What is bibliomania?

Quite often in bookstores you can find the following picture: a woman or a man buys a whole pile of books of diverse content, which are in no way related to each other in meaning. For example, their choice includes science fiction, detective stories, and even classical literature. As a rule, the house of such people is littered with various reading materials. They consider some books to be the most valuable, others gather dust on the shelves in the form of unnecessary copies. Such persons are considered bibliomaniacs.

What it is?
The word bibliomania comes from the Greek word biblion (book). It denotes a very serious and even extreme passion for collecting books. There are also such words: bibliophilia and bibliophilia. They literally translate as "Love for all books."
A person who loves books very much is called a bibliophile. Typically, such persons are engaged in the collection of exceptional and important publications, which may include collections of a single author or illustrator.
Book lovers can spend hours digging in varied reading materials. Along with this hobby, they collect periodicals (comics, chromolithographs) that were issued in the past era.
Refined bibliomaniacs hunt for very rare tomes. Everything is important to them. The first and lifetime editions of the author are the very treasure that the bibliophile runs after. If it is supplemented with a personal autograph, then such a publication cannot be overestimated.
Real rarities are very expensive, but for collectors, price is not the most important condition. Small circulations disappear quickly, and this fact makes them even more valuable.
Thanks to bibliomaniacs who lived in the last century, private libraries first appeared (for example, the libraries of Y. Wise, M. Korvin, I. Grozny). Peter I was the first emperor to be called a bibliophile.Shipbuilding books were kept on shelves like true treasures. Catherine II also distinguished herself with signs of bibliomania, having acquired Voltaire's library.
It must be said that the fascination with books to the point of madness is a rather useful activity for the future heritage and history of mankind. Bibliophiles are an important link in the accumulation and preservation of real and valuable tomes.
In addition to bibliophilia, there are also such obsessive states in the world as bibliography (superstitious admiration for a book that has magic and sorcery) and bibliotaph (almost the same as bibliophilia, only this mania is uglier). The librarian is greedy and forbids other people to use his books. It should be remembered that the passion for collecting books is only useful when the content is correctly perceived, and the possession of valuable copies is for the benefit of the whole society.

How does it manifest?
Too strong craving for books (bibliomania) is expressed in the symptom of obsessive compulsions. The pathological passion for collecting various fiction is the most interesting obsessive state. Such people multiply books indiscriminately, the main thing is that they are not always read. The principle operates here: the most important thing is to take possession, and then carefully store it. Often, a bibliomaniac purchases multiple copies of just one book. He can't even explain why he does it.
Experts believe that this behavior is associated with a neurotic defense mechanism associated with any negative situation... The bibliomaniac is easy to recognize. If you notice that one of your friends collects unnecessary books that people throw away and takes them home, then you are a bibliomaniac. Such a person will be left without bread, hungry, but will acquire the print edition he likes. He is also ready to sit for hours and go through old prints, digging near a dumpster.
Having chosen the most preferred editions, he will bring them home and put them on the shelf, where the dust has not been removed for years.
Among abandoned books, there may be real treasures. And that's bad. Perhaps the valuable tome needs restoration, but he may not wait for it. The paper will crumble and the ink will disappear.
However, the bibliomaniac will suffer in terrible agony if he does not receive the copy he likes.... He will lose sleep and may even get sick. Unwillingness to part with your books is a sign of an obsessive state and you need to get rid of it. There is nothing good in the fact that the whole room is filled with old volumes mixed with dirt. From such a sight, even a healthy person will begin to mild depression.

How to fight?
As it turns out, bibliomania is not a threat. On the contrary, collecting books is only beneficial. But where is the border beyond which the obsessive state appears?
It is good if a person realizes that he is too carried away by collecting. Perhaps this was due to the lack of books in his childhood, which passed in the days of the USSR. Then it was very difficult to get a valuable specimen. Therefore, people bought printed treasures with pleasure and were proud of a successful purchase. Since then, many have continued to behave this way.
Some believe that this gathering is a symbol of prosperity. Others, on the contrary, try to engage in a useful occupation quite professionally. Specialist bibliophiles are well aware of the origins of typography and can distinguish a fake from an old tome. Some people buy rare editions abroad because of the good system of discounts.
And if a person is simply too carried away with his favorite pastime, then he can stop at any moment and ask himself the question: "Why do I need so many books?" After he answers it, the bibliomaniac will understand that most of the units have lost their relevance, and he has lost interest in them. Then why buy more and more new editions? Maybe you need to stop.
Remember one thing: if the habit (for example, collecting different literature) has not grown into mania and begins to lose its original meaning for you personally, then you need to stop.
Distribute less valuable copies to neighbors and acquaintances. Calculate your strength. Leave yourself the composition that you can read, and, of course, the one that will be of interest to you.
In the future, it is necessary to take a more responsible approach to expanding your personal library. Can't resist buying, leaving your wallet at home is the best way. Perhaps after some time your desire will evaporate. Everything must be treated responsibly, even the purchase of books.