Graduation manicure: design choice

The graduation party is a holiday for every schoolgirl. Much attention is paid to the choice of dress and nail care. Manicure for such an event is a special art. The huge selection of solutions attracts attention. It is important to note that the classics always remain relevant. Such beauty and elegance will be appreciated.

Features of stylistics
Long nails on such a day would not be appropriate. You can stay on short nails. Almond-shaped, square options are considered popular forms. They are versatile and look wonderful on the hand of a schoolgirl.

If a girl chooses nails that are longer than the average length, then in this case, you can stop your eyes on the shape of the pipe. Pipe nails are longish, well shaped on the sides. This gives a special elegance, lightness, this form will suit those schoolgirls who have long and thin fingers - thanks to this manicure, they will look attractive.

The ballerina's shape looks like a diamond with pretty ends, the main feature is that the tips of the marigolds are narrow.

Color spectrum
Many schoolgirls prefer a manicure with all kinds of shiny elements. The charming shine of beads, rhinestones pleases the views of the people around. They will be appropriate for the holiday, in addition, they will give the image originality and at the same time a certain charm. For example, a girl might:
- to lay out a smile in order to emphasize the sophistication of the nail;

- select just a couple of nails;
- create multiple zigzag lines.

French is another rather popular option for a beautiful design of nails. It can be made in a completely calm color scheme, so it will fit well into the most delicate image of a girl.

A stunning lace gel polish manicure is a safe bet. It is distinguished by originality and tenderness. A manicure with white lace looks attractive on a delicate look.

You can pay attention to the basic rules of a stylish manicure.
- Emphasize contrast in solutions. If the graduation dress is embroidered with all kinds of bright sparkles, then the nails should be solid and calm. Too flickering with bugles is not fashionable. A plain dress, on the contrary, asks for an interesting, original pattern or a variety of pebbles.

- Tone decides a lot. You should not paint your nails with varnish, which, in all respects, matches the shade of the dress. It is necessary to choose an option a few tones darker or lighter, but it is best to use a contrasting color. This will make the girl look stylish and elegant.
- In the event that the girl has open shoes for the prom, then the manicure and pedicure should be performed in the same color scheme.

It is worth paying a glance at the features of the manicure for the chosen suit. This moment is of great importance. For example, a red outfit will set off beige, black nails.
But in this case it is very dangerous to experiment too much with all sorts of catchy and defiant decorations, so the image may seem vulgar, but this still should not be allowed.

This season, it is the purple shade that is considered especially popular and valuable. Nails for the evening should be framed in attractive and amazing textures; for this you can use all kinds of rubbing, rhinestones, as well as silver sparkles. All this looks amazing, it is difficult to take your eyes off the created image.

It is important to know that a delicate pink outfit is, of course, associated with sophistication and femininity, romance. This point must be taken into account when working on a harmonious style. Minimalism in selected details, pink as well as blue palette - all this will be a worthy choice for a lovely outfit.

A golden, pleasant rubbing will noticeably enliven a bright green dress. In addition, for this outfit, you can safely choose matte textures or a variety of sparkles. And also unique, correctly selected rhinestones will be completely useful.

Fashion ideas
Delicate pastel colors are a great solution for every girl who has already finished 9 or 11 grades. No matter how much girls would like to become adults as soon as possible, nevertheless, during this period, the main advantage is tenderness, charm and inexperienced beauty.
If the girl suddenly thinks that this version of the manicure will become somehow boring and not so attractive, you can simply add certain decorations. These include, of course, all kinds of rhinestones and sparkles for every taste.

Some girls pay special attention to the following fashion trend: one or two nails make completely shiny, bright. The rest can be made just plain, matte or glossy. Of course, here it is in no way possible to do without an amazing shiny line located in the middle of the marigold.

Kamifubuki are small round, diamond-shaped or hexagonal thin metal plates of different sizes and colors, very eye-catching, which will brighten the image of every cute girl.
The main thing is that they are perfectly combined with both dark colors and light ones. This decor can be applied to a matte or enamel finish. Either option will be attractive.

Choice for outfit
Girls can currently choose any manicure - it can be either a simple classic version or an original and completely unusual one. It depends on the interests of the fair sex and the chosen outfit.

Naturalness is expressed in the shape and length of the nails. Some girls pay attention to a metallic shade or noble gold.In order for the manicure to be more unique, all kinds of stickers are actively used. You can create the effect of broken glass, of course, this is an interesting and unusual solution. But in the event that you do not want to apply any original and sophisticated effects, you should just dwell on a beige, rather calm and pleasant shade.
Natural colors also include peach pink. These listed shades will emphasize and make any image expressive.

There are also options with a contrasting color combination - pink lacquer goes with blue, light green or green. It is important to remember that a manicure should be chosen first of all in accordance with the outfit you like.
Tip: for glossy fabrics, which include satin or satin, it is necessary that the nail design itself is also original and glossy. In the event that the dress has an unsaturated color, then it is important to apply a matte varnish to the nails.

A beautiful floral ornament looks quite modern and attractive. Design can be done in any way: hand-painted, stickers. You can decorate your nails with acrylic flowers. This original style will not go unnoticed.
It is worth noting that a manicure with photo printing is perfect for short nails.

It is important to entrust a neat, correctly selected manicure only to experienced and well-trained masters. They will do everything with high quality and in accordance with the interests and wishes of every girl who wants to look amazing and elegant. The main thing is to feel like a queen at your long-awaited holiday.
Floral motifs, geometric patterns - all this is considered an excellent, unique decoration for nails of any woman.

Red gel polish allows you to create unique, truly original images that will definitely not be left without special attention. It is important to remember that the main sign of the excellent taste of every girl is the harmonious combination of all the main elements of the created image. The balance of color schemes speaks about style.
The blue color of the dress is associated primarily with spirituality, innocence and purity. The combination of this color of the dress with a bright manicure attracts attention and delights. If a girl prefers bold and unique looks, then this combination of colors (blue and red) will suit her perfectly.

In order to look attractive and beautiful at the prom, it is important to take a responsible, serious and heartfelt approach to creating a suitable and bold image. The main thing is to pay attention to the recommendations of experienced masters in creating an original manicure. A beautiful, dignified image is not as difficult to create as it might seem only at first glance. The main thing is that the girl is pleasant to look at and admire the professionally done manicure.
Thus, the choice of a manicure that is suitable in color and design features directly depends on some points: the girl's personal preferences, fashionable and current trends that are proposed by experienced specialists.

It is important to know that full style correspondence in the design of nails is not a necessary moment. The design allows for all sorts of original and striking elements. Regardless of what kind of nails a schoolgirl has (short, long, medium), you can choose a design option worthy of all characteristics. Without a beautiful manicure, it is impossible to harmonize the modern image of a young and charming girl who strives to become special at one of the gala evenings. Today, creating an original bright or delicate image will not be difficult.

For information on how to do a prom manicure, see the next video.