The most daring and unusual manicure design options

What a modern woman does not go to surprise others: in the arsenal of a shocking fashionista there is always an extraordinary way to create a creative set. For example, one of the ways to express yourself is an unusual manicure. To have a more detailed idea of what extraordinary personalities like today, read the material in this article.

Nail shape options
Of course, the first thing that distinguishes an unusual manicure is the unique shape of the nail plates. If earlier it was a great length, today women of fashion decided not to dwell on it. They often choose completely non-standard solutions, so in their light you can see the following options:
- spike nails;
- musical keys;
- rifles of various modifications;
- sharp scissors;
- tiny palms with microscopic fingers;
- nails, teeth, fists;
- glowing flashlights;
- tiny people;
- original daggers;
- coffin plates;
- colour pencils;
- lipsticks;
- swing with funny little people;
- spirals and medical instruments;
- drills, fans;
- mermaid tails.

The list can be continued for a long time, because today the masters do not have a limit of imagination, and various means of a modeling type make it possible to bring to life the most unexpected ideas. What kind of asymmetry is there, or, say, piercing, when you can recreate any whim of the client, taking as a basis a certain design motive.
If we talk about the shape, today it does not so much depend on the length of the nails as on the quality of the modeling agent.
The polygel is easy to use, it does not flow, due to which the master can give the nail plates a wide variety of outlines. This is how bold decisions are born, for example, cheese stilettos with mice, a horse's mane, a rocky crest of a dragon's ridge.

Unusual types of coatings
It is worth noting several of the most original and extraordinary design options with which modern shocking beauties complete their bow. It is worth considering that these trends are gaining popularity, they are in demand not only among beauty bloggers, but also found in real life.
These options for nail design cannot be called convenient and practical., but, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice, so modern women of fashion do not stop at the difficulties of wearing such designs.

One of the extraordinary solutions is the so-called bubble manicure. Today, this trend is gaining in popularity, despite the fact that the round nails themselves do not seem all that attractive.
The purpose of this design is to convey the effect of chewing gum through the shape and type of coating.
At the same time, manicure does not shy away from various decor. Depending on the type of execution, it can be decorated with beads, sparkles, as well as three-dimensional patterns created by using a modeling agent of different colors.

Fur on nails
Faux fur is also a creative type of laconic varnish coating today. The technique itself is based on a classic manicure, on top of which pieces of fluffy fur are glued. Laughter is a laugh, but this trend is considered one of the most interesting. She is supporting the popularity of faux fur coats this season.
In addition, creative women of fashion consider such a manicure appropriate to wear along with a fur coat; it can be done to celebrate Halloween. Sometimes fur is added with the eyes, which makes the design look completely different, reminiscent of the once popular Muppets.

This trend is considered one of the best and more wearable in everyday life. Despite the fact that a similar design is made on long nails, today it is being ordered more and more often, preferring complex patterns, sealed with several layers of transparent modeling agent.
Fashionistas distinguished this technique by using rather creative design elements for sealing. Real mosquitoes, ants, butterfly wings can be used.
Of course, the public is unlikely to get used to such a decor, but for all its simplicity, it draws attention to itself quite sharply.

Despite the fact that in the line of hybrid varnishes there are coating options that glow in the dark, this seems too commonplace for the shocking nature. It was the creative look in this case that led to the fact that today it is possible to design with LEDs.
On its basis, you can also perform seasonal manicure in the form of a New Year's garland, which, by the way, is important for modern trends, which often refer to the belonging of a design to a specific time of the year and even a month.

Hair and portraits
One of the bold decisions of this season was the use of hair coatings on regular glossy varnishes. Since this often seems boring to fashionistas, they prefer to combine hair with faces, thereby creating the effect of looking from each nail of a portrait.
Of course, the abundance of small faces does not paint a manicure., but such a trifle does not stop shocking personalities, because the idea itself is important. To diversify the design, images can convey different emotions of one person, which, by the way, looks very extraordinary.
And even doll hair can be used for such a manicure.

A voluminous manicure for women is usually associated with something uncomfortable.However, they cannot even imagine the amount of volume that creative women of fashion allow themselves. Not only can you grow real teeth on all ten fingers, but the modeling tool allows you to create real works of art.
For example, the same jacket can be a plumber's set with nails made in the form of a plunger, screwdrivers, wrenches. If you want something different, you can resort to the theme of the Japanese geisha by decorating your nails with a fan shape.

Pom poms
Surprisingly, even tiny pom-poms have found use in nail art today. The creative idea is to contrast this design with Japanese kamifubuki. At the same time, the design is not at all prickly, but, on the contrary, is soft, so it can replace the usual marshmallow manicure for shocking personalities.
Of course, this is one of the more acceptable decisions in choosing a design, although it can also catch bewildered looks from the outside.
However, the whole point is to surprise the townsfolk, and extraordinary beauties are not used to turning to someone's opinion.

A thin wire in the eyes of bright fashionistas can become just that design element that can bring lightness into it. Indeed: often the idea coincides with the result. Of course, such a coating looks at least strange, and it will cling to anything.
But there is an effect of lightness in it, as well as the accentuation of the cuticle zone, which is fashionable today.

Flock powder
This powder is used to create a unique texture. If in the ordinary version it is needed to add volume, then the creative eye sees in it, for example, a way to create grass or hay.
On such a surface, you can seat tiny people.It can be used to design Christmas socks, depicting a textile sock for gifts. Considering that such a powder has a lot of shades today, it can be used for various creative ideas.

The range of peaceful cover types includes designs using succulents. These are plants, and the most real ones. The petals themselves are used for manicure, decorating them mainly with artificial nails. As a rule, this design is created on long nail plates.
Such a manicure looks voluminous and very impressive, although, perhaps, it cannot be called durable.

It would seem that everything that is possible has already been invented, but a shocking look can be turned towards the most unusual object. For a year now, a manicure with marijuana sealed under a layer of transparent means has been considered one of the current trends in nail design.
Use the petals of the plant itself for it.
It looks, of course, the vegetable version of the manicure is unusual, only it is illegal, which should be remembered by a fashionista, regardless of her status and worldview.

Varieties of spectacular decor
Decorating nails of an unusual design directly depends on its idea and the material chosen as a basis. For example, for an aquarium manicure, you can use the most unexpected decorative elements. It can be dried flowers, small shells, and real sand. If you need tiny figures, you can even use those that come across in chocolate eggs, choosing the smallest options.
In addition, you can decorate your nails with unusual designs with gluing them securely to the surface of the nail plates with a special compound. Elements of jewelry available at home can be used. These can be metal skulls, bones, rivets, spikes and even buttons. Someone uses various plastic figures, stones, or even dollar bills printed on a color printer to decorate the lacquer coating.

One of the more or less acceptable options is fimo.
Small chopped pieces of sticks in different themes are usually used for fruit french fries. At the same time, it looks rather unusual and bright. This decor is good for summer designs.
To the delight of the students, one of the fashion trends among those who like to shock the audience is a manicure with formulas. At the same time, a similar decor is made due to its tiny size on a printer, since it is unrealistic to write a lot of formulas on nails with paints. Unlike other extraordinary solutions, this decor does not thicken the nails and is quite wearable.

Unlike ordinary townspeople, creative women of fashion prefer to decorate their nails not with rhinestones, but with thorns. As a rule, in the same design they can be different in sharpness and size. It is also fashionable to connect the little finger and index finger with a coarse chain, performing piercings to attach it.
Chains of this type can be not only single, but also double.

Ideas for drawings and patterns
It must be said that the shocking fashionistas did not ignore such an element as a print on the nails. We are accustomed to the fact that a dosage is needed for the expressiveness of a manicure. But this rule does not apply to a girl who has her own vision of expressiveness. In her view, several nails should stand out, so she boldly decorates them with sometimes incongruous patterns.
A favorite theme of this design is the suspenseful theme of cemeteries and zombies. Of course, this manner of expression is characteristic mainly of youth subcultures, but it looks very, very alarming.

As a rule, these are black and white contrast and gloomy drawings with depressive overtones. Not everyone is pleased to see this, and especially the older generation, who believe that the world should be ruled by a positive.
It is worth noting that not all pattern ideas are admirable. For example, pictures in the style of porn cause disgust among others, which is understandable.
No matter how much you want to show your relaxedness, there are certain norms that must be respected. And also unpleasant motives with the image of the toilet and the fulfillment of natural needs.

As for the best ideas for drawings, which I want to look at again, they include the theme of oriental styles, drawn puzzles, logomania. An interesting design can be created based on the images of social media icons. For example, it is super fashionable to paint on your nails the icons of “YouTube”, “Twitter” and the network “in contact”. Without too much screaming, such prints attract the enthusiastic glances of those around them.

As for the best patterns, they depend on the chosen design form.
For example, on spade nails, these are lace motifs and monograms drawn with a thin manicure brush. On nail-slippers with pom-poms, these are dots of different sizes, set using a set of dots. Gum nails are decorated in different ways.

For example, they can depict multi-colored confetti, glue a slider design with a floral theme. Great for decorating similar shapes and retro themes, as well as all kinds of lips, crowns and kisses. And, of course, no one will deny themselves the pleasure of depicting bulging eyes of different sizes on bubble nails.
In addition, you can draw minions on this form, and they turn out pretty nicely on rounded nails.

Examples of the most daring manicure designs
Finally, we bring to your attention a few especially creative ideas, through which you can stand out from the crowd and stay in the memory of others for a long time.
- An extraordinary solution for Halloween will be remembered for its uniqueness and volume.
- In continuation of the theme, the design of nails under the mummy is taken. The work uses light-emitting diodes and thin textile ribbons.
- A laconic, but very effective solution with giving the nails a pointed shape due to artificial fur.

- Such a manicurist will be remembered for a long time due to the McDonald's theme and will remind you that it's time to refresh yourself.
- Another extremely inconvenient, but stylish solution, which is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent, but will make you look at the volumetric design for a long time and stubbornly.
- An original and interesting option for nail design in the spirit of a modern city deserves to be one of the brightest designs of the season.

- Not the most pious, but quite popular solution, called "mood color blue", which will undoubtedly find its fans.
- As they say, there is no trick against scrap: even a nose with a mustache, glued to a layer of pigmented varnish, can become a source of inspiration when creating something extraordinary.

- Option for those who love to use different emoji emoticons. Such a solution is quite suitable for a classic manicure, because it is enough to simply paint your nails with gel polish and decorate with funny emoticons.
- An interesting design option - it will seem unusual to depict your clients on the nails, but a woman will take care of such a manicure as long as possible.

When choosing something unusual for yourself, you should consider the degree of convenience.
It's one thing if there is an extraordinary picture or the nail has a small volume. However, painting nails with multiple layers of gel polish, complicating the most elementary putting on of clothes, is far from always advisable. Of course, an unusual manicure is a great solution for a photo shoot, but on condition that the woman is already dressed and made up. For everyday bows, such a design of nails may seem like torture, so it is enough to look at the idea and choose something for yourself, but adjusting the design option to real life conditions. You can paint your nails with varnish, seal any decor inside the transparent material. This look will allow you to draw a little creativity and at the same time remain yourself.

For information on how to perform several unusual nail design options, see the next video.