How to cut your nails correctly?

Hands are often called a person's "calling card". Many people pay attention to the condition of the nails, and the girls are of particular interest in manicure and its design. Beautiful female fingers are a subject of special pride.
The neatness of the nails is given by their correct shape. Files allow you to get the desired result at home. But how to do it correctly so as not to harm the nail plate? There are several rules for filing nails. If they are observed, they remain intact, and the manicure becomes a worthy completion of the manipulations carried out.

How to choose a file?
To achieve a high-quality result in manicure, the necessary file is selected. Manicure tools are divided into the following types:
- files for natural nails;
- tools for artificial nails;
- grinding files;
- files for sealing.
When choosing, you need to pay attention to the graininess of the surface. The higher its value, the softer its abrasiveness. This means it will remove less nail surface area in one stroke.

The unit for measuring the hardness of the file is grit. There is a scale according to which a suitable instrument is selected, depending on the condition of the nails:
- from 320 to 400 grit - designed for weak nails with exfoliating tips;
- from 180 to 280 grit - suitable for thin;
- 80 grit - for artificial ones.
Nail files are considered the best option, the value of which ranges from 220 to 300 grit.
It should be noted that the grain size depends on the material from which the tool is made. Glass nail files are expensive, but they are considered one of the best.

Metal files are no less effective, but you need to be able to handle them. So, they can very seriously damage the surface of the nail plate, tearing it.
Experts do not recommend using metal nail files. Such tools, even the highest quality ones, will scratch the surface and can cause delamination of the plate. In professional salons, specialists use glass nail files. The tools are diamond or sapphire coated.
For natural nails, files with a soft surface are best, while for artificial nails, files with a coarse abrasiveness are an excellent option.
As for the shape, the most common nail files are rectangular. A banana file is best for cutting corners and rounding them.

Men are advised to select files with a harder surface. Men's nail plates are denser than women's. It is best not to use files for children: the delicate nail plate can easily break, which can lead to nail loss. Nail scissors or nippers are best suited for handling a child's hand.
As for the nail sawing machine, it has both its pros and cons. When working with equipment, there is a high risk of damaging the nail plate. This mistake is especially common among beginners. To avoid this, it is recommended to select machines with low power: from 1500 to 5000 rpm, which are just intended for manicure at home. It is worth considering one nuance: in such machines, unlike professional ones, there is a rapid wear of the cutter. But taking into account the fact that at home the device is used, as a rule, by 1-2 people, the machine will last more than one year.
It is recommended to select devices from well-known brands. For example, Russian RuNAIL, TNL made in South Korea and American IRISK.

How to cut?
To keep your fingernails well-groomed you need to own the correct grips of the file.
- If you are correcting the extreme part of the nail plate, then the file should be between four fingers on the outside and the thumb on the inside. This will neatly file away uneven edges.
- In the case of processing from the sides, the tool is installed with an edge, like a pointer. The index finger makes the direction of its movement.
- To file down artificial gel or acrylic nails, hold the file like a spoon. Its movement is controlled by the thumb.

- It is recommended to file in only one direction: from the extreme point to the center. In the case of chaotic movement, plate delamination can be tolerated.
- Another important condition is the observance of the angle between the nail and the file. It is 90 degrees or less. If the angle is greater, the nails will be seriously damaged when they are filed.
- Upon completion of the work, roughness and sharp ends are sanded with a special file - buff. It is recommended to cover your hands with a nourishing cream.
- In order for a manicure at home to bring satisfaction from the final result, you need to know about the prohibitions.

- Do not file off nails after the bath. Only dry plates are subject to processing.
- Before working on the nail surface, the varnish is completely removed.
- The tool cannot move in different directions.
- It is forbidden to hold the file in a perpendicular position.
By following the general rules of manicure step by step, the nails on the hands will look beautiful and well-groomed.

How to give it the right shape?
To traditional nail shapes include the following types:
- square;
- oval;
- almond-shaped.
As for the triangular shape, which gives the nails a sharp look, at present this type of manicure is not in demand.

The shape is selected depending on the type of fingers.
- The square shape suits thick and thin fingers.
- Oval is considered the most versatile and belongs to the classic. It will fit on short nails.
- The almond shape looks good on long nails. Visually makes the fingers long and gives the entire hand a feminine look.
Let's take a closer look at the recommendations for manicure with different forms of nails.
Step by step work plan for a square shape.
- The file is positioned perpendicular to the edge of the nail to be treated. It is washed down directly.
- The sides are sawn from the sides in parallel, in amplitude from bottom to top.
- If desired, the corners of the nails are given a rounded shape.

How to make an oval shape.
- We draw a conditional line from the middle of the nail cuticle to the end. We focus on it. The line will become the basis of the nail sawdust scheme for an oval shape.
- Place the file at an angle. We cut the cuts from the side to the center. In this way, we process the nail on both sides.
- File the shape of the nail, removing the corners, and create a rounded shape.
The almond shape is created as follows.
- Give the nails an oval shape.
- File the edges. For a soft edge, hold the file at a slight angle, for a sharp edge, place it vertically. The cut should be done from the place where the nail begins to separate from the skin.
- The tip of the nail should be slightly sharper than the oval. For this, a wide edge is cut. If you overdid it and removed the excess, then you should round off the end of the nail.

In order not to provoke delamination, work with nails is done once every 7 days.
When filing, it is recommended to make no more than 10 movements. Fingers must be dry before starting manicure procedures. The side cuts should not be deep. This can lead to cracks and wounds.
Consider other cases as well.
False nails are shaped before they are glued to the nail plate. When sawing, there is a risk of cracks. Your nail may interfere with shaping. For musicians-guitarists, nails are filed in a parabolic shape: an even edge, without sharp ends. For thin nails, it is recommended to use a special plastic - a pick. The first time a manicure may not work out. Only constant practice will help you hone your confidence in action.

Frequent mistakes
The most common mistake is removing the cuticle completely. This nail part protects the plate from infections. The more you remove it, the more intensively the skin will grow. Therefore, it is recommended to soften it and move it to the nail base.
An easy rule will help prevent the appearance of hangnails: smear the skin around the nail with nutrients. It is especially recommended to nourish the skin in autumn and winter.
An amateur fight against an ingrown toenail is common. Sometimes it is still worth entrusting to the specialists to solve such a problem, especially when he dug heavily under the skin and went into the depths. If you try to cut it out, you can introduce an infection, while the problem will remain unresolved. If you process your nails regularly, then these problems will not happen.

Another mistake is incorrect polishing. Some people think that polishing with a nail file can result in shiny nails. In this case, the nail plate loses its layers and becomes thin. It is recommended to use special tools, namely files with an abrasiveness of 900 to 1200 grit. Before polishing, nails and cuticles are treated with a nourishing and moisturizing agent. With the help of a nail file, it is gently rubbed into the surface. The nail plate gets additional elasticity and gets a mirror shine.
You cannot cut off the regrown part of the nail with scissors. You can lose its shape and cause serious damage to the plate, which will begin to delaminate.
For processing, it is better to use special nippers that cut the edges of the nail evenly. If you plan to remove a small length, then it is recommended to use a nail file, which will evenly file the edges and give the desired shape.

The main mistake when doing home manicure is to do everything quickly.
Manicure only outwardly seems to be a simple operation. In fact, processing requires concentration. You cannot work with a file chaotically, trying to quickly give the desired shape. The nail plates, like any part of the body, require care and attention. They bear the entire load when working with a varnish coating. Here, too, there are special procedures, the implementation of which is mandatory.
- Do not apply varnish unless a base coat has been applied to the surface.
- False nails cannot be torn off.
- Do not wear gel polish for more than 14 days.
- You need to remove the varnish with special liquids, observing the rules for working with them and keeping the required time. It is recommended to remove simple varnish with an acetone-free liquid.

There are not so many rules for the care and treatment of nails. Master them and your hands will always look well-groomed.
How to cut your nails correctly, see the next video.