what rules of preparation for painting should be followed. Must know the formation of color and methods of painting for various surfaces. Obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations. Is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of his official duties, causing material damage, using materials or his powers for personal purposes. Should report on the work done to his superiors.

It is very important that the workplace has good lighting, because the quality of work depends on it. When working with new materials, he may require documentation for them in order to know all the rules and features of working with them. Since the work consists in the use of synthetic and harmful agents, in order to avoid harm to your health, you must always use personal protective equipment, one of which is a respirator. It must be changed every 4 days. If the work is carried out indoors, then it is necessary that there is a hood.


In order to be a metal painter, you need undergo special training at a school or special courses at a training center. Training consists of lectures, seminars and practical training in production. Such courses are designed for beginners in this field, as well as for those who want to improve their skill level or gain knowledge that corresponds to new technologies and materials. Studying at the school lasts 2-3 years, it all depends on the grade after which you will go to study, and the courses last for several months.

At the end of the training, students undergo a final certification. After passing the exams, they receive a government-issued certificate. But despite passing the training, a person who will be engaged in painting metal structures must first of all have the desire to work in this industry.

He must love his work, only with these qualities the work will be performed at the highest level.

Place of work

If you have experience in the work of a painter for metal, it is quite easy to find. But the pay depends on the work area. Probably the most paid job would be in car repair shops, and where a specialist in this profession is engaged in painting cars. Such a specialist must be talented in his field. Since the painting of the car depends not only on its appearance, but also on its resistance to environmental factors. Moreover, cars are of different prices, and their painting is quite expensive. That's why if you prove yourself on the good side, you can get a good salary, which reaches up to 1000 dollars a month.

Also you can get a job to the shipping companywhere you will be painting ships or devices that are on them, as well as any other structures. Work in this industry is also highly paid, but sometimes requires a flight. You can also find work in Vodokanal or Gorgase... There you will be mainly concerned with painting pipes or other surfaces. Unfortunately, in such areas, the salary of a painter is quite low.

Transport companieswho are engaged in the transportation of goods in trailers or containers, constantly have a painting officer on their staff. In such enterprises, he putty and primer, paints trailers, tanks or other parts of machines from a spray gun. Especially if the company works with international shipments, there is a need for the transport to look perfect. They pay between $ 500 and $ 1,000 a month for the job.

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