Edged manicure: features, technique and design ideas

Almost every girl at least once in her life used the services of a manicure in salons, but not everyone has the opportunity to do this regularly and on an ongoing basis, as well as to purchase expensive equipment at home. What to do in such a situation? There is a great way out - a trim manicure. The procedure is quite simple, so almost anyone can do it. Let's take a closer look at the features, advantages and disadvantages of this type of procedure, and also get acquainted with the detailed technique of self-execution.

Nowadays, everyone knows what a classic edged manicure means - it is a procedure for treating nails and cuticles using special scissors and tweezers. It is also called "wet" because before cutting the cuticle it is often necessary to resort to steaming the hardened skin in water. The peculiarity of this procedure lies in the fact that with proper handling of the tools and observance of all the rules, it can be deservedly called the safest, simplest and most popular type of manicure.

Advantages and disadvantages
Like any other procedure, a trim manicure has certain advantages and has some disadvantages. For example, among the advantages can be noted the simplicity of execution, because this option does not require any special efforts, everything is quite simple. In addition, a trim manicure is suitable even for those who have not looked after the beauty of their hands and fingers for a long time.

The procedure does not require a large amount of equipment and funds, a minimum set is enough, and you can do it even at home. A trim manicure is a financially affordable procedure, the cost of which will suit almost any girl.
The disadvantages include the fact that although the execution technique is quite simple, it is still necessary to have some skills, even the most minimal ones.
This will help to avoid the occurrence of traumatic situations.

The downside is that the risk of minor injuries and cuts is quite high., especially if the girl has sensitive fingers and delicate cuticles. Surprisingly, among the shortcomings there are some health restrictions - edged manicure is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes, since even the smallest damage to the skin can lead to the development of purulent processes and a very long recovery and healing process.
The pruning procedure is considered to be quite dangerous, as the risk of contracting infections is greater.
In addition, it is believed that after a trim manicure, burrs appear much more often than with hardware processing of nails. It is worth noting that burrs can also appear during manicure if low-quality tools with dull cutting surfaces are used.

Required tools and materials
As previously mentioned, this type of manicure does not require any special tools and tools, the minimum set is quite enough. Let's take a closer look at what tools you may need and their purpose.
- Scissors or nail clippers are used so that you can easily shorten the excess length of the free edge of the nail plate. Some people use these objects to remove cuticles, but you should not do this, as you can easily get injured.
- File for processing the free edge of the nail.
- It is necessary to have special scissors to remove the cuticle, as with them the procedure will be safer and more painless.
- In some cases, you may also need the so-called scabbard - forceps designed to remove the skin of the nails.
- A container for water in which you can make a bath for nails and soften the cuticles.

- You will need a couple of dry, clean towels or heavy paper towels.
- To prepare the bath, you need to acquire special salts and oils, or you can use ordinary hand soap.
- Some people use orange sticks or a spatula. Typically, these tools are double-sided - at one end there is a pusher to push back the cuticle, and at the other end there is a sharp scraper used to remove it.

- If you wish, you can use a cuticle remover, but if you have the other tools listed, this is not necessary at all.
- To process the surface of the nail, you will need a soft file - buff, which will help smooth out all the roughness and give the nail plate a glossy shine.
- For decorative purposes, you need to acquire nail polish, and for a more durable coating, it is better to use shellac.
- At the end of the procedure, you must use cuticle oil or hand cream containing useful substances and vitamins.

Security measures
It is very important when performing this procedure. observe some safety rules.
- Above all else, make sure the instruments are sterile, even when it comes to your personal manicure instruments.
- Care should be taken to ensure that the cutting surfaces are sharp, and that the instruments themselves are serviceable, as there is a risk of damage to the cuticle and skin in the nail area, which can lead to very disastrous consequences.
- Handle scissors and other sharp and cutting manicure tools with care. If you handle it carelessly, you can easily cut or prick yourself.
- Still, it will be better if each family member has their own manicure set for purely individual use. This is not only hygienic, but also one of the possible ways to protect your own health.
- During the procedure, you need to have hydrogen peroxide and a cotton pad with you so that in case of cuts, you can immediately treat the wounds.

Preparing for the process
To perform a hygienic edged manicure at home according to all the rules and without harm to the health and beauty of nails, you need to carefully prepare. The first step is to equip a comfortable workplace. You should not carry out the procedure in a dark corner of the room, sitting on the couch; it is better to do it at a table in good lighting. Then you need to prepare your hands and tools for work, having previously disinfected everything.
If the tools are personal, and no one else has used them, you can get by with special gels and liquids.

On the surface of the table, you need to lay a towel or napkin and lay out the prepared tools. It is best if they are stacked neatly in a row at the edge of the covered surface. This layout of tools will help you keep order and easily find the item you need. When preparing for a manicure, it is also better to decide in advance on the colors and decorative design of nails and choose products for subsequent care.

Step-by-step execution instructions
After everything is ready for work, you can start performing the procedure itself. Let's consider step by step how to properly do a trim manicure at home.
First of all, it is important to know that work with the free edge of the nail plate should be done on dry hands before you dip your fingers into the bath.
In no case should you cut wet nails, as this can lead to brittleness and delamination.
In addition, chaotic movement of the file can also lead to delamination of the nails, therefore, when trimming the nail edge, it is worth moving in only one direction. The first step is to process the nail plate. If necessary, you can cut off the excess length with scissors, then use a file to give the desired shape, sand the irregularities with a soft buff and polish the surface.

In the next step, the skin around the nail plates is processed. For easier removal of overgrown skin and its hardened areas, you must first moisten your fingers. A bath with nourishing oils and special cosmetic salt is perfect for this. Pour warm water at a comfortable temperature into a special container and add other ingredients as desired. Before lowering your hands into the bath, it is necessary to move the skin near the nail with a special spatula, so the effect of the procedure will be more pronounced, which will greatly simplify further work.

It is necessary to put your hands in the bath and process the skin one by one. It is also worth noting that there is no point in keeping your hands in the water for a long time, ten minutes will be enough.
After the specified time has elapsed, you can start processing your fingers by pulling them out of the water in turn and drying them with a napkin or towel. With a spatula, it is necessary to gently move the skin near the nail again and slightly lift it. It is strictly forbidden to press on the nail plate at its base, since it is this part of it that is the most delicate and sensitive, and rough handling can lead to irregularities on the surface.

Subsequent work consists in processing the cuticle - the part of the skin that covers the base of the nail, which becomes rough over time, and the lateral ridges - the parts adjacent to the nail plate on the sides. To process the cuticle, special manicure scissors with curved long ends are used, allowing you to quickly and evenly cut off the excess.
The sharp blades of the tool prevent burrs and make your fingers tidier.
The side rollers also need to be processed with a special tool - nippers. They allow you to cut off excess layers of keratinized skin without affecting the soft skin and without damaging it. Thus, each finger is processed in turn, and then the second hand. If, while working with fingers on the first hand, the water in the bath cools down, you must change it by adding all the same ingredients.

The technology of the procedure is quite simple, the main thing is to follow the sequence of actions and accuracy when performing them. After finishing the processing of fingers, you need to go to care. This step is mandatory, because in order for the cuticle to grow less, and the skin of the hands to be always soft and tender, it must be properly nourished.

It is best to use a variety of oils for the cuticle. For example, an ideal option would be a product that contains vitamin oil complexes, as well as avocado, almond and jojoba oils. Tea tree oil is also suitable, as well as some pharmaceutical preparations, which include vitamins A and E. The oil should be applied to the cuticle area, rubbing slightly along the fingers.
It is important to take into account that the care products are applied strictly after all procedures, including the decorative design of nails.

For decoration, you can use both regular varnish and thicker gel coatings, depending on your preferences.
When processing nails with a trim manicure, there are no restrictions in the subsequent design, you can paint the nails in the same way as with any other type of procedure.
You just need to choose a decor for the shape and length of the nail plate.
For example, French manicure is very popular for long nails of various shapes this season. Various patterns and stickers look beautiful on short square nails, and a strip or any other decor that visually increases the size of the nail is perfect for small round nails. The final step after decorative design and treatment of the cuticle area with oils will need to be applied to the hands of a nourishing cream. It is best if it is a natural remedy with a composition rich in vitamin complexes and healthy oils.

Secrets of the masters
To easily perform this procedure at home, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the advice of experienced craftsmen. For example, most of them advise to opt for ceramic, glass or soft files. With the help of them, the processing of the free edge of the nail is softer, which reduces the risk of cracks and delamination, which cannot be said about working with a metal file.

To make the perfect edged manicure, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of time on it, the main thing is to observe only one rule - you need to trim the cuticle on each finger continuously and at a time, from edge to edge. Thus, the chance of burrs is minimized.
To prevent the cuticle from growing longer, and the nails to retain their beauty and accuracy for a longer time, you need to move the edge of the cuticle a couple of times a week with a special pusher or an orange stick.
Additionally, you can use hand scrubs and oils.

It is quite natural that any procedure may not be suitable for everyone, respectively, it may have both positive and negative reviews. But edged manicure belongs to a number of those procedures that are popular with almost every person who has no restrictions and contraindications. For example, many speak positively about the procedure due to the fact that it does not require the purchase of expensive manicure equipment, it is easy to perform it at home. In general, there are much more positive reviews, and in negative there are no compelling reasons that could form a negative opinion about the procedure.

See the procedure for a classic trim manicure below.