Ideas and design options for openwork manicure

Until recently, openwork manicure was considered only as a wedding decor. Today stylists and masters of nail design have learned how to make it interesting. This design can be described as delicate and stylish. There are several ways how you can do such a manicure at home on your own.

Execution options
It may seem that the openwork technique is scarce in variety, but this is not so. In fact, the girl is presented with a wide range of possible options. A thin mesh can decorate only a few nails, cross the nail diagonally, frame a jacket, and so on.
Sometimes real fabric is used in the work. It is not so difficult to work with it, therefore it is suitable for independent manicure. But first you need to put your hands in order:
- align the shape;
- if necessary, shorten the nails;
- remove cuticles and burrs;
- polish the nail plate.

For work, you can buy a special fabric, or you can use a simple curtain (tulle). It is better if the material is thin, as it will fit better on the nail. You should definitely attach the chosen fabric to understand whether its pattern will look on the nail.
In addition to her, you will need a base varnish, which should be chosen based on the color of the fabric. You also need a colorless gel polish or fixative, as well as small scissors. The hardest part is cutting the pieces to fit the nail, so a stencil can be used.
When everything is ready, apply a base coat and wait for it to dry completely. Lace is laid on top and leveled with a toothpick. A colorless varnish is applied on top, preferably in two layers, but each must dry separately. The base can be transparent, not necessarily colored.

If it is quite difficult to work with the fabric, then stickers will come to the rescue. They are easy to use and can be found in every specialty store. The principle of their use is the same as for lace fabric. First, a piece is cut out in the shape of the nail, the protective layer is removed, the sticker is leveled in shape, a fixer is applied on top.

Slightly more complicated is the so-called stamping technique, when special stamps are used to transfer the pattern to the nails. From the outside, it seems that the painting was done by a specialist, but nothing like that will have to be done, and that's the beauty of it. The girl is only required to apply the image evenly.

Working with such elements is as follows:
- a base coat is applied, which can be anything;
- the stencil is covered with another varnish;
- using a special scraper, excess varnish is removed;
- a metal plate is rolled with a stamp, as a result of which the image remains on it;
- the drawing is applied to the nail;
- everything is covered with a finishing layer of fixer.

The most difficult method to apply lace to a nail is to use a brush. The girl will need at least some skills in working with the instrument, on the other hand, such a job is a great opportunity to show her own talent. It is better to use acrylic or gel paint for painting.

Popular designs
Recently, lace is especially popular, applied to the tip of the nail in the form of a special jacket. You can experiment with the type of picture, color palette. This design is versatile for any occasion.
The line may have the already familiar semicircular shape., in this case, the mesh is drawn with a brush so as not to violate the border. When using fabric, it is advisable to fasten the stripes diagonally, although it is possible to first make a traditional jacket and only then fill it neatly with pieces of fabric.

The snowy pattern and the white smile line are not so popular, and the best delicate combination in pink and beige is white lace, which does not immediately catch the eye.

If you want expressiveness and contrast, then you should use a design with black lace, which looks amazing on the gradient technique or moon manicure.

Secrets of design
Only from the outside it may seem that it is difficult to make such an openwork manicure on your own at home. In fact, there are several secrets that will surprise others:
- the palette should be chosen carefully, sparing no time, and the best option, which is always a win-win in working with this technique, is contrast;
- you will have to spend a lot of time on high-quality execution, a sloppy manicure in an openwork style will look vulgar;
- rhinestones and sparkles will make the decoration more solemn;
- it is best to give the nail plate an almond-shaped shape, it looks organically with such images;
- it is not necessary to cover all nails with an openwork mesh, this makes perception heavier, two or one on each brush is enough.
Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the material to be used. Any chemical can cause an allergic reaction. Often, the fixer is replaced with a special topcoat, since a simple gel or varnish can deform the fabric after it dries.

You will learn how to make an openwork manicure in the next video.