Music addiction: what is it and is it a disease?

Music has always attracted humanity with its magic of sounds. People dance to it, fall in love and paint beautiful pictures. She is an inspiration factor for almost all of us and always carries a certain meaning. However, only those people who cannot do without extraneous noise, even the most beautiful, can afford to constantly listen to melodies. These individuals consider themselves music lovers. This type of hobby is not always as harmless as it seems at first glance.
What is music addiction?
There are people who enjoy various musical compositions. They need to hear and listen to them every minute. Surprisingly, they are happy to perceive a variety of musical works, from rock to classics.

Therefore, the term for this hobby corresponds to its meaning. Such a passion is called melomania (“melos” - singing, song, “mann” - this is what attracts and attracts). This word came into our use quite recently. At first, this was the name of those who were engaged in collecting gramophone records with recordings of famous singers and musicians. Then this concept expanded.
Now this category includes those who do not take their headphones out of their ears for days on end or listen to various hits at full volume through the speakers, which, by the way, greatly interferes with the neighbors. However, it is necessary to divide music lovers into groups: there are those who love a certain style of performance and there are those who do not care what sounds in their ears. It is the last category of people who are rightfully called music lovers.
The essence of the work is not important for them, it is important for them to fill the void, that is, the silence around them.

Is it a disease or just a hobby?
You can rest assured: music addiction is not a disease. Those who constantly listen to music are simply very passionate about it. Perhaps this phenomenon indicates a certain habit.
However, many believe that listening to music is a mental disorder. At first glance, this may appear to be true. But if you speculate and understand the issue, it turns out that you need to pay tribute to those who constantly sit in headphones.
- These people are less active in relation to the environment. They don't care about the outside world. They have their own world: the one they like.
- This category of individuals almost never behaves aggressively towards other people. This happens because they do not "connect" to the general negative background for obvious reasons and therefore do not accumulate internal aggression in their souls in large quantities.
- If a person is passionate about something, then this suggests that he has a healthy psyche. He is not distracted by various negative factors, does not think about risks, which means that unnecessary worries do not threaten him.
We often see the following picture: a man (woman, girl) with headphones in his ears is riding on a bus, subway or tram. Such people always have positive emotions on their faces, emphasizing the good mood of the music lover. And this despite the fact that there are people crowding around with blank eyes and gray faces.
It can be concluded that a person who is passionate about something is less prone to aggression and the development of anxiety disorders. Although it should be noted that everything needs a measure. A strong passion for something can also have its negative consequences and manifestations.

What is the concern?
Listening to music is not an obsession. A person who is fond of music is always interesting to the surrounding society. He can show his knowledge: tell about the performer, choose the right piece or song when needed. Music addiction is a pleasant companion for a person only when he has a high intellect and light character. In other cases, music addiction shows its rather unpleasant sides.
- Constant tinnitus in most cases leads to the fact that the person begins to have hearing problems. And if you are a music lover and cannot live without extraneous sounds, then you need to get expert advice in order to subsequently avoid health problems. Over time, everything falls into disrepair, and the human auditory organ under the influence of very strong loads can stop working.
- It is dangerous to listen to music uncontrollably on the street. When a person with headphones in their ears walks down the street, they are unable to recognize various sounds, including those of a threatening nature. The music lover will not hear the approaching car, and she can injure him.
- People who listen to loud music while driving are at even greater risk. They endanger their lives and the lives of others. A person wearing headphones is simply not able to hear the warning signals of other drivers. Moreover, his attention is greatly scattered due to extraneous noise. Aggressive music especially contributes to unsafe driving. A person falls under the influence of powerful rhythms and incorrectly evaluates the situation that develops on the road. The result is an accident.
- Individuals who are accustomed to turning on the speakers at a loud sound and putting them on the street cause hostility towards themselves from others. Extraneous noise affects people's mood.
It must be borne in mind: individuals live nearby, irritated by the harsh sounds of music. They can get trauma. Therefore, it is necessary to think not only about your hobby, but also about the peace of mind of your neighbors, so as not to harm them with your thoughtless actions.