Ideas for creating a cheeky manicure

Fashion dictates its positions. And what was in trend two years ago is no longer relevant today. Girls from all over the world are trying to grab onto the latest innovations and modern trends. However, some ladies prefer to express themselves in their own way. In a manicure, this can be done endlessly. There are a huge number of ideas, techniques, materials for creating your masterpiece.
Girls who choose a daring manicure are either bored with the classics, or they want to bring more color, freedom of choice and character into their lives.

In the design of the nails of a flashy manicure, various techniques of applying the product are applicable, the use of the most unimaginable tint combinations, and non-standard changes in the shape of nails. For example, making your fingers visually longer and thinner, while declaring the owner of a manicure as a shocking and courageous woman, will help a sharp manicure.
The design of such marigolds, shaped like a blade, was in trend several years ago. Everyone has already forgotten about him, so it's time to show off the "novelty", adding some adjustments. There are some nuances: not all girls get hard nails from birth, but this is not a contraindication, and everyone will be able to express themselves through such a manicure.
Innovative technologies in nail design can work wonders and fulfill any cherished dream. It is only necessary to take into account that not all techniques are harmless. If you resort to them at intervals for recovery, use special nourishing oils in combination with calcium intake, then it is quite possible to protect yourself from unwanted consequences.

Fashion for fresh is still relevant now. Ideas for a daring manicure can be borrowed from it. Sveg style marigolds can be made in various variations.
- The cartoon print will take you back to your teenage years. You can portray heroes from domestic cartoons or foreign Mario, Angry Birds, anime characters, The Simpsons, etc. He will give a shocking image and reveal the character traits inherent in the images on the nails. It is applied using ready-made sliders or painted with a brush.
- Space on the nails reveals the mystery of the owner, the courage and risk inherent in the personality. It is applied by rubbing, gel polish, using a sponge or by means of artistic painting.
- The neon design was created especially for daring girls who love nightclubs and fun. For full self-expression, they just lacked the appropriate nail design. You can use one color of neon polish or create an ombre in several shades. An interesting solution would be if you draw pictures with neon lights.
- A romantic nail light looks like a cute picture. However, few girls dare to replenish their nails with cupcakes and bows.
- A bold, terrifying Halloween print for hooligans and provocateurs. Suitable for theme parties.

The mood of the owner of the manicure is determined by the color palette.
Ladies declaring their beauty and independence choose rich pink shades. This is the choice of an always optimistic and serene girl who is used to living without worries.

A seductive and persistent woman always opts for a red nail polish. Men just go crazy over the sight of such a sexy person.

Dark varnishes are chosen by fatal and risk-taking women. Black, dark blue and gray color serve as a stop sign that it is better not to bother this lady: she will straighten her out and "will not lead an eyebrow."

Intense burgundy, bright eggplant, dark blue shades are chosen by extraordinary personalities. They try to stand out from the gray mass by any means.

Defiant and loudly declaring themselves neon marigolds will become a real adornment of women who are not afraid to be in the center of all events.

Chrome, gold, silver, copper will be chosen by a woman with a steel character. She will be able to defend her position even in a fight with a man.

Daring manicure is not only rich and bright colors, but also prints. In addition to the aforementioned cartoon characters, cakes and Halloween coloring pages, animal prints deserve interest. For example, such animalistic leopard spots and tiger stripes, which have deserved the attention of many girls, are chosen by the free "savages" of the stone jungle.
Various symbols in nail design are still popular today among self-confident youth or women who love a certain brand, lifestyle, product. They also use prints on religious themes, ethnic ornaments.

Examples of
Stylish and bright ladies opt for edgy manicure in leopard print. The very shape of the nail resembles the edge of a knife, and the print speaks of a wild and passionate nature. Suitable for evening dress and day wardrobe for relaxation.

An unusual combination of ethnic patterns, voluminous colors, gold nuggets and a neat black anti-jacket speak of a versatile nature.

Gently, but at the same time, a gorgeous pink manicure on long nails looks bold.

Nail design is made using gel polish and rhinestones in the form of petals. Rhinestones completely fill the nail plates on both little fingers, focusing on the wearer's hands. An excellent solution for special occasions. Looks harmoniously in jeans and a top with sequins.

You will learn how to sculpt on nails in the next video.