Nail shape

Features of square nails, the technique of their creation and ideas for decor

Features of square nails, the technique of their creation and ideas for decor
  1. Features of the form and its varieties
  2. Who is it for?
  3. Required inventory and tools
  4. Preparing for the procedure
  5. Step-by-step execution technique
  6. Care secrets
  7. Expert advice
  8. Fashionable and beautiful ideas

Fashion trends, including in the nail industry, change almost every season. Designers come up with all the new images and ways to design the nail plate. At the same time, eternal forms always remain, which are popular, regardless of fleeting fashion trends. One of them is the design of nails in the form of a square and its varieties.

Features of the form and its varieties

The classic square shape is loved by many of the fair sex along with the oval and round shapes. It is chosen by purposeful and business women, careerists and ladies with a practical mindset. They are calculating and punctual, attentive to detail and have excellent business skills. They are often characterized by male logic and strong-willed character.

The main advantage of this form is that it is easy to implement. Such marigolds look very elegant and have no restrictions on the selection of color combinations and decor. You can choose any shades: from the most delicate to rich and trendy, even unusual, tones. Regardless of the length of nails of this shape, any design can be performed on them. Various techniques will create unique effects in the design of the image.

Square nails also have a number of limitations. They do not fit all hand and finger shapes. In addition, a clear square with sharp edges can cling to clothes and hair. If you have to work a lot with your hands or the field of activity is related to working with children, medical practice, then this can interfere.In the event that you really like the shape of the square, you can make an intermediate version, which is usually done with rounded corners. The clear square profile is increasingly giving way to a tapered version. It looks no less impressive and elegant, but semi-square nails are more practical in everyday wear.

For festive decoration, a narrow square is often used, which is a combination of an oval (or almond-shaped) shape and a classic rectangle. This design is called "ballerina", as it has a similarity in the external shape of the form with pointe shoes on the feet of ballerinas. Recently, the arched version of manicure, which is performed on extended nails, has become more and more popular. Its main feature is that the square shape is performed not on a straight profile, but on a curved one in the form of an arch. This design gives the nails strength and practicality of use. When they grow back, they look more aesthetically pleasing and elegant in general.

The shape of square nails, oval narrowed from the sides, is a convenient execution of the square, loved by many. It looks especially good on short nails and medium length nail plates. If the type of everyday activities allows, a square shape for graceful slender fingers will be an excellent manicure option.

Who is it for?

The most successful square nails look on aristocratic thin and graceful ladies' fingers with an elongated nail bed. At the same time, the most advantageous length for wearing and different types of design is medium. You should not make a similar form, according to the advice of professionals, the following women:

  • owners of large hands and fleshy short fingers;
  • having short wide nails or widening from the base to the end in the form of a fan;
  • those whose nails are very weak and thin by nature;
  • mistresses of fingers with a short nail bed;
  • girls with too thin and thin fingers.

As you can see, such a simple and demanded form is quite demanding. In addition to the selection according to the proportions and properties of the nail, you should pay attention to the lifestyle. Square nails have sharp corners. They tend to cling to everything and split off. Therefore, if you lead a fairly active lifestyle or work with your hands, this form on natural nails will not suit you. If you really like square elegant marigolds, and there is no way to make them for one of the above reasons, you should use little tricks. The shape of the rectangle has several varieties with edges of varying degrees of roundness. They are chosen by women who cannot afford the classic square. They look no less impressive, and are more practical to wear.

An important role in creating the correct manicure is played by the harmony of the combination of the shape of the nails and their color design. The correct design will also help to hide the imperfections in the shape of the nails and visually correct the geometry of the fingers. Therefore, owners of not quite suitable shape of hands and fingers for such a manicure should not despair. Correctly calibrated softened geometry and good design will help you enjoy your favorite type of manicure.

In general, we can say that manicure is suitable for women of any age. It goes well with a variety of clothing styles and allows for a variety of nail cover options. Feel free to choose different options: from classic and retro manicure to the most fashionable nail art trends.

Required inventory and tools

You don't need an expensive professional tool to create a square nail shape. A pair of quality files is enough. Manicurists generally consider this form to be the simplest. But beginners, in any case, will have to practice in creating it. Manicure tools are items that are not worth saving on. Not only the ease and correctness of the technique will depend on their quality.A bad tool can ruin the nail plate mercilessly. As a result, you will get chips and delamination, which will have to be dealt with for a long time and tediously.

It is better to choose special, manicure scissors, sharp with thin tips made of good quality steel. The cuticle stick should be orange or other soft wood. Paired with a special cuticle softener, it will help create the perfect nail base.

A buff for polishing should be taken perfectly soft with the finest grain. Experts advise taking a glass file. It is not cheap, but durable, hygienic, provides ease and precision of filing, does not damage the nail. In terms of price-quality ratio, the plastic option is often chosen. Such files also have a right to exist. They are quite democratic and easy to use. The main thing is to choose a straight shape and the required density of abrasive particles (about 300 units).

But you will have to forget about the old mother's or grandmother's iron files. They contribute to the delamination of the nail plate. In addition, their coating is difficult to maintain hygiene. If you start working professionally and do a manicure not only for yourself, you will need to purchase disposable paper-based files.

Preparing for the procedure

Few people know that to create a square design of the nail plate, it still needs to be prepared. At the very least, you need to grow your nails. This and other rules for preparing for a manicure concern, of course, natural nails. It is much easier to make a rectangular shape on artificial marigolds.

First of all, you should take care of the strength of the nail plate. To do this, you need to apply a special strengthening agent to it under the base coat (or instead of it). Often, nails are strengthened with acrylic powder. If you have time, it is worth influencing the nail plate not only externally, but also internally. Take a course of vitamins, get more rest, eat right and avoid stress. Our nails, like our hair, can tell a lot about their owner's lifestyle. After all, every change reflects on them, and often not in the best way.

If you decide to make a rectangular shape on your own nails, then they will have to grow for at least 2-3 weeks (depending on the growth rate of the nail plate). The fact is that even a square on a short length will require regrown lateral sides. Usually grow marigolds from a round shape. To do this, you will periodically have to adjust the shape (about once a week) of the nail plate.

On a growing round nail, the top is cut down to a straight line, while the sides remain round. For several weeks, you will have to walk around with a compromise shape of a rounded square. Gradually, the growing nail will take on more and more straight outlines. Before performing any manicure, you should make your nails neat and well-groomed. To do this, remove the old coating, make a nourishing bath for nails. Moisturizer is applied to the hands and fingers and the cuticles are corrected.

Step-by-step execution technique

To create a beautiful and neat square-shaped manicure on your nails, it is not necessary to use the services of professionals. You can make a square shape yourself using a couple of nail files. A step-by-step scheme of actions will help to do the job correctly.

  • Let's start with the fact that you need to cut correctly. Movements are made in one direction, and not in different ones. This will help protect the nail plate from damage. The file is held approximately in the middle so that 4 fingers are on one side of it, and the thumb is supported on the other.
  • First, the tip perpendicular to the finger is formed. It should become a straight line. We saw carefully, without haste, trying not to remove excess length. The main thing is that the marigolds on all fingers are the same in size. We do nothing with straight clear corners.You can lightly polish them with a soft file to give the finished shape.
  • If the shape is a rounded square, then the corners should also be processed. They are filed at a soft obtuse angle. The shape should not be too streamlined, rather a slightly smoother angle. We make sure that all corners are symmetrical and small. Otherwise, the nails will more likely resemble an oval or a ballerina.
  • When a square is made from an oval or almond shape, the edges are almost finished. The main focus will be on the tip of the nail. It should be perfectly straight and of the correct width. A strip that is too narrow will resemble a truncated diamond. A wide enough one looks ugly, especially if the nails expand at the ends in their natural shape.

Care secrets

Periodically let the nail plates "breathe" and take a break from decorative coatings. Better to do this at least once every two weeks. Will help restore the healthy appearance of the oil and sea salt bath for strengthening. Don't ignore nail cosmetics. With regular use, fortified products, coatings for thickening and smoothing, as well as the growth of the nail plate, give a noticeable result. Make a shape correction at least once every 1 - 1.5 weeks. Then the marigolds will always look well-groomed, as if fresh from the salon.

Long nails often get various particles, cosmetics and just dirt. Do not scrape it off with the tip of a file or scissors. You can use a soft toothbrush or a special manicure brush. This will prevent damage to the skin under the nail. Dirty work, laundry, dishwashing, use of corrosive detergents should be carried out using gloves. So the nails will look great for longer, and the skin of the hands will be protected from the negative effects of harmful substances. Any coating with varnish or gel requires the use of a transparent base for a smoother effect and protection of the nail plate. The top also needs to be applied to the resulting design. This will help keep the finish looking brighter and fresher for a long time.

Expert advice

Although making a square shape is considered an easy task, each craftsman has his own favorite technique for making a perfectly verified square geometry. At first, experts advise using templates. You can make them yourself by cutting out a rectangle of the required size from paper or cardboard. It is applied to the nail plate and outlined with a water-based pen or felt-tip pen. The sawdust is done along ready-made lines. So the manicure will turn out perfectly smooth and neat.

If at least one of the nails is broken, all the others should be shortened to its length. Otherwise, the manicure will look ridiculous and sloppy. Don't be sorry for the length. Short nails can look just as impressive. To prevent the edge of the nail from flaking, when applying the base coat, it should be sealed in the same tone. And at the end, also pass with the top - a strengthener. If sharp corners are broken off, they are given a smoother rounded shape with a file. We get a trendy version of manicure - a rounded square. In this case, this shape will need to be given to all nail plates.

If you cannot decide on the choice of coverage, it is worth stopping your attention on a fashionable jacket in its fresh version with highlighting the lunula and placing appropriate accents. Square nails in a monochromatic design look no less interesting. You can play with textures using alternating shiny and matte surfaces. Both design options from everyday life, if necessary, turn into festive. It is enough to add bright details in the form of rhinestones, metallized ribbons or liquid glitter.

Fashionable and beautiful ideas

Making square nails is the last and most interesting stage in manicure. Such marigolds imply complete freedom of the owner in choosing a design. You can make a trendy pattern or choose a trendy color.Opt for retro polka dots or classic red. Choose an extravagant black or a classic jacket for all times. In winter, snowflakes and rhinestones flaunt on square nails. Beautiful flowers and greenery bloom in the spring. Summer pleases with the opportunity to wear juicy berry tones and try various bold design techniques. Autumn paints marigolds in bright natural colors: yellow, orange, red. "Raindrops" and "marbled" stains appear on the nails.

  • The delicate design of such pink and white marigolds is perfect for a spring manicure. The elongated floral pattern makes the fingers look slimmer. Interestingly colored acrylic sand on the accent toes adds a touch of flavor to the manicure.
  • Classic black and white don't look boring at all. In such a spectacular brilliant addition, a manicure will be a worthy exit option.
  • Monograms on square nails add tenderness and femininity to the shape. Additionally, a modest amount of rhinestones to match is used as jewelry.
  • French manicure is made for square nails. In an extravagant black version, it looks especially interesting. Accent nails combine moon manicure, negative space technique and geometric rhinestones. A great option both for working with a lax dress code and for a party.
  • Another interesting option for combining different techniques in one manicure. A classic jacket in a non-classic design, stripes of wine color. The accent nail is decorated with a striped lace insert. And on the little finger there is a pattern in the form of a glass of red wine. An unusual option for a relaxed pastime.
  • The spring manicure will successfully combine the deep shades of water and the pure colors of melting snow or light clouds. The voluminous branches with rhinestones that come to life on their background create a cute accent.
  • The matte finish is the most fashionable version of recent seasons in combination with the popular rich burgundy shade. The manicure is refreshed by accent light nails with unpretentious monogram painting and a little glitter from rhinestones.
  • Oriental motives and national ornaments are back in fashion. On a nude coating, black painting looks great. A pattern of sparkling rhinestones adds real oriental luxury to such a manicure.
  • Gradient is a frequent companion of square nails. It can be as simple as using a transition of solid colors from nail to nail. The choice of popular and matching colors makes a fashionable manicure.

For information on how to do a manicure on square nails, see the next video.

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