Nail length

How to remove lenses with long nails?

How to remove lenses with long nails?
  1. What is the best way to shoot?
  2. Recommendations

Removing contact lenses brings a lot of discomfort to many owners of long nails. We will tell you how you can do this simply and quickly without adverse consequences.

What is the best way to shoot?

Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity think that long nails are a contraindication for using contact lenses. However, it is not. Ladies with long nails can certainly use this method of vision correction.

However, in order not to damage the eyes, care must be taken when removing and putting on contact devices.

Contact lenses vary. They not only differ in the source material that is used to make them, but also in the length of time they are worn. Care for such vision correcting products must be meticulous. So, when using products intended for long-term wear, you should use special containers. These containers are not required for day models.


These vision-correcting products have appeared relatively recently. However, they quickly became popular. Such products "pass" air relatively well. These lenses are usually not uncomfortable to wear as long as they are correctly fitted from the beginning. Caring for such products is quite simple. There are several ways to remove soft lenses for owners of long nails. One of them is "plucked". It consists in the sequential implementation of the following techniques.

  • The eyelids of the eye from which the lens is removed must be well apart. To do this, place both fingers of one hand on the upper and lower eyelids.In this case, the fingers need to be placed closer to the border of hair growth and slightly pull the eyelids.
  • Pull the lens off the cornea with a "pinch". This should be done with the fingers of the other hand. The lens should be removed not with nails, but with the lateral surfaces of the distal phalanges of the fingers. In this case, the lens "bends" in half, as it were, and remains between the fingers. Remove the product carefully so as not to damage the delicate cornea of ​​the eye.

An alternative way to remove a product that corrects visual acuity is to use special tweezers. This tool has soft edges. This method consists in pushing the eyelids apart with the fingers of one hand, and with the other hand, using such tweezers, gently pry the vision correcting product from the eye. In the process, it changes its shape, and then "falls out" on its own.

Another way to remove lenses is to close the eyelids. It should be noted that this method is the favorite of many women. The undoubted advantage of this method is that it does not require direct contact with the cornea with your fingers.

  1. The first stage of this method consists in fixing the upper and lower eyelids with the fingers of one hand.
  2. After that, the eyelids must be carefully brought closer to each other. This movement contributes to the fact that the lens simply "falls out" of the eye on its own.
  3. In order for it not to fall to the floor, you need to place the palm of your other hand under the lower eyelid.

Some women remove their lenses in front of a mirror on the table. In order to prevent it from falling directly on the table when removing the lens, it is better to put a napkin in front of your face. In this case, the corrective vision product will not be lost.

The lens that has fallen on the napkin must be washed with a special solution, and then carefully transferred to a previously prepared container.


These vision corrective products are made of a fairly dense material. This feature determines the relatively long period of their wearing. Many people cannot wear such lenses, as they experience severe discomfort when wearing them. If you have long nails, you should also be careful about removing hard lenses. This does not require fixation of the eyelids. In order to remove such a product from the eye, pull the outer corner of the eye with your finger. In this case, the skin of the eyelid must first be pressed well, and only then pulled towards the temporal part of the head. This movement causes the eyelids to move closer together and the lens to fall out of the eye on its own.

It is worth noting that this method is often used by women who have extended nails. If you carefully carry out such a procedure, then it is impossible to damage the delicate mucous membrane of the eye. After the lens has been removed from the cornea, the product should be treated with a special care product and then placed in a storage container.


Before removing the lenses from the eye, you should prepare a special container for storing them. It is recommended to rinse it with a special solution. It contains special chemical components that help suppress the growth of pathogenic microbes. Using high-quality solutions for storing lenses can significantly reduce the risk of developing viral and bacterial conjunctivitis - pathologies that can occur in people who often wear contact lenses.

Dry the container after rinsing. To do this, leave the lens container open for a few minutes. Do not wipe it with a fluffy towel. Small villi can get onto the lenses, and then later, with poor rinsing, and onto the cornea of ​​the eye. In some cases, this can cause traumatic micro-damage to this delicate ocular membrane.

Ophthalmologists note that special solutions should be used to wash and store contact lenses. Water is not suitable for this purpose at all. It is important to note that rinsing contact vision products with water can lead to the appearance of adverse symptoms of conjunctivitis in the future. When removing lenses, keep your hands be sure to be clean. They should be washed with soap and water. Careless washing can lead to the development of inflammatory eye diseases. After such a hygienic treatment of hands, they should be thoroughly dried, and only then the lenses should be removed from the eyes.

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