How to do a French manicure at home?
The idea for a French manicure came about when designers started thinking about how to play up every dress on the catwalk. A little later, women around the world were able to appreciate the advantages and versatility of the French jacket; today it can be done at home on your own using special manicure sets and brushes.

Required tools and materials
To make a French manicure at home, you will need to buy gel polishes and other necessary devices. Stencils allow you to make a neat, even manicure. They are sold in large quantities in specialized stores and are inexpensive. The rest of the accessories can be found in a woman's standard cosmetic bag.

You can greatly simplify your task and take a special set created exclusively for creating a jacket. It already includes stencils and several varnishes of different colors. The cost of such a set may be different, but each girl will find a product to her taste and capabilities.

Before doing a manicure, you need to put your nails in order. At the first stage, a warm bath is made to soften the skin around the nail plate. A small container is needed, sea salt or lemon juice, herbal teas or essential oils can be used. This pleasant procedure will allow you to relax, make your hands beautiful and well-groomed.

To soften the cuticle, it is better to use a special oil that is applied for a few minutes before the hands are immersed in water. A bamboo stick or a manicure set with a special tool in it should be at hand.Simple pliers, a pusher are suitable, but they should be used with extreme caution. You will also need nail scissors and a nail file.

To create a French jacket, you need to purchase a thin brush, a special pencil or stencil. For coloring, first a base coat is used, which is usually transparent, and several colored gel varnishes.

Classic French manicure involves painting the nail in a transparent varnish, and the tip is made white. It is this color distribution that is considered universal. The manicure looks elegant, romantic, it can be diluted with a drawing or painting, rhinestones or ornaments. Modern manicure has become more diverse, they look great when using this technique, pastel colors, including beige, peach.

French manicure is done with gel varnishes; this will require a special lamp. It takes more time to create a beautiful design, but this type is popular due to its stability.
Methods for applying a jacket
To learn how to draw a jacket on your nails correctly, you need to practice a lot, it is easier to use a stencil, then the strips will lie flat. Ready-made strips can be purchased in special kits; they look like self-adhesive paper five millimeters wide. The shape can be different, it is not only a sharp arc, but also just a straight line. It is thanks to the variety of forms that a woman has the opportunity to make such a jacket that she desires.

The advantage of using such stencils is their convenience. It is enough to separate the top layer, expose the adhesive surface and attach it to the nail plate. The tip remains free, the thickness of the jacket depends on individual wishes.

It is worth remembering that white varnish will need to be applied in several layers to achieve color intensity. Each new layer should dry well. Once the varnish has hardened enough, the stencil can be removed. Immediately after application, it is not removed, since then stains remain.

With the help of stencils, the smile line is smooth and neat. The only drawback of using these strips can be considered the impossibility of adjusting them individually to the nail plate in order to obtain the desired rounding.

There is a way out of this situation - to make a stencil yourself, using self-adhesive paper, which can be bought at any stationery store. The radius of curvature is chosen based on the individual characteristics of the nail. Suitable for such creativity and simple tape, plaster and even electrical tape.

Experienced nail artists create French manicures using a thin brush or nail tips - plastic tips that are used to extend nails.
Before creating a manicure, hands are put in order, the nail plate is polished and degreased. Tips are selected for each finger according to the size, glued to the nail with the help of special glue and carefully cut with nippers, forming the required length. The joint is sanded, which was invisible, the entire surface is treated with a primer, and a base transparent layer of varnish is applied. From above, to the middle, any shade is applied, the gel polish is dried under a lamp and polished to even out the shape.

White gel polish is applied to the tip, creating a smile. Each nail is dried under a lamp and then a clear finish is applied. Only from the outside, the whole process may seem simple, in fact, you need to have certain knowledge and skills.

On sale you can find tips with an already applied jacket, they can significantly reduce the time spent on a manicure. There is no need to cut the length, draw a jacket, and it is much easier to work with such material.
The most difficult work is considered to be the application of a jacket with a special brush. You can use a short one with dense bristles, in which the tip is slightly rounded.She can also correct the drawing, you just need to moisten the brush in nail polish remover. Also suitable with a beveled edge or semicircle, while the latter allows you to create a jacket in one move.

A special level of skill is the use of a brush - a hair that allows you to make a smile of any kind. To learn how to work it is necessary to spend a lot of time and make a lot of effort.

Before applying the varnish to the nail, it is dripped onto a piece of paper or foil and from there, taking it with a brush, it is already spread over the nail. You may need a remedy for correction. When working with gel polishes, special liquids are used, for example, alcohol or cleanser. When using a simple varnish, you can take an acetone-containing liquid.

You can also create a white jacket with a special pencil. It is applied from the back to the tip of the nail plate, making it appear lighter. Unfortunately, this effect lasts only until the first contact of the hands with water. More expensive products can last longer, but they still do not guarantee that the effect will last even for a week. A pencil is only suitable if used as a camouflage to paint over a grown nail or the tip where the varnish has been damaged.

Preparation of nails and cuticles
Before creating a new design, you need to tidy up your nails and remove the old varnish. For this, special means for removing are used. The regrown ends are filed, cut off to give them the required shape and length. This should be done before processing the cuticle, since the steamed nail plate will exfoliate if you start to file it.

An acidic manicure allows you to remove the cuticle without damaging the skin. This is the most popular option in modern cosmetology, but you can also use the old proven method.
After the hands are put in order, the nail plate is sanded to remove irregularities and defects. For this, you can use a soft buff. The surface must be degreased and covered with a base coat of colorless varnish. Only now can you start drawing a jacket.

Procedure steps
Any girl will be able to study independently step by step how to do a French manicure correctly. If you move in stages, the result will be a unique decorative design that goes well with the created image.

In the absence of the necessary tools, you can make a jacket with your own brush inside the varnish. With your own hands, such a design will be smooth and neat, if you show patience and do not rush. Beginners will need to practice a little on models or tips to understand how to hold the brush correctly, which side it is more convenient to apply varnish. It's more difficult to make a jacket on your right hand for yourself, so you should use tape or another stencil that will make the lines straight. If the brush inside the bottle is too wide, then gently squeeze it a little and dry it.

A step-by-step guide to creating a French manicure at home is as follows:
- preparation of nails and cuticles for decoration;
- applying a base coat;
- creation of a jacket;
- using a brush to correct errors;
- topcoat.

So it is worthwhile to act if, apart from a brush inside a bottle of varnish and scotch tape or electrical tape, there is nothing else at hand.
If there is a thin brush in the arsenal, all the points are repeated, only now the smile is drawn starting from the drawing of an even arc. You can do it going over the edges, but you can be more straight. The points by means of which the proportions can be observed very well help; they are applied along the edges and in the middle. From point to point, an even arc should be obtained.

This method allows you to draw a jacket on long nails. Using gel polish, you will need to apply more dots that connect to each other.The first ones are located on the sides, then in the middle, the points should be equidistant from each other. When all the landmarks are connected to each other, then the empty space is completely filled with gel polish.

Stylish design ideas
It is used in the modern design of nails with the popularity of nail design, and specifically anti-French. The French is applied to the cuticle area, thus the complete opposite of the classic version is obtained. The advantage of this form of decorative design is that you can apply the crescent moon even on short nails.

For anti-jacket, there are also arc-shaped stencils. They are sold in a store or you can print them yourself. It is necessary to retreat from the cuticle three millimeters. The sequence for creating this type of jacket is the same as for the usual one. Such a manicure is sometimes called moon manicure, indeed it is one of its varieties.

As for the ideas, in the classical form, such a decorative design of the nail plate looks original and neat. Modern designers have come up with a lot of options for how you can beat the technique and present it in a more advantageous position. You can experiment with:
- technique;
- decorations;
- texture;
- form;
- color.

French has become popular to perform not in white, but in any other color you like. Red, black or turquoise looks good. The main background is selected in such a way that it contrasts with the edging. It is very simple and easy for any girl to create an original, youthful or business image.

You can use several colors at the tip or a whole palette, create a colorful rainbow. The line does not have to be in the form of an arc, it is easy to make it zigzag, wavy or with swirls and all these are also great ideas for creating a great French manicure.

The French line, decorated with sparkles, sand or other decorative element, looks beautiful and festive. It can be selected with a thin brush in a different color. These design options are not suitable for office style, but are suitable for a party.

The tip of the nail plate can be painted over with glitter varnish or covered with velor fibers. Mica, foil or beads look good. The latest popular trend is caviar manicure. There are many options for how you can beat the jacket, it all depends on the author's imagination.

The smile can be carried out diagonally, V-shaped, or even double, both from the side of the cuticle and the tip of the nail. French can become part of the pattern, complement several techniques used together.
Professional advice
You can learn how to make a beautiful jacket yourself, for this there is a step-by-step guide for beginners. You will need to adhere to the basic advice of specialists. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made set for a jacket, which will allow any girl to quickly and without help create clear lines at the tip of the nails.

If there are few shades available, then you can achieve variety by simply mixing several varnishes with each other. A camouflage hue can be obtained by mixing beige and red or pink. When the main color is bright enough, it must be combined with the color of the jacket, it is possible to look at possible combinations on the Internet, there is a ready-made palette. Before applying any coating, the nail plate must be degreased, which improves the adhesion of the varnish to the surface.

You can use an old brush from a bottle of varnish, it is previously cut in the shape of a semicircle, so it will be easier to apply the composition. Errors can be easily eliminated with a thin brush. There is another approach to the design of a jacket. You can apply varnish on the nail in several layers to the middle, wait until it dries a little and with a varnish remover, into which a flat wide brush is dipped, remove excess from the cuticle side, forming a smile the way you would like to see it.

If rhinestones or sand are used as decoration, then a finishing coat is applied on top, which does not allow them to peel off over time when in contact with water. Matte jacket looks very good, there are special varnishes and gels on sale. They are easy to use, and the application technology is the same as in any other case. To make it easier to remove varnish from the skin, in case the coating accidentally gets on it, you need to smear your hands with a greasy cream at the very beginning.

A funny drawing can be created not only using dots, but also using a simple ballpoint pen that is no longer needed. Even if you get an uneven line after using the corrector, it can be easily masked with a small layer of glitter, which is applied to the joint between the base coat and the jacket.

To make the white look especially bright, you can pre-whiten your nails using lemon juice or a simple toothpaste with a brush. As a result, the tip of the nail plate stands out better, the intensity of the yellow pigment on the nails decreases.
For information on how to do a French manicure at home, see the next video.