All about clinomania

As you know, there are different people in our society. Some are considered incorrigible workaholics who can do everything in one day, while others, on the contrary, prefer to lie on the couch all day and do nothing, except perhaps entertain themselves with various trinkets. It is precisely the latter that are called clinomanes.

What it is?
A person's tendency to pathological laziness, that is, lying in bed when everyone is working around, is called clinomania. Moreover, the clinoman is capable of messing around endlessly.
To be fair, it should be noted that the desire to do nothing appears from time to time in every person. However, these manifestations are of a short-term nature, since a normal and healthy individual simply cannot remain motionless for a long time.
Clinomania is difficult to diagnose. However, in the presence of this dependence, a person is observed constant half-sleep (it seems that the individual is not getting enough sleep all the time).
He does all the things without getting out of bed, he has a craving for entertainment, which are passive in nature (playing with the computer).

Usually such persons have unpleasant character traits: sexual promiscuity, gluttony, anger for no reason. In addition, the clinoman has the following symptoms: dizziness with sudden movements, irregular heartbeat with sudden movements, as well as shortness of breath, problems with high blood pressure.
Experts are confident that this manifestation belongs to the category of mental disorders and occurs against the background of other mental conditions, such as neuroses, apathy and even schizophrenia.
Clinomania can manifest itself at any age.In adults, it occurs for a reason, namely because of problems that have arisen either with health, or because of the formation of a negative environment.
The reasons for the formation of this state are hidden in the deep subconscious of the individual, this is how he tries to escape from reality. He is even too lazy to admit to close people that he behaves this way because of the problem that has developed in his life.

It was the problem that awakened in his subconscious the fear of reality. Perhaps this fear arose in childhood and has now burst out. Sudden attacks of anxiety can lead a person to clinomania. There is only one conclusion: dependence on one's own laziness can accompany other, more serious problems, such as mental illnesses of various kinds.
For example, a clinoman may suffer:
- Kleine-Levin-Critchley syndrome - it is expressed in prolonged daytime sleep, and with short-term wakefulness with a pronounced appetite, this disorder is complemented by sexual disorders;
- hypersomnia - pathological drowsiness;
- atypical (autonomic) depression - complaints of constant drowsiness;
- schizophrenia (accompanied by disturbed sleep);
- symptom endogenous depression.

And also the psyche of a clinoman can be disturbed due to organic lesions of the brain.
If an individual is at rest all the time, lying on the couch, then this is how he expresses his insecurity and tries on a subconscious level to return to the state when he was very young and was looked after, fed, watered.
Definitely, this disorder cannot be ignored. You must undergo a complete examination with the participation of all specialists.
Blood tests can show that the constant urge to lie in bed is caused by a very serious medical condition that is not mental.

How is it different from Disania?
Everyone knows how difficult it is to get out of bed in the morning when it is necessary to go to work. This is especially difficult to do when a stormy weekend is left behind. This is completely normal. Such people can simply be advised to get enough sleep every day and try to avoid noisy parties.
However, there are people who have difficulty getting out of bed, although they went to bed very early and slept for the right number of hours, which ensure the health of the whole body. The alarm clock is terrifying, and the bed seems to be a magnet that is difficult to refuse, and all this happens every day. So there is a suspicion that you are suffering disania. It resembles clinomania, but differs significantly from it.

Clinomania is a rather serious disorder, which in most cases is accompanied by severe mental pathologies, in contrast to dysania, which can develop against a background of chronic fatigue. At the same time, disania resembles the usual slowness. But this is far from the case. People with dysania often experience mental anxiety. It absorbs energy, and this disorder originates from here.

If the alarm clock in the morning is annoying, then you may have disania. Although medicine does not recognize disania as a separate disease, it still needs to be dealt with.
- First of all, you should try not to overload your brain at work. Working on a computer causes eye strain. The whole organism suffers from this. And if your duties already include constant work related to the computer, then at home you need to abandon it. Stop playing games or watching news on the monitor. Give your eyes and brain a rest from the electrical flicker.
- You definitely need to go to bed early. This will help you get used to getting enough sleep, and your body will get its dose of rest. If you feel constantly tired, then at least for a while, give up evening activities, such as going to a disco or club, where there is loud music.Better to stay at home and keep yourself busy. Watching movies with a light plot on TV is not prohibited.
In most cases, psychological and mental problems arise when the human brain is overloaded. Try to avoid all kinds of overvoltage and do more of your favorite things. Then anxiety cannot harm you.

How to get rid of?
Phobia of active life - this is how clinomania is usually characterized. And this fear is irrational. Treatment for clinomania varies. It all depends on the severity of the course of the disease. Someone will need a little time to completely get rid of, but someone will have to work hard to get rid of the obsession.
Professionals such as a psychiatrist or psychotherapist can initiate treatment when they receive a complete analysis of the patient's mental and physical condition. It is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. And as soon as the full information is received, the treatment itself will begin.
Perhaps the patient will be offered to undergo a course of psychoanalysis or try to influence consciousness using neurolinguistic programming (NLP).
If these methods are not so effective, then special pharmacological preparations will come to the rescue. These can be activating medications or antidepressants. They go well with psychotherapy.

Much of the successful treatment also depends on the efforts of the relatives. They just need to stop caring for the clinomane as if they are paralyzed and unable to walk on their own. Stop bringing everything you need to the bed of a person who is addicted to laziness, and he will be forced to walk and even run. At least to eat.
In addition, you need to constantly provoke the patient to so that he begins to take the initiative. Create a situation that forces the clinoman to be active. For example, a mother or father might come up with a storyline where they need urgent help from a clinomaniac. This will prompt the person to do something.
It is desirable that these actions are not one-time, but permanent. Assignments can be different from going to the store for groceries and ending with cleaning the apartment.

To start curing the disease in time, it is necessary to contact a specialist in time. And this can be quite difficult to do due to the fact that the clinoman himself and his loved ones hide their abnormal condition for a very long time.
With a long course of the disease, clinomania can begin to control a person's personality, this is exactly what psychiatrists say. And this is fraught with the fact that a person will plunge into complete degradation, and this will break his life.

Late. Everything is already settled, fixed and defined. Mom 83. She sleeps, lies, is sick, and rests all her life. In childhood, everything was done by her grandmother, in adulthood - by my dad, her husband. And now the full cycle of her life support is me. Thank God, now I know: my mother is not lazy, but a sick person ... The worst thing is not even that she used her loved ones all her life (more precisely, she used their time, life). The scary thing is that when you are with such a person for a long time, you are literally sucked into this state of apathy, indifference and super laziness.