Manicure design for girls up to 9-12 years old

Modern women of fashion cannot imagine their image without a beautiful manicure. However, given that today we are increasingly using hybrid products that affect the structure of the nail plates, a reasonable question arises as to whether it is possible to make such a design for girls, and even more so to perform extensions on children's nails. In this article we will try to understand these issues and note the main nuances of children's manicure.

In childhood and adolescence, the nail plates are still immature due to physiological characteristics. Of course, a beautiful manicure looks beautiful and well-groomed, it attracts attention. However, not every girl can paint her nails with modern materials, given the grinding of the plates, which thinns her own nails. Baby nails themselves are thin, soft and elastic. They are not only unstable to mechanical damage, but also often exfoliate. At this stage of development and growth, children need not so much decorative as hygienic manicure, through which you can strengthen the structure of the nails.
The younger the girl, the more undesirable the decorative procedure is.

For example, there is no particular need to make a professional design for a girl at the age of 9, since it can harm the structure of the nails. It is important to understand that the constant execution of manicure leads to a violation of the water balance of the nails. From this they will begin to break and exfoliate. Closed under layers of applied and dried nail polish will prevent your nails from breathing. And this will already lead to a slowdown in growth and nail diseases.

If a mother wants to please her daughter 9, 10, 11, and even 12 years old with beautiful manicure, you should not do this often. In addition, in the process of work, you cannot make your nails long and sharp. This deprives the child of its charm, making the image ridiculous. Therefore, for a harmonious look, the tones of the manicure should not be flashy.
As for the technique of execution, for girls, unedged manicure is quite enough, which is at the peak of popularity today. It is good in that it does not require the use of cutting tools. This means that the baby's skin around the nail plates will not be injured. In addition, this type of manicure is performed faster than the trimming and hardware technique.

Color spectrum
Color solutions for children and teenagers' manicure can be different. It is determined by case and age. For example, it is quite possible to make a bright design for a birthday or other holiday. The same is allowed during the summer holidays. However, any protest tones (especially typical for teenage girls), with which one would like to demonstrate their peculiarity, are highly undesirable.

You can paint your nails in shades of nude, which will differ from the color of your skin. As for the exact match to the tone of the skin, such a shade is undesirable, since outwardly the nail will not stand out, which will make the fingers ugly. Ideally, translucent shades of pink, lilac, caramel, peach are suitable for girls. Do not use red, orange and black for teenagers and little girls.

When choosing the optimal shade of varnish, you need to take into account the features of the nail plates themselves. For example, if they are short and flat, white or beige varnish will not look beautiful on them. The same goes for matte finishes. When the nail bed is naturally elongated, such marigolds can be painted with both light and moderately bright varnish.
For summer, you can use a coating of yellow, crimson, dark beige, fuchsia. Peach, pistachio, blue, as well as warm lilac will look organic on children's nails. As for blues, purples and dark emerald colors, they are edgy as the main background, but quite appropriate as design elements. The orange and red tones should be replaced with coral.

Fashion trends
Despite the fact that there are a number of restrictions in the design of children's manicure, when performing it, it is worth referring to fashion trends that give out the modernity of design. For example, today it is not customary to decorate all fingernails with the same designs. This is considered too simple and outdated. Older girls understand this, and therefore they often ask for a manicure with accents.

It means the execution of the technique with 2-4 accentuated nail plates, which differ from the main background in color and pattern. Today, it is customary to leave the nails of the ring and middle fingers under the design. When no more than two accents are planned, the nail plates of the ring fingers are taken away under them.

The shape of the nail should mirror the cuticle line. However, if it is far from ideal, it is trimmed without painting over the sides of the nail to the end. Drawings, according to fashion trends, today should not clone each other. One main man is selected, and the rest are his support and link with the main manicure technique taken as a basis.

It is fashionable to accentuate the cuticle area, draw fantasy smiles, use the ombre technique, “broken glass”, “veil”, “wet” design, newspaper manicure with holes, acrylic sand, drops when choosing a technique. It is fashionable to do stretching of shades from finger to finger, as well as to paint marigolds in multi-colored pastel tones.

Nail design today adheres to seasonality. This means that the flowers on the nails should not adorn the winter design, as well as the snowflakes - the summer one.Summer designs can be decorated with all kinds of beetles, dandelions, flowers and birds. For winter bows, you can choose design options with snowmen, deer, as well as New Year's toys hanging on spruce branches.
It is also important to correlate design with age. For example, for younger women of fashion, you can choose a design with funny animal faces; for teenagers, prints that are close to the preferences of adults are more suitable. Butterflies, birds, emojis, pandas and owls are in fashion. Elongated triangles are relevant, extending from the base of the nail to its upper edge. In addition, another tool for extruding insufficient length is to draw a contour rectangle on the nails.

When choosing decorative elements for children's manicure, it is worth considering its practicality. For example, there is no need for a child to make three-dimensional stucco or glue large stones. Children rarely take care not to catch painted marigolds on anything. A design like this won't last long. In addition, it should be borne in mind that often girls deliberately touch the volumetric decor, scratching the nail with a fingernail. This also shortens the longevity of the manicure.

The best decorative elements for children's and teenage manicure will be sliders, stickers on a sticky substrate and multi-colored kamifubuki (Japanese confetti) in the form of circles, stars, hearts, triangles, honeycombs, hexagons, crescents. In addition, you can decorate baby marigolds with simple patterns. At the same time, you need to select the subject of the picture taking into account the size of the accent nail.

Girls really like acrylic sprinkles with glitter. It is problematic to make any drawing with them due to the small size of the nails, however, it is quite possible to sprinkle the entire surface. Having sealed the acrylic "sugar" with a top, you can admire an unusual manicure. In addition to powder materials, you can decorate the nails with rubbing (fine powder). It will allow you to instantly give your nails a pearlescent shine, the effect of a May beetle, holography, aurora borealis, a peacock's tail (multi-colored overflows), metal and a mirror.

As for the sliders, they are great for children and teenagers' manicure, since they significantly reduce the total duration of all work. One picture is glued literally in a minute onto a prepared substrate with a base applied to it. When performing a manicure with ordinary varnish, the situation is even simpler: the sticker is glued onto the dried varnish and covered with a layer of transparent coating on top. Anything that can be broken off, picked off, is not glued to children's nails. Teenagers in this regard are more attentive to nails, and therefore they can be decorated with rhinestones, but pointwise. For example, a rhinestone can be used to depict a drop of dew on a flower, a bud, the pupils of a cat's eyes, berries or grains of fruit (for example, in a watermelon summer manicure).

Care Tips
Rule number one is to practice good hygiene. It is not recommended for little girls to do manicure using gel polish or gel that needs drying under a special lamp. You should not start designing with diseased nails (it is preferable to cure them and grow at least a little).
It is not necessary to apply the coating if the girl is biting her nails (typical for many children of primary school and adolescence). In this case, you first need to wean the child from this habit, for which you can purchase a special varnish with a nasty taste. It is harmless to health, but if swallowed, it will cause discomfort and increased salivation.

It is necessary to help the child stop biting his nails, otherwise it will provoke a change in the structure of the plates. Caring for your nails will also include washing your hands regularly. Do not use acetone nail polish remover.
It is necessary to provide the child with proper nutrition, because without this, the marigolds become thin and brittle. You do not need to constantly smear your nails with creams.As soon as they grow a few millimeters, they need to be shortened so that they do not interfere with the girl's life.

Can nails be extended?
Growing up during childhood is not as harmless as it might seem. You cannot do it until the girl is 18 years old. The prohibition is explained by the voltage that is created due to the imposition of the material used. The nail plates may not withstand it, because they are still fragile and soft.
The materials used for building up can provoke an allergic reaction. It can develop into serious problems (inflammation and swelling of the skin around the nails) that will take more than a day to cope with.

Beautiful examples
Manicure for girls 9-12 years old can be different, which is proved by examples of photo galleries.
- An example of using acrylic powder with glitter and light pattern on accent nails.

- A laconic solution in the lunar technique using dots for performing polka dots on accent nail plates.

- Hand-painted turquoise design for short nails with totoro.

- Decoration of short nails with accentuation of ring finger nails with a slider design.

- Delicate teenage jacket in nude tones with accentuated nails with funny bunnies.

- Fashionable today lettering design for teenagers, made in pink tones.

- The use of a marine theme in the design of manicure.

- An unusual option for decorating nails with bees, which every young fashionista will appreciate.

- A teenage jacket with a fancy smile on the accent nail of the hand.

- The original design in blue tones.

For information on how to draw Mickey Mouse on nails, see the next master class.