Lint-free manicure wipes: what are they and why are they needed?

To create a manicure at home with your own hands, you need to purchase a certain list of tools. You will definitely need a manicure set, a UV lamp, gel polishes and other auxiliary materials. To make a beautiful and high-quality finish, do not forget about lint-free wipes. This attribute for manicure appeared in the beauty industry relatively recently, but has already become very popular among masters.
What it is
Lint-free manicure wipes are very easy and convenient to use. Manufacturers release them in packages with different volumes. The price of the product depends on it. Initially, manufacturers produced napkins from pre-packaged and cut material. Now on sale there are rolls with perforation along the tear line.

Rolls come in different varieties:
- with or without a spool, the former are intended for automatic dispensers;
- different number of napkins per roll;
- made according to individual orders.
It should be noted that rolls significantly reduce the consumption of this material. Pre-packaged napkins are created by cutting thin elastic fabric into small squares. Initially, they were created specifically for applying gel coatings, since the masters did not like cotton pads in their work: they leave behind a fine pile, which is found only after applying the base. This led to multiple reworking of the manicure: even the smallest villi shortens the wear period of the coating. Lint-free wipes have minimized these disadvantages. Their use is completely identical to the use of cotton pads. They are absolutely necessary for girls performing manicure procedures at home.

What are they used for?
Since performing a manicure without the help of lint-free napkins can deliver many unexpected and inconvenient nuances, their use is highly justified. Lint-free manicure wipes are used for different purposes:
- removal of the coating softened with acetone: the soft texture of the material does not damage the nail plate and does not scratch the skin around the nail;
- removal of fat from the nail plate before the base coat;
- removing the sticky layer;
- antiseptic treatment of instruments.

The convenience of lint-free napkins when creating a manicure is explained by a number of their advantages:
- easily pass water and absorb moisture;
- consist of safe non-woven material, hypoallergenic;
- a huge selection of manufactured products of different sizes and densities;
- speed up and simplify the process of creating a manicure;
- do not exfoliate, do not leave traces behind;
- economical consumption.

What can be replaced?
If you run out of lint-free fabrics or you cannot purchase them, you can use some alternative options. The first method of replacement is chintz and calico, which is produced in rolls. These alternatives are very budget friendly. The purchase of one such roll will provide material for the manicure for a long time. And you can buy it at your nearest fabric store. The next option is wet wipes, which must be pre-dried. They are very similar in structure to lint-free.

These replacement options are not ideal, but have several disadvantages:
- the fabric tends to unravel along the cut, in which case the thread can become a very big problem;
- these wipes will feel harsher than lint-free wipes.
Using wet wipes does not guarantee excellent results. To use them, you need to test the products of different companies in advance, since manufacturers produce products from different fabric materials. This option is dangerous for allergy sufferers: wet wipes may contain allergenic components. Therefore, an allergy test will need to be done. Another disadvantage of this method is the smell. The procedure for creating a manicure already consists of the use of a large number of preparations with various aromas, which are not always pleasant to the client. Wet wipes will add another note of scent to a large collection of fragrances. Therefore, the use of specialized manicure wipes is the best choice. They are convenient to use, do not smell, do not contribute to the development of allergies. They are usually inexpensive, and the purchased material lasts for a long time.

Where to buy
It is better to purchase this product in specialized stores. There you can evaluate all the properties of lint-free napkins on the spot and purchase the option you like most. For the first use, it is recommended to try several brands of this product at home. After the best option has been determined, you can make a purchase in online stores. But in this case, you need to choose trusted stores with a lot of positive reviews. Manicure professionals buy lint-free wipes in large quantities, since they are used very quickly in a salon, and replacement with other options is undesirable. Fewer napkins can be purchased for home manicure. But you will have to regularly monitor their presence in order to avoid unpleasant situations with the next correction.

For an overview of lint-free wipes from AliExpress, see the next video.