Variety of styles for creating manicure

A good manicure should be present in the life of every modern girl. Manicure techniques are constantly being improved, new tools and materials appear. Could anyone have imagined before that, having painted your nails once, you can not touch them for almost a month. Now everyone is used to it. A variety of styles for creating a manicure allows you to make it unique, original and attractive every time.

Rock style
Everyone knows such a musical direction as rock music. In fact, rock is not just songs, it is a lifestyle that has its own unique characteristics. Adherents of this trend are easily recognizable. Their image is characterized by black or blue dyed hair, unusual hairstyles, careless baggy clothes. At first glance, it may seem that rock lovers do not need manicure at all. But this is far from the case. Everyone wants to be well-groomed, and you can tell a lot about a person from their nails.

Rocker manicure has its own characteristics and many options for execution.
- French. This is a non-classic French manicure with delicate pastel tones. Colorless varnish is taken as a basis, and the tips of the nails are drawn in black.
- With rhinestones. Rock and shiny stones are incompatible? But no. Rhinestones look great on dark surfaces. You can diversify the style and add stones to one nail. The manicure will immediately sparkle with other colors, become more feminine.

- With stickers. Stickers allow you to make a simple nail design unusual and memorable.In the rock style, stickers with the image of skulls, bones, crosses can be used. So quickly and easily you will achieve the desired effect.
- Needle drawings. In this technique, images of a flame and a cobweb are well obtained. But this is only a small part of the images that can be applied with a needle. Needle patterns are characterized by precision and fine lines.

Rock and roll attracts many women. If you are going to a concert or a party, then your nails should accentuate the overall look and match the decor. The design of arms and legs in the same style will make your image unique, and others will admire your sense of taste.
Pop art style
Manicure in this style is considered one of the most striking, daring and unusual. Absolutely any ideas can be embodied on your nails. The main distinguishing feature of this nail design is bright colors and contrast. If you see the image of bright red lips on a yellow background, this is a clear example of pop art manicure. The technique of making drawings on nails in this style is one of the most difficult and interesting. The master must be good at a fine brush and have at least the slightest idea of the art.

The most daring ideas can be embodied with the help of daring lettering or comics. Each nail can have a new replica or picture. If you have a favorite car, you can put its logo on your nails, for example, BMW, or support your favorite brand, Dolce and Gabbana or Chanel. A variation of this trend is the swag manicure, which is also characterized by bright colors and catchy inscriptions.

Provence style
Unlike rock or pop art manicure, Provence style nail designs are the epitome of tranquility. Provence is a region in France with small cozy streets and lots of vegetation. Flowers big and small come to life on your nails. The color scheme is calm, pastel shades prevail. If you are a calm nature, and the riot of colors does not match your character in any way, then Provence was created especially for you. Despite the lack of bright colors, the manicure looks very attractive. In addition, it is associated with something warm, tender and vulnerable.

Egyptian manicure
Egypt is one of the most interesting and mysterious countries. Everyone associates it with something mystical and ancient. Egyptian motives have not gone out of fashion for many years. This applies to clothing, interior design and even manicure. If you decide to surprise others with unusual images on your nails, then an Egyptian-style manicure will definitely help you with this. The predominant colors for this design will be yellow, red, gold and black. It is they who are best associated with the Egyptian style.

As for the images, these are, of course, the masks of the pharaohs, sphinxes and unique pyramids.
Italian manicure
Italy dictates fashion to the whole world. The Italian style is considered one of the most sophisticated; modern classics prevail here, which will not leave indifferent any girl. Italian-style manicure invites its owner to elegance and femininity. Most often, such a nail design implies the absence of any catchy drawings. It is enough that the colors for the manicure are chosen deep and saturated. First of all, it is the red shade of the varnish. There is no need to be afraid of him, this is a classic that suits almost everyone. If you do not like the red shade, then pay attention to the wine one, which will make your nails attractive and will not get bored for a long time.

Gothic manicure
For many, Gothic is associated with gloom and boredom. But this is far from the case. Experienced and resourceful designers have learned to skillfully use dark shades to play with new colors. The Gothic style is characterized by sharp shapes and angularity. That is why a manicure in this style should start with the shape of the nails, which should be sharp.Best of all, this design is performed on long nails, the shape of which is easy to adjust. If you have short nails, then their shape should be square, angular. Of course, black is the dominant color. Small thorns, metal beads and rhinestones act as decoration. The print in the form of bones and skulls has not been canceled either.

Tumblr style
The Tumblr trend is considered one of the most relevant and in demand among many modern fashionistas. If a girl prefers such a nail design, then her taste can be envied. The design principle of the tumbler is neatness and neatness. Every detail must be thought out here. The best part is that practically nothing is forbidden in this style. If you prefer nail art, it can be geometric patterns, flowers, or animal coloring. Metallic and pearl shades are suitable for monochromatic manicure. Matte nails are also an absolute hit and are welcomed in this direction.

Retro manicure
Retro style nail design is associated with dudes. Of course, now there is no such direction due to the huge variety of clothing and cosmetics. But retro has survived and is very popular. Retro manicure is difficult to combine with images, so it is most often chosen for themed parties. This manicure is characterized by bright shades and their combination with each other. Floral, pin-up, striped and checked prints are dominant. It was these drawings that were relevant several decades ago.

Rustic style
Despite the mysterious name of the style, it is fraught with tenderness and simplicity. Rustic - these are beautiful patterns in the style of a nature. This design is very popular with brides when creating a wedding look. The more natural the color of the coating, the better. You can leave your nail color and apply a beautiful lace pattern to it. For the pattern, it is preferable to use golden or white shades.

Steampunk style
Steampunk is one of the most unusual and insanely interesting styles. Anything related to iron is welcome here. All kinds of gears take the lead in punk. At first glance, it is very difficult to imagine such nails and how you can walk with such a manicure. The most courageous are invited to use real rings, spirals for nail design. The nails will be heavy, but you will definitely not go unnoticed with such a manicure.

For iron lovers, designers have come up with lightweight types of gears that are made specifically for the beauty industry and do not cause discomfort during use. It is these that are offered to lovers of this style.
Hippie style
Everyone knows the hippie style is casual but very eccentric. Nails in this style are most often long, and the shape can be very diverse. There is no place for classics in this direction, so the more bizarre the design, the better it embodies this style.

Gatsby style
This kind of design appeared after the release of the film of the same name. Designers and fashion dictators were so inspired by the Gatsby feature that after that, outfits that were characteristic of a particular era began to appear. A distinctive feature of this style of manicure are clear lines, geometric shapes and the right combination of colors.

Ethnic manicure
Ethnic style stands out significantly from the background of others. The motives of the ethnos were borrowed from Africa, then other peoples joined in. Now everyone can choose and depict a piece of any nation on their nails. Ethno manicure presupposes the presence of national patterns and ornaments, by which one can recognize this or that country. The main color can be absolutely anything, from bright turquoise to white.

For information on which style to choose for a manicure, see the next video.