Brazilian manicure: what is it and how to do it?

The desire to join the latest trends in nail design is quite natural for women who pay great attention to personal care. The new technology allows you to completely eliminate painful sensations and does not involve the use of edging tools. Moreover, in the case of the Brazilian grooming technique, complex techniques are not required. It is suitable for both men and women, while there are practically no restrictions, and the whole procedure takes about half an hour.

What it is?
Brazilian unedged manicure can be attributed to a variation on the theme of its European counterpart. It is carried out extremely carefully, provides a quick and accurate giving to the hands of an attractive, well-groomed appearance. Modern manufacturers produce ready-made kits, with the help of which you can carry out a procedure with a SPA-effect without leaving your home. Since the kits were originally aimed at Brazilian women who prefer natural care products, only really noteworthy ingredients can be found in the kits, and the description of the procedure allows us to appreciate its simplicity and effectiveness. Manufacturers offer a tool that can change the idea of home manicure.

Among the obvious benefits that Brazilian manicure has, a number of positions can be distinguished, which will be discussed below.
- Minimum investment of time. In comparison with the classical procedure, everything happens almost instantly, and the cuticle softens simultaneously with the care of the skin of the hands.
- There are no requirements for the venue and conditions of the event. You can enjoy the process even at home, sitting in an armchair.
- The ability to immediately purchase a completely ready-made kit for the care of the nail plate. There is no need to wait long, look for the best options or a rare file.
- Combination of SPA-effect and complete nail care. You can restore the plates, prepare them for more complex processing before building up or using shellac.
- Complete absence of discomfort. The cuticle is not trimmed, all procedures are painless, and you can even enjoy the process.

- No risk of infection or inflammation after a manicure. All that will be remembered is smooth, beautiful and healthy nails, soft and moisturized skin of the hands.
- Light whitening effect. It is achieved through the use in the composition of a nutritional mixture of special ingredients that brighten and even out the tone of the skin and nail plate.
All these advantages make the use of Brazilian manicure especially popular. But not without negative aspects.

Like any other caring procedure, Brazilian manicure has its own contraindications. For example, it should not be carried out in the presence of allergic reactions to the components of the agent used inside the gloves to nourish and moisturize the skin.
In addition, it must be borne in mind that such care is not suitable for lovers of deep cuticle trimming and for those who are starting professional hand care for the first time.
Another disadvantage, which may turn out to be irrelevant over time, is the high cost of services in the salon, and ready-made kits for self-use in stores are not at all cheap.

Manicure set manufacturers
Among the most popular manufacturers of sets used to create Brazilian manicure, there are both domestic and foreign brands. In particular, among Russian manufacturers, stands out "Panda Group", offering a budget option for similar products. Under the brand NK Cosmetic there are separate series for manicure and pedicure, as well as universal sets.
From the professional series on the sale of funds, one can single out BalbCare... This product is still a rare guest on the domestic market, but it has already earned the attention of the audience due to the excellent quality and hypoallergenicity of the ingredients used. Disposable nail files and orange sticks are included.

Provic Manikit Is another supplier of high quality Brazilian manicure accessories. Gloves are noticeably denser here, do not require an incision to expose the fingertips. The recommended duration of using the composition is about 15 minutes. During this time, the cuticle softens, and the nutrients have time to be absorbed into the skin of the hands.
Under the brand name Spa belle a rather popular set for creating a Brazilian manicure is also available. Here, the composition is focused on achieving a full SPA effect, without steaming and long waiting for the result. Intensive nutrition allows for a quick improvement in the general condition of tissues, for a long time to moisturize and saturate them with moisture. The set, in addition to gloves, includes a polymer cuticle pusher and a special brush for processing nails.
Before the start of the session, the cream must be distributed over the entire length of the fingers so that it overlaps the nail plate.

How to do it?
When creating a Brazilian manicure, it is very important to carefully follow the technique of processing the nail plate. With the right approach, she will receive all the necessary nutrients without unnecessary difficulty and will look great all the time until the next session. The procedure in this case will be as described below.
- Disinfection and removal of excess surface fat. Treatment with regular antibacterial soap or the use of a special antiseptic is suitable.
- Complete removal of varnish, base coat or any other coating. The surface of the nail must be free of foreign inclusions.
- Shaping. The included file is used to make the processing process as hygienic and safe as possible. After filing, a gentle action is made on the surface of the cuticle with the supplied orange wood stick. You need to act without sudden movements and excessive activity. The cuticle is displaced on each finger, avoiding damage to the epidermis.

- Direct impact. The included gloves are put on hands. If the agent is not distributed across all compartments, then this must be done manually. The minimum time for the procedure is about 15 minutes, the maximum duration is unlimited.
- Releasing the nail. Cuts are made at the fingertips while wearing gloves. With their help, the nails and cuticles are slightly opened, the skin is displaced along the sides and above the nail hole itself. The softened epidermis is easily pushed back. If excess skin gets in the way, then it can be cut off with nippers.
- Completion of the procedure. After the gloves are removed, the remnants of the product are evenly distributed over the surface of the skin, rubbed thoroughly. The excess can be removed with a paper towel. Hand washing should be avoided for a while.
If in the future you need to apply a decorative coating, then you should first degrease the nail so that it lays down more evenly.

Why use gloves?
Gloves in Brazilian manicure serve not only as a protective component, but also provide intensive nourishment and hydration of the skin through impregnation with valuable natural ingredients. As part of the miracle cure, distributed inside the gloves, it is worth highlighting:
- calcium, which helps to eliminate brittleness, increases the strength of the nails;
- a polymer that removes inflammation and acts as a base coat;
- tea tree oil, known for its antiseptic, emollient and nourishing properties;
- witch hazel, which accelerates tissue regeneration;

- keratin, which removes the resulting damage, improves the growth of the plate;
- allantoin, which has an exfoliating, moisturizing effect and promotes tissue rejuvenation.
In addition, the creamy substance contains components that help soften the cuticle.
Due to the presence of polymerizing substances after the procedure, there is no need to apply an additional base coat.

Useful Tips
For a faster and more efficient development of the Brazilian manicure technique, you should use the recommendations and opinions of experts. The recommended frequency of repetition of the procedure is every 14 days. Thus, it is possible to maintain the beauty of the skin and nails for a long time, without making significant efforts.
The rougher the cuticle, the higher the likelihood that problems will arise when it is removed.

Especially dry keratinized skin should be subjected to the procedure several times before the dead cells become pliable and allow the surface of the nail to be painlessly cleaned of all excess.
Repeating the procedure several times in a row, daily, will help to achieve results faster. The duration of each session is 10-20 minutes. For intensive nutrition and strengthening of the nail plate, sessions should be carried out for 5 consecutive days with keeping hands with gloves for 10-15 minutes. To consolidate the result, it is worth repeating the series of procedures after 2-3 weeks.

Brazilian manicure is just gaining popularity in Europe. But the reviews of clients of beauty salons already eloquently indicate that such a procedure for caring for the skin of the hands and nails allows you to achieve excellent results.
In one manicure session, you can get full nutrition of the epidermis, soften keratinized areas, give a beautiful shape and aesthetic appearance to the nails.
Needless to say, a safe and easy-to-use Brazilian way of grooming has a very clear future. In addition, if the technique is followed, the procedure is quite suitable for home execution, because it is completely hygienic, it involves the use of disposable materials, which will be appreciated by those who regularly use the services of private craftsmen.

Brazilian manicure is not just a novelty in the nail and hand care market. With its help, it is really possible to ensure excellent performance of the assigned tasks. Bleached, delicate, well-groomed skin will retain its attractiveness for about three weeks.
The nutritional composition stimulates the growth of nails, makes them stronger, and removes minor damage.
Choosing a Brazilian manicure for nail care, you don't have to worry about how aesthetically pleasing the treatment will look like. Thanks to the intensive care and nutrition, the results of the treatment will be noticeable for at least two weeks, while the skin will not be damaged, and the sensations from the procedure will be the most pleasant.
For information on how to properly do a Brazilian manicure, see the video below.