Wedding French manicure

There are no trifles on the wedding day; on this day, every detail has its own special meaning. Such a common thing for every girl, like a manicure, is at the forefront on this day, because hands decorated with wedding rings will certainly be in the spotlight. It is worth considering how to choose the perfect manicure design so that it does not stand out from the general image of the bride, but only emphasizes and decorates it. Surprisingly, on this important, bright day, an imperishable classic comes to the rescue - an elegant, gentle and restrained French manicure is ideal for brides in all respects.

Advantages and disadvantages
A French wedding manicure is a good option in every way. There are the following reasons why you should choose just such a design for decorating marigolds:
- French manicure in trend - any fashionista knows that French manicure has been one of the most popular types of manicure for several years, and fashion experts say with confidence that this trend will continue for several more years;
- classic French manicure can be done on nails of any length and shape;
- today there is a huge variety of ways to decorate a classic French manicure, to make it more lively and interesting;

- a pretentious wedding manicure, unlike a practical jacket, is bad because the very next day it will be inappropriate, and with a French manicure, you can safely go on your honeymoon or return to work, and in any of these situations it will be appropriate;
- a neat French manicure will appeal to guests of all ages: from elderly grandmothers to teenage girls, so this option is good in the presence of a large number of guests experienced at wedding celebrations.
It is difficult to find cons in a manicure design proven by millions of brides. It can only be noted that such a manicure can slightly merge with the wedding dress in the photographs, but it depends on the method of execution and the length of the nails. This problem can be solved by taking pictures of the hands of the newlyweds against the background of the wedding bouquet.

Today, nail masters can offer several types of French manicure.
- Classic French manicure - natural color nail plate with a white nail tip.
- Reverse jacket, known as "lunar". This design is executed a little differently than the classic one. On a marigold, painted in a natural color, a hole appears, located at the root of the nail. This design quickly burst into fashion a few years ago, and today it still looks like an unusual novelty, so it is relevant.
- Combined or complex French manicure. This is a variant of a classic or moon manicure, decorated with a variety of techniques and materials. As a rule, brides choose this particular type of manicure, as it makes the nails more noticeable and interesting.

Color Matching Ideas
Classic French manicure does not involve any color interventions. The bride's wedding dress, white and innocent, also does not need any color variety too much, but recently the tradition of combining the whole celebration with a single color theme has entered into wedding fashion. So, there is a need for guests to observe the dress code, decorate the hall in the required color, select a bouquet and accessories in a given theme. In this situation, you can decorate a classic French manicure by adding a little color to it. Recently, weddings in emerald and Marsala colors are especially popular, and not so long ago, “purple” and “blue” weddings were at the peak of popularity.
You can add colors to a classic French manicure, focusing on the color palette of the bride's bouquet.

Diluting the strict classics, it is important to be very clear about the framework, namely:
- you should not use several colors - this will simplify the manicure, make it cheap and inappropriate;
- You should also not make too bright drawings in the selected color, because everything should be as delicate as possible, since too bright a drawing will catch the eye, distract attention from the whole image of the bride and look ridiculous.

Design options
There are a lot of options for wedding design based on French manicure. It is difficult to say which one looks the most appropriate or is more popular with brides.
- Recently, it has gained great popularity matte jacket... This option is suitable exclusively for classic French manicure. It looks the most natural, creates the feeling of well-groomed, neat handles. This type of manicure is suitable for owners of the most conservative nature, because few people want to have just natural nails on their wedding day. However, the owners of this option are girls with the most refined taste of an English lady.

- Rhinestones, sequins, sequins, broken glass - these are all materials that look great on a festive manicure. When making a choice in favor of decorating nails with such bright, catchy, often large materials, it is worth considering a little secret: the shorter the nails, the smaller and finer the decorations should be. Large stones on short nails will look not only ridiculous, but also cheap and vulgar.

- French manicure with lace pattern Is one of the most beneficial designs. Lace on the nails will continue the theme of lace on the dress and veil. Such a design will always look incredibly delicate and airy.The lace pattern can fill both the tip of the nail, replacing the solid staining with white, or be a continuation of it.

- Drawing on marigolds - this is one of the oldest techniques known to masters of manicure, but today this technique has developed to a new level: craftswomen paint not only with brushes, but also with special pens, paints and even an airbrush - a machine for drawing on nails.

- There is another acceptable option for a wedding jacket - this is design of marigolds with modeling... When choosing this type of decoration for marigolds, it is worth remembering that there should not be a lot of modeling. It is enough to decorate only the marigolds of the ring fingers with graceful, airy flowers - this will make the wedding manicure unique and emphasize the uniqueness and importance of the ring fingers on this day, because it is on it that the coveted ring will be put on. This is not to say that sculpting is a popular option for nail design, for some reason the fashion for it has faded, but the wedding day is a holiday for the young and the bride may be a little “out of trend” if she wants to.

Subtleties of execution
Each bride has the right to decide on her own - to do a manicure or to trust the professionals. However, given the burden of organizing the celebration, which falls on the shoulders of the newlyweds, the excitement of the day, the limited time - it is better to entrust this task to a master, a professional manicure.
In order for the wedding jacket to be perfect, it is necessary to negotiate with the master such moments: whether these will be the nails of the natural length of the bride or will need to be extended, it is worth trying several different forms and choosing the most suitable one, deciding on the design.
Considering all this, it is worth making a "trial" version of the manicure, considering several design options and choosing the one you like best. Among other things, a test manicure will help to understand what quality of materials the selected master has, how long the coating lasts, what level of mastery of the master and whether it suits the bride.

It is best to choose a proven master with extensive experience and good reviews. If, nevertheless, there is no complete confidence in the qualifications of the master, it is worth paying attention to such indicators of the level of mastery as:
- a good master uses only high-quality materials, as a rule, these are quite famous products and varnishes;
- a really good manicure artist draws a jacket without resorting to stickers, shapes and rulers, but using only a brush and focusing on his own instinct;
- the lines drawn by the master with a brush along the nail should be even and clear;

- the surest sign of a good craftsman is a perfectly processed cuticle without gusts and sharpening pieces;
- a good master does not save gel polish without painting the nail at its base.
Important! It is necessary to sign up for a manicure the day before the day of the celebration. A manicure done too early can grow, fade or break, and there will be no time on the wedding day.

Beautiful examples for inspiration
Fans of strict classics will like the classic jacket, which only slightly deviates from the canon. So, the design of a jacket will look very gentle and unusual, in which the white edge of the nail is slightly rounded and turns into a heart. The white part, slightly pointed in the center, from which one more “line” of white color branches off, will look very original. This will visually lengthen the nails, make the design lighter and more airy. You can also draw several intersecting stripes on top of a classic jacket, which form thin, graceful lattices. Here it will be useful to stick a few tiny pebbles.

Fans of lace, most likely, find it extremely difficult to choose a suitable design, because there are many options for lace designs: lace can continue the classic jacket, it can replace the white part of the French manicure on the nails, it can be used to decorate either one or all the nails at once.A manicure with floral motifs will look appropriate. Delicate, airy, white flowers on the nails will add lightness and romance to the bride's image.

You will learn about the secrets of the perfect wedding French manicure from the following video.