Manicure "Yin-Yang" - oriental flavor for your look

Yin-Yang manicure is considered one of the most refined and graceful types of manicure and is performed in various designs and colors. The emphasized elegance allows him to remain at the peak of popularity for a long time and personify the sophistication of nature and the contrast of being.

Meaning of symbols
"Yin-Yang" is the most famous and widely recognized symbol of the philosophy of Feng Shui and is widely used in art and graphics. Manicure was no exception.
According to ancient Chinese teachings, the sign symbolizes the unity of the masculine and feminine principles., and in a slightly different interpretation - the unity of heaven and earth. Despite the graphic simplicity and unpretentiousness of the drawing, it has a truly mesmerizing effect, which is why it always looks stylish and sophisticated.

Due to its mysteriousness and originality, manicure in the style of "Yin-Yang" has become one of the most relevant trends in modern "nail art". It perfectly complements the image, emphasizes the oriental flavor, and also, according to some beliefs, brings its owner success and attracts good luck. In addition, the Yin-Yang manicure embodies the eternity of the vital and is endowed with a deep philosophical meaning, which is why it can both be harmoniously combined with a business style of clothing and perfectly complement an evening romantic outfit.

Embodiment technologies
There are several ways to perform a stylish Yin-Yang manicure. The simplest and most effective method is to use a photo design technique, which consists in sticking a thin sticker on the nail plate and covering it with a special compound.So, with natural nails, a transparent fixer is applied to the sticker, while the extended nails are covered with gel. In addition, the lines of contrasting transitions must be flawlessly even and neat, which is very important when designing such images. The disadvantages of this technology are the complexity of independent execution, which makes it necessary to go to the salon, and the rather high cost of photo design.
The stamping technique is no less effective and popular. The basic set is usually equipped with all the accessories necessary for drawing a pattern: stencil discs, stamps and a scrapers. In order to transfer the symbol to the nail plate, it is enough to select the desired stencil and use it to apply the image. However, it is possible to make the "Yin-Yang" pattern on the nails not only by means of stickers and stencils.

No less interesting is the technology of using polymer clay, with which you can create "nail art" with the desired symbol. Such an image can be painted in the desired colors and covered with glitter. The drawing can also be done using paints, gel or gel polish.
Sometimes, to create a classic black-and-white look, it is enough to apply the Yin-Yang image on only one finger, while the other fingers need to be coated with a solid black or white varnish.

Variety of colors
When creating a Yin-Yang manicure, not only the traditional combination of colors can be used. Black can be successfully replaced with red, blue, green, brown or golden colors, and yellow, blue, beige and light green colors can be used in the role of white. Alternatively, a gradient technique can be applied, that is, a smooth transition from one color to another. In this case, there is no clear border between the colors, and the tones smoothly flow into one another. Using this technique, you can get a spectacular image with a touch of French style. Contrasting points on such a manicure can be made with beads or beads.

Technique of execution
The creation of the Yin-Yang manicure is not much different from the technique of creating other images and is characterized by the ease of application and the possibility of independent execution. For a classic black and white design, you will need a thin brush, black, white and silver varnish and dots.
You should start creating a manicure by removing the old coating from the nails., giving them the desired shape and processing the cuticle. Then the nails are degreased and covered in two layers with white varnish. At this stage, special care and accuracy should be shown: the white color contrasts well with the flesh color of the cuticle and nail, and any violation of the geometry will be clearly visible.

The next step is to paint over one diagonal of the nail plate with black varnish with the formation of a wavy line repeating the graphic image of the Yin-Yang symbol. Then, with the help of dots, it is necessary to put contrasting points (on the white area - black, on the black - white) and draw a thin line with a silver varnish with sparkles, passing along the junction of two colors. This will help smooth out irregularities at their border and make the drawing neat and organic. The final stage of the manicure will be covering the nails with a fixative.
In the absence of silver varnish, the strip at the junction of flowers can be replaced with small rhinestones laid out strictly along the bend. Decorations are applied with tweezers to the freshly applied fixing varnish, after complete drying of which they will be reliably fixed on the surface of the nail. On a classic black and white manicure, rhinestones of golden and silver colors will look most harmonious.

Manicure "Yin-Yang" is an excellent option for decorating nails in an oriental style. The image is distinguished by the mystery and severity of lines, suitable for many styles and does not cause difficulties in execution.
Next, watch a master class on creating a Yin-Yang manicure.